Samuel's Followers
あおのぬせ MARIAO424
フレンド募集中です!是非よろしくお願いします 僕はスケゾウと とよんでください
link issacrobertson
*hits blunt* who taught the first teacher
Samuel☆ Luigi0220
Hello I'm Samuel and I'ma go home and go bed!
Stampy YtStampyLongHead
Hello this is Stampy! I have made another account because I am not Stampylongnose anymore, I'm Stampylonghead!
けんたトゥーン urotanke114
Rivan RADeets
sup guys im a main gamer here so if you need help on splatoon or minecraft and terraira im there oh and also #king of gaming toatal boss i will duplicate stuff
Gaby TheZygerde
KD☆wøιf«● bozoryer
hey why did you touch my face so hard i am a yeah bomber are you still there you can leave now i also cant follow anyone because im following 1000 people my goal of followers are 450
nicholas superpower10
hi im nicholas i am a miverse youser who likes evrey nintendo game pluse minecraft clash of clans and five nights at freedys but i never played it but i love seeing uther peopole play it pluse i whant to folow as much peopole i will do alot of stuff about diferint vedio games and more so follw me and i will tri to post stuff evrey day
nazy anthonyalmendare
henry hrumfelt
hi guys remember me
Grayson braaahp31
My games: Nintendo land (Wii U) Animal crossing amiibo Festival (Wii U) The LoZ: BoTW (Wii U) Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) Tomodachi Life (3DS) Mario Kart 7 (3DS) Miitopia (3DS)
Ben thekirbys06
Hi i'm Ben! I love Mario, Pokemon, the legend of Zelda, Splatoon,etc. Plus, If you have any questions on games I am familiar with, just comment on my post about that game. Please consider following me! If you follow me, i will follow you! :-)! Dab on and goodbye miiverse!!!
Andrew FelkinsID
Hey my name is Andrew I'm 14 Live in California JCS MMHS I love watching Netflix. Stranger Things all the way! Always available to Wii U Chat. Accepting friend requests always. don't be afraid to call me on Wii U Chat
linkthaguy sanicmatmatmat
it ya boooiiiiiii .... i forgot my name.... but hi i am a goron DONT LOOK AT MY OLD POSTS THROUGH.... my old posts are for president!!!!!!! and president of nintendo THE LEGEND OF ZELDA FOR LIFFFFEEEEE plus thanks sooooooo much for all of the followers sorry but i cant follow any more people but thanks soooo much for the suport
monkeyman monkeyman20104
ninjago557 AndiMara2b
♥-lich Willkommen auf meinem profil ich bin Andi mein zweiter vorname ist Ramiro ich bin 8 jahre alt. Meine top 3 lieblings spiele sind:1Splatoon,2Minecraft,3Lego city undercover sonst noch viel spaß auf miiverse
Elijah X46mario
I am a very good gamer. every game, i learn quickly. challenge me if you dare!
Troy1One tdog1212
hi welcome to my people my rill name is troy so im so not itsidine for master ●going to switch sorry im play wiiu doz●
Frank txFrank81
Hello! I'm just a guy who has enjoyed gaming since 1984. Miiverse is coming to an end in a few hours.... Take care everyone! Time to play the song Memorabilia from Gran Turismo 5.
foxyfox 58 foxyfox58
Hay im foxy fox58 hopefully you will like all of my posts and hope that you will send me friend requests and i will add you to my friend list i will not block any of you im kind and cearing for others evan if i dont like that person very much i will still be kind and im also realy exited to meat more pep's and tuns more friend's and any one who has minecraft your i luck because it's my favourite!!
Arianna not_richard
Hello! My name is Arianna, my favorite color is blue and for fun i draw on pieces of paper so every drawing i draw on paper i draw it on miiverse!! Anyways, have good day. keep calm and draw on!!!
Drewy DrewyDragon246
Hi, I am Drew, but everyone calls me Drewy. I like to play Zelda games, Mario games, and Minecraft. Hopefully you will enjoy my content, and most importantly, Have Fun!!! P.S.I do not accept random friend requests. :'(
My B-day!★ nerdypie
Hello. I'm nerdypie / Sophie / Pie / nerd, (I REALLY have gotten annoyed with the ppl who said that) Ok, let's talk about me. It's my birthday on 19th of November! Make me a world for me or a Miiverse post! I like ROBLOX, Animal Jam, Minecraft, Terraria and Super Smash Bros. I like trains. BFF's: iceskate13, tuigimarvel, callumkimberly1 and langerer. Anyone else that I forgot? Nope. Bai! ♥•♥
Frosty iceskate13
Oh, hi there! Im iceskate13. I play super smash bros, splatoon, pokken tournament, black ops 2, minecraft and more! I love to play pokèmon on my 3DS with my friends because we always battle, unfortunately i don't allow friend requests because people send me them all the time and it's annoying, but apart from that i hope you all enjoy using your wii u, see ya!
☆ζмαηfΙιρ★ thehornes
Hello! I'm Cmanflip i love playing video games, and I hate school! thanks for coming to my profile! feel free to follow or friend me, I play super smash bros, super mario maker, tomodachi life, etc. TY:) Age: 14 Gender: ♂ favorite food: PIZZA Joined 6/11/2013 Birthday: 7/26 I DON'T WII U CHAT Owned: Nintendo Switch, Wii U, Gamecube, Playstation 2, iPad, 3DS I'm a yeahbomber :D RIP Miiverse :(
Sub-zero★★ SuperStar2345
hello sub-zero my 3ds borke got a new one am 16 year old favorite food chicken follow me i follow you my brithday is febuary 17 clan: мкg favorite games smash bros,majora's mask,trifores heroes,and new super mario bro 2 great drawer ★pako★
αi☆Glade Zanemain
My name is Glade.
hallo ich stelle mich vor ich bin J.Ich bin in meiner ID SPIELMITFREUNEN! (info) ich bin need for speed fan und splatoon!Fan wenn ich dich als freund hab können wir privaten kampf machen ich freue mich über jeden FREUND BIS DANN
Link Silverfox98
Hello young ones and welcome to my wonderful life Of Secret adventures Of surviving the Breath of the Wild!! and many more. if you'd like to hear the tips to pokemon moves old raichu with grey and seems to have wrinkle marks comes outta brush i smile at my oldest pokemon and first That started my journey from yellow all the way to dsi ds wii wiiu 64 nes lots
Mr. kitty Brayden1449
Connor connoradams2016
hi im connor and im a gamer i play Mario,Sonic,Pokemon,Legend of zelda and Minecraft! i all so have a great life cuz i love all you guys and my Miiverse fans! I also have millons of freinds :)! And i loooove play plushes!! so i hope all my fans and freinds see this note! oh one more thing sometimes i go to far on dlcs like new skin packs on minecraft... but hope you guys like this note love Connor
Hello I am Samuel and I'ma go home go bed