PJ's Followers
Melvin Katekemel
Hi,Ich bin Melvin und habe erfahrung im bereich mit nintendo bereits mit meinem 5 lebensjahr zuerst gemacht. Ich schaue auserdem gerne nintendo lets plays
derp winniekwin
i love to play with others ] friends with anyone do acept friend request i am a great friend i am mostly avalible every day (^o^)(^o^)[$$$$$$$$$ =youtube(^o^) RIP MIIVERESE
Jaden blindsight89
im going back to school this time 3rd grade so i wont see you in the morning in the afternoon i will see you ok XOXO
Vincent LewisVR
This user's profile comment is private.
lukey Iamjethro
francky civilmarfrancky7
whats happening
Sans Ianboy8218
Damian Duff332
Storm my6kidds
BG NOËL ★★ Ninou43120
cc qui veux venir dans la team bg si vous vouler ve nir dite le moi dans ma discusion
i like teamkirby
jacob jmasterflex0903
Markijay44 jaylencrater
I love all you guys that i have got to meet in this great nintendo community.Nintendo you really are doing your job and im proud of you guys
Austin Tc-austin2500
Profile comment hidden by admin.
cyrus castlecrusher4
plz sub my channel [on yutube] 2 continue chating im counting on yu »:(
jacario jacario
I'm Jacario I love playing videogames, I love drawing, I'm 12 years old, and if your asking, my favorite pokemon is Raichu.
CdemanTKCD psycoskunk
Tomorrow's the last day. Anyone else gonna post early? Look for Codeman-TKCD on 'DA' or search The Hamburger Who Believed! It's not over yet. Good Peeps (OCs): Skunky Cassiopeia [Cassy] Bad Peeps (OCs): Kuthroat Gang [Wink'n, Blink'n, Nod, Chuck] G. DAWG Cuddles Bala Ged Cool Peeps: Any of my followers.
toad06 merkulovv9
Josiah joj0brobro123
plz follow me iv always wanted for somebody to follow me and if u do i will follow u to!
Diana dallgaier
yo whatsup HOMESICLES my name is Diana I really like drawing and i love everything because i am a crazy person :3 and also don't post bad words please! and if won't stop being mean to me i will block you until you stop well thats pretty much it please follow me boi
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
Hey im paul but i go by pj.im a video game lover and spend most of my time on youtube