smick's Followers
jayden1226 jaydensoares26
Rafael Stark1497
!soy muy fan de nintendo desde pequeño ahora tengo 13 años y me siento bien nintendo es una gran compañia es grande ellos construyeron mi infancia estoy en otra etapa de mi vida estoy agradecido !GRACIAS NINTENDO POR SER UNA COMPAÑIA GRANDE Y MARAVILLOSA ! !GRACIAS POR LEER ESTO A JUGAR SE HA DICHO!
Jade ^_^ Jade1215
hello everyone i am jade and i am now 13 years old i like to draw and i like to play spatoon, minecraft and i play sonic boom when i am bored i am nice i don't really use Wii u chat... and my favorite color is red!! and i am shy :| don't forget that...(so i don't talk to people that i don't know) i will see you later ;)
alex marioiscool758
Shauhn FreshGoods
Whats up, im posting stuff and my goal for miiverse was to get comments, yeah's, and friends. I hope we can talk about make idea's for games i should get and what to build in minecraft. Hope you have a good day. :)
Mason freckherd
Hello im Mason and i do more youtube than games on my wiiu so...okay i hate kid youtube channels,sushi no offense,little kids screaming into their mics getting kicked for killing the server owner in battle and topple mode, mushrooms, kids who breath into their mic, and, school cafeteria food. That about sums it up now dont hate.
trey trey youngs95
Lebootski drichard1981
I am a Mario Maker addict!
gamehead lookn fa sum one to gamehead wit