FREDDY$$™'s Followers
octavio OrionZ10
jente vamos jogar Disnei
Nathan B. Magic019
WALUIGI Wii_U_Brady_2006
Aw man, miiverse is leaving! Im so sad. I LOVE miiverse. I hope they move miiverse to the switch! I dont have a switch, but eventually, i will. Even though we have two months left, im really bummed. Its been nice, and im gonna follow everyone I know cuz Y not. Im really gonna miss miiverse. I made so many friends here. Now its leaving. This very sad and this contains alota nistalga. Bye Miiverse;[
Juli freeway56
hallo wie geht's? mir geht es gut ich hoffe das es dir auch gut geht!!! jeder der mir folgt dem jenigen folge ich auch zurück viel spaß noch auf meinem profil!!!
Camille Camille77430
Salut tout le monde c'est Camille Je fais partit de la TEAM FASHION Gentille:★★★★★ Genereuse:★★★★☆ Mechante:★★☆☆☆(Il ne faut pas me chercher) Jolie:★★★★★(La plus jolie du monde) Voila ! PS: mon animal preferer : le cheval et ma couleur : le orange #MIIVERSENEFERMEPAS Bisous a tous ABONER VOUS!!!!!
ink boy kittylitterXL
hello, i am john lutz im very good at games especially assassins creed and need for speed and splatoon! my favorite things are : games : my favorite color is CAMO! : need for speed :making ppl laugh! : assassins creed : and how to survive two! so have a good day and subscribe to Tomsonic41
LexioFR Axelsio
Salut à tous !
Nao Nao-idolgirl765
Hola soy nao soy una gamer idol que apenas tengo una wii u eso es lo malo pero al menos es para pasar el rato,de mi tengo 18 años estoy en la universidad asi que no juego tanto,me gusta la musica,animes,hablo english y leer incluso serie tambien,no acepto wii u chat lo siento,que mas espero llevarnos bien y otra cosa hago comentario de lo que mas me guste de sus actividades asi que sorprendanme
Vanoss matt7292
hi everyone u want play splatoon with me add me and we can play splatoon Vanoss♥Megs :)
Braxton braxtonmadison6
Name:Tommy Favorite Game Series: Kirby Favorite Game Console: Switch Favorite Game: Kirby's Return To Dream Land Favorite TV Show: Kirby Right Back At Ya! Favorite Food: Shrimp Alfredo System I Used: New 3DS/ 2DS Follow me, please.
★PAT◆☆ johnsonp806
ªºªºªºªºªº skygirli1
hallo ich freue mich jedes mal wen ich zu miiverse reingehe genauso wie ihr oder und ich freue mich über jeden der mir folgt. fühlt euch wohl in mein profiel. schönen Tag tüssi ihr könnt auch mit mir schreiben das ist das beste
Psycho_Boy Bernd2006
Hallo ich bin Psycho_Boy! Ich liebe : Psycho_Girl und Horror_Killer_Girl♥ Sprache : Deutsch & Englisch Meine Erzfeinde : Joker Harley Quinn und Crazy_Boy Crazy Boy arbeitet mit Joker und Harley Quinn zusammen. Und Horror_Killer_Girl ist mit mir zusammen und Psycho_Girl weiß nichts davon aber Horror_Killer_Girl will alle töten ausser mich und euer Tod ist nur ein K.O. für mich und Psycho_Girl
Dominiku dominickmarks
Hi I'm Dominick My Favorite Song Is Prblems By 6LACK. My 3 Favorite Singer's Are 1.IsaacJacuzzi 2.6LACK 3.The Weeknd.And P.S If It Ain't XO Then It Gotta Go. Also Did You Know That 6LACK Got Famous From The Weeknd. And That IsaacJacuzzi Is My Cousin. My Favorite Music Station is 92.5 And I love Brooke & Jubiel In The Morning!. And Remember Gotta Have Music Music 4 Life! Gamer 4EVER!! —Dominiku.
meredith sissybird101
Hi! Im willing to be friends so we could play games, call each other,and have fun together!
Jake imjacobyournot
Hi, my name is Jake. Thanks for viewing my profile! Give me a follow! Thanks for being around Miiverse. I'll see you til the end.
HiwayStar© diipurple
Favorites : In Rock Fire Ball Machine Head Perfect Strangers House of the Blue Light Abandon I'm a number one Deep Purple fan
HyperSonic HyperSonic1113
hi guys im hyper sonic i love sonic and also i made a very amsome world on minecraft and its called ultra bowser's throne world and its amazing! my favorite song is♪sonic forces fist bump♪ and another thing i don't do wii u chat maybe?
RobloxUser mariochamp787
hi im matt thank you all thx for friending and following me but it is almost time to say our good byes :( please keep doing what y'all do to me. I need more people on wiiu chat plz i need more friends to talk to plz .(^o^)thx (^-^)
Hola! Espero les guste mi perfil.
fabian sanchezssa
hi friends
Joshua gyjgggfdf
МмкPdawgΣΨ skeletonkey25
I have found my soul, but with the passing of Miiverse, I shall finally know the true meaning of sadness. It didn't have to be this way, but hey, I'm just a guy in the crowd, nobody special. I try to make people happy. I make drawings. Follow me if you want to, not because you feel that you have to. This is my message.
ŰΒJosmarĎΜ GoodKid2000
Holger Holger2004
Pumpkin1 16789l
Murray Yarrum1
Rest in peace, Miiverse. Tell Flipnote studio, Club Penguin, and Vine that I said hi. Had some great times here. :)
GLaTOS blazingtiger905
Hello my name is alpha and i hope you like my profile! Clans im in: $И/Super Nova clan $ИAlpha√(Coleader) Potato Butter Clan! GLaDOS is my sis(leader) And im coloeader! Follow my best friends! BUTTERLORD Asgore βχChimera OMNI EX Jordan And many more if you want to be on the list thank fell free to ask me.Have a great day!!!
ROCKST★R bigboyjj
This user's profile comment is private.
Matt SammyMatt8
Hi there, my name is Sammy! Please read below and if I have something that you have or like please push the follow button on my user page. Thanks!! Favorite Color : Orange Favorite Game : LIFE Favorite Food : Pizza Favorite Softwares : Minecraft, Splatoon, and Mario Kart 8. Age : 8. Friends : 13. My friends are all fun and nice! Thanks, bye!!!
Wassim Wassimou34
Bonjour tout le monde je suis Wassim j´ai 7an je voudre avoir beaucoup de abonner bref j´aime les jeux Mario Zelda et je ve être dans un club de Zelda MERCI;)
おっすー shio015
Mike EpicSwords
T dog 7D6V85
kabear1 mmorpg1002
i like to do football and bmx riding and making friends i like to hang out with my girlfriend go to an abandon places with my brother mm
JoJo JoJoPokeLover
Josue jousethegamer
Alex Xylvan
Hi! I'm playing: - Super Mario 3D World. - New Super Mario Bros Wii U. - Mario Kart 8. - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Twilight Princess HD, Breath of the Wild on both Wii U & Switch! - Super Mario Maker: Yoshi's Island Castle Style! (13B8-0000-035F-8E4E) Mario & Yoshi vs Giant Kamek! (057D-0000-035F-8E4A) The Path to the Starfield! (53BE-0000-033C-B3E4) Friendly, Alex
MGG MemeGodessGamin
I LOVE indie games like Little Nightmares or FNaF or Undertale In my spare time I like to draw or play on my 3DS XL