Users russell Is Following
ThatASFGuy ThatASFGuy14
Hello people of miiverse. I'm just another person on miiverse that does random things. =P
'Sup everyone! I'm ★LegendDJ★, the All-Star Franchise Player and current reigning SSB4 All-Star Champion. I'm currently holding the title for 400+ days. I'm now the longest reigning SSB4 All-Star Champion today! SSB4 Title Reign Started: 5/09/15 @ 10:00 P.M. SSB4 Title Reign: 411 days P.S.: Thanks for 200+ followers! Later! :D #Stay Legendary
Dr.DooM scroungy
If u poke my face again!!!! Well anyway, Sup,I'm Dr.DooM,I like sports like Football,Basketball, etc. I'll probably make funny posts here and there. I like video games like Sm4sh,Pokken tournament,Splatoon,etc. My mains in Smash are: 1.Corrin 2.Lucina 3.Yoshi/Donkey Kong My mains in Pokken tournament: 1.Chandelure 2.Pikachu 3.Blaziken I will hurt you if u poke my pretty face again. PEACE!!!!
Times 243 xantuila6
je m'appelle Times 243 je suis jenti★★★★★★☆☆ méchante★★☆☆☆ drôle☆★★★ j'aime le jeux qui fais peur . je prend tous le demende amis♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥merci merci a toutes de votre abonnement¾♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Et merci a mon bb ♥Abonne Toi ♥
Sean.W sean_w_120
Hello, Im Sean Wootton. Im 25 years old, I love old games and Nice to My friends! :) My best game is Super Mario 64! Im a Fan of Mario, Sonic, Kirby, LBP, Zelda, FF7, Earthbound & SSB. The followers I got: 1000 on 24/2/2014 2000 on 12/11/2014 3000 on 3/6/2015 Thank you all so much for the great times on Miiverse, It's sad miiverse have to end like this! :(
Mr.Puppy joseph10682
He speaks for the trees ~ The Lorax
3dhappyboy allenramirez
Kadim Kadim247
Just a kid who loves videogames!
jelly skydemonwarrior9
its me jelly i love jpop anime late night gaming and don't forget to follow RIP satoru iwata you will be rememberd in our hearts new target 900 followers goal 1500
¯¬¯ jazminsnetwork
Radic Ray Rimmy_Stickmen
Hey there everyone im Radic Ray. Im an 23 year old artist/gamer who is chill and cool/ weird and bunkers!¿¦P. and sometimes really salty when angered. type of games i like: fighting, racing and adventure. favorite characters: Mario and Sonic i like anime i don't except blank friend requests, only ones with writing and reasons and i sometimes do Wii U chat. thats about it, ITS RADICAL TIME!
Joseph kejude23
sup people
frankie bigfrank0910
Yo whats good mah peeps. How yall doing today. Follow me and friend me if u ever want to play just message me. I'll message u back when i get a chance. BTW tell me if your getting a switch if so which one (im getting red and blue). Talk too yall later PEACE!
Ta'Veair taveair07
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chuckie hunterjettjennel
Hi everybody my name is Hunter.I hope i can make good friends,posts,and followers,if you follow me i will follow you back,and i really appreciate all the people who follow me so thank you everybody.
Colin Blu3Blur2.0
Well hello there random person! I'm a big time Sonic fan and hyped about the new games in 2017. Mario is great as well as I love the platforming and the spinoffs. I also play Splatoon which is my favorite game the Wii U with having a 1000 hours of total play time. My rank is S+ and my level is 50. I also tend to play Minecraft a lot and love the PvP. Challenge me to a bulid UHC match. If you dare.
loser erikromero04
Please dont OwO me if u do i will cry
SpeedyDude SpeedyDude99
Brandon brandon1942
Hey, I'm Brandon and I love smash!
FoN JJ superluigi83
Wally roxas1475
Hello to all new/old friends! Sadly, Miiverse will soon die off, but our connections we made can still last. Regardless of that, we should go out, meet new people, make new friends, form new relationships, and most importantly, become a better person, but through all of this, I will never forget the friends I made here and hope you all can say the same. Goodbye to Miiverse, but not to our friends.
∞Patrick∞ Luigi2019
Hey! Welcome to my main profile! I have another profile for my 3DS (Luigi2025). I will continue to use both accounts to make posts and talk to you all. Game series that I enjoy include Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon. I look forward to talking and gaming with you! See you in the gaming world! Current Account/Now Playing: Wii U [α]: SSBU/Super Mario 3D World 3DS []: Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (Nat'l Dex)
Laurent Lgris4
I'm a friendly person/gamer and prefer to team up in multiplayer games whenever possible, but when it gets serious I can become a severely focused gamer. Although i prefer team efforts, my goal is to become 1 of the best gamers... im a fast learner hehe. ;) I also have a 3DS XL. By the way, say hi anytime I'll respond eventually. :)
Moon★hue SomeoneYDK
Hello •ω• I'm someone in le internet (insert lenny) My favorite games are: Splatoon MKW(I don't really like MK8 xP) Minecraft Mario Sports Mix New Super Mario Bros. Series Pokemon Well...that's all you need to know about me...:v Bai I liek Memes èωé
josiah 0beyacts238
Hi my name is josiah. I'm 11 years old. I like reading,shooting my brothers with NERF guns,and most of all VIDEO GAMES.I play about 2-8 hours a day.
KENZIE øθø kenziedrawsstuff
ATTENTION ALL FOLLOWS AND FRIENDS! i got a the new 3ds and i somehow can't find away to transfer my old 3ds id to my new one. So there for this account its gone.... for now intill i find a way :/ so goodbye i will check up on this account ever so often. If there is no way i can transfer than i will tell you my new account. heres my account: kenziedrawsstuf2
ZaiIу LaDemone
- Am a silly ? - Tardigrade - One year to being legal - Take art requests - Loves my Sonic/Naruto/Dinosaur - I am swag - I love Youuu - Marry me today. This has been my most unproductive year lol.
Profitman zeldamaster2003
Hi, I'm Alex. Just another kid that loves games. Also I dont wii u chat unless its my best friend irl named theceeper5001. But my goal is to have as many friends (that are nice) as possible. Also, if you wanna see other cool posts, be sure to follow not just me but my friends, too. I wouldnt have this account if it were not for them.
The Killer Cleydius
My Top Characters in oder Link Toon Link Zelda Sheik Zero Suit Samus Samus Rosalina Greninja Lucario Mewtwo Young Link (Mii Swordsman) Killer (Mii Swordsman ) Cleydius (Mii Gunner) Nabooru (Brawler) Impa (Brawler) Villager Kirby Robin Lucina Marth Ike (For Now)
DEATH deathfist1
Didi didi5606
Hi I am a nice person will you follow me
tlee11 wiiuofpower
Mekhi deebo6584
Hello My Name Is Mekhi. I'm 10 Years Old, Birthday:November 5, 2004 I Like To Play Zelda,Mario,Super Smash Bros. For Wii U. In Ssb I'm Not Of A Challenge. Give Me Ideas About Things To Post. Mains In Ssb4 Ness Ike Ganon Link And Mario. See You On The Battlefield Bye.
♪♥♡!HEY EVERYONE¡♡♥♪ \,,/^▼^\,,/ ★☆thank you for all the yeahs, comments and follows!★☆ im Jessie! i love video games! hobbies? i love to draw and play the piano too! ★☆!thanx for stopping by!☆★ ps.NO wii u chat!! >:(
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