poohpooh's Friends
Aerraria 2StarAngel
Hi I'm 13 Loves To Sing & Dance People To follow: Fungirl27 Jazleah11 #AngelSquad Ok lets get it lets go
Aye Der AryaisOreos420
Its ya boi, Arya #2 dis mai 2nd account first got banned. Boi you touch mai face. I PREDICT THAT YOU PINCHED MY FACE K bye Get Filthy Pranked
Blue?????? atsuyasu09
【シルーオエット】 Day_1st
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greensquid wommygamergirl23
oh am really happpy about splatoon 2
gummy-wolf scarybloodshadow
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hermione harrypotter00001
Ms.Jane Princess_Jane22
Mari bellbutt011
fidgetgirl inkling-kicks
erica erica112233
minutes of mincraft
Bad Girl monikamieczkowsk
Haiii! My name is monika or BadGirl and i ♥ you guys with the miiverse and you guys have the best ideas with your starting point and if you guys want to friend me then please do and yeah oh one more thing all my best friends are. Brandy or barnett,Cuteghad,scarylucy,croworc,koolkid,fisherpeps,creepermater,Dryst,aunhi, last but not lest my self XD and if you want ro be my Best Friend then friend me
MDMiiverse Magolor17
Friend me before Miiverse ends so we can play together... I don't care if the admins ban me, go AHEAD. Anyway... I love you guys... thank you for supporting me... Bye Miiverse. 9 8 4 4 4 7 8 9 3 8 7 5 TYPE IT BACKWARDS FOR FRIEND
alani Alanismaria14
lm alanis l am an artisticgirl and I love super mario 3D world l wold getting new BFFs and l allways had to go in D.R in July I am gowing to miss you in the next year.
SKOP*Hana! PeraliaAuburn
Hello, I'm Lacie. *Apart of the SKOP clan in splatoon. My senpai's. *Gray off of Fairytail. *Jerral off of Fairytail. *Ciel off of Black Butler. *Sebastion off of Black Butler. *Eno off of Naruto. *МςνCristin *Haru off of Free *I absolutely hate show offs, some Jocks, and some preps. *If you were to go to my school, I'd be in the nerd, geek or loner region. ~Chow!
hi come play and hang out
jasmin awsomejasXD
ello ppl :3 am from united states am not from mexico Age: 12 Female иχ (member)
Esmene:) ETF_15
Hewo :) About me *I'm 15 *I'm Shy,Friendly,Nice,Caring *I "LOVE" my Friends and Family *I like to draw *I "LOVE" Music *I like hugs *I smile :) out of no where *I have 2 brothers: ~ Nathan 13 (2003) ~ Gabriel 11 (2005) I'm the oldest (2001) I LOVE them so much! Eating pizza lol XD *I`ll be 16 in October When i get older i'm going to help kids Have a good day :) Thx for ur time Peace out :)
TNS◆Squib Cherrytree4
Hoi. I be a new gamer wanting ze switch! i do draws and i play splatoon alot.
çâť CatCake619
how dare you clicking on my face.hah my name is Gabriel.I am ♂ .I play Minecraft most of the time go fallow Funny35 don't mess with her >:(. she is very nice friend. Just call me cat not cake cake plzz! and bye
Kelsey Sweet_CupCake66
Hi! You may know me from 12qqqw I made a new account but I still play on that account Just Re-do it Sweet_CupCake66 i think
jeremiah 2kmalach
Hi my name is jeremiah i like splatoon mincraft watch dogs 2 and mario kart 8 and i love to play xbox one and nintendo swich
ShadowWolf 32lovebird
hi im shad....and the leader of the RK clan boyfriend: KP (KawaiiPaws)#ShadPaws BFF: QueenDeath, John Adan,TFKZackS ,Dr.Carnage,Octogirl,RK★Cole and RK★Electro (plz follow all of them) Things i like: food, memes and puns
•…Lulu…• LuluSama17911
Please check out my Alternate Accounts. L U L U & Lulu, you'll find them in my friend list. Welcome to my Profile, the only things you can find on here are kirby drawings/posts and other things. If you wish to be friends please say why in the friend requests. Thank you alot. ( P.S. Follow M74... )
cutegirl alandrialutin
i lovealbe and so sweet and first alandria and i love roblox and i love everyone and i will respect everyone and i will accept your friend respect and everyone is cute and Bff is emma and jordan i help people who needs a friend bye friend me if you need a friend in mine and also have a question look at discussion and see and i play with my sis and i can wiiu chat and team mate rose ☆ashley☆
tutka SplatoonGirl1106
hello i love playing splatoon i might play mario kart 8 if u want to friend to play splatoon go ahead and i will do shout outs too see later
Victoria SplashMaster44
Hi there im victoria. I can be as nice as you want me to be. i love some games and acnl takes up lots of my life if you have anything to tell me im listening
ςάd★Rosie RoseLovespie101
Hello there stranger! So...... my favorite games are super smash Bros.. and splatoon.I have pokken tournament too,but i dont play much..If u wanna play just message me or on my drawing post.. My Favorite characters Are..Ness and Lucas! If im losing ill use pikachu,Kirby or jigglypuff.. xc I draw u something if u want..;_; I love Drawing..(I do better on paper), And i like Playing games ok bye..
breanne rosalina46
op op69000
Hi im op i am a new user so if you could tell me how to post and stuff it wouldbe cool =)
Ariana arianapuppylover
Sweetboo shamirsaxton
Get to know me Age:14 Name:Shay Favorite Game:Splatoon I love food and panda. Help me get these followers Friend me so we can play a game
♪☆Chloe☆♪ SnowSeals
Hello! I'm Chloe, I mostly play Splatoon and I do squid parties and hide and seek in splatoon. I'm an A+ rank :3 I love making friends and playing splatoon with friends! Oh and I have a 3ds I forgot to add it in devices owned ._. If anyone would like to do some squid partys, play hide-N-seek, or just do some squad battles just friend request me :3 Thanks for reading my bio♪♡☆ woomy~☆
Zelda Zelda_Drowned
Hi my name is Gaby (Gabryelle)! My favorite game is The Legend of Zelda, this is the BEST game IN THE WORLD! I love too FNAF (Five Night At Freddy's) and Creepypasta!! J'parle français, si tu comprend pas bah t'a rien à faire la '^' xD Si t'aime pas le nutella, tu seras jamais mon ami ! :3 300 abonner svp michii text meh please *^*
isabel starletta003
i love pupies for me i love them you come to me and hate them
vaeh.chan© PinkyGirl9000
hay everybody its me vaeh.chan i actually upload a few videos if u want to see them now go type Vaeh Gaming and if you do you will see the real me! im hawiie tho! larissa if you see this im not 16 im 14.bye!!!!!!! love:cudzu! bff:larissa evelyn ciage! twin:shadow.vaeh.chan! brothers:ethin maximize liandin! wild pet kitten:edword 2 kittens:hunybun surgerbaer aka tom! best bff in da world:LARISSA♥♥
rita ritabarton
Hi I'm SplatTale Sans. Sans The Skeleton i live in snowden with my bro Papyrus
emma Emma2008Scott
i love all games if you give me a new game i will like it and enay friends rekwest i will aspect it
のり sj198011
おはこんばんにちはー! のりでーす!よろピク
jadenwilli Jadenwilli
☆★APRIL★☆ TwistingCoast1
hi im ,happy , nice, smart and more i love lots of games you can be my friends if u want. if u follow me i will follow u i like to sing dance and draw and more ..i like anime (^-^) dont judge.my best friends are kaleeboo12 and oshawantt and NINA they are all nice follow them or friend request them or both it dosent matter so baiii love yalll !!! ‹(♥º♥)/oh and i love wolves and the color blue
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
wolf papaoscar11
freind me to play minecraft
Кς★©hλЯLi3 cl3437
Tm Tm Ya Hi Hi Ya, my name is Charlie, I have become friends with a lot of people because Mςvc Frisk was really nice to me thanks Mςvc Frisk c: 1000 followers 8-5-17 Thank U for 1000 followers Some good friends: ☆★ΑςħıΣΨ★☆ Allie Smiley Panda Fan Hay Zoey Tama Daan Alice and Jev Кς★ clan is invite only I have the Splatoon amino app Favorite Color White I love WWE ♥ ßγε ♥
Glorea~ muahxoxo_66
WELCOME TO MY PROFILE 'ω' things u need to know about me I'm friendly I don't bite i promise >:] -.-/ anyway u can follow me (u have finger go press that thing..) I love to joke with others όνφ friends? σωσ im 17 btw like it or not i am welp never be old for video games :P wyd thats it -.-
stace starlingrjr
Miiverse74 MrsT74
Mike Col Bets Kleo Volv Sio Aje DJBF WeeJ Maj Kait Maxi Sumo Vtilo Mat Tone DrZ Brock RDev LLuv Jesp BomR Mkukc Shel Malv Laika Andi Shae AyM Wolf Yates UHo Scott Baerch Iri Claudia Bidol Eddi Chris Rito Mel Craig GLord Josh Marf NOS Caz Zac Rocky Pich Fabi Nini Clea Dan Tad Jorge Pooh Anna Diego GG KitK Isa Cor Wil Frank Ali Ele Toni Ninj Blu 1L GSep Vic Chew Frisk TT JMon Suna DoD Dani VGirl Eva
Derick derick2536
hi guys i play splatoon smash bros. en mario 64 ♥♥♥♥★★★★★ be my friend if you want but hey it's your choice ok
Amy Amygeer
My name is Amy and I am a big fan of Nintendo and Rayman. I also love to Draw and I have a dream to be a video game developer and an artist. Amy's Status: Playing Switch Games. Favorite Characters: Rayman Globox Penelope Pussycat Shantae Mario Yooka Laylee Incineroar Lucario Kirby King Dedede Eddy Wander SpongeBob and More
no not yat