Users Kunobi Is Following
ZMDylan havalina2222
join the dab police today!
Chris NintendoChris
I'm Chris from Nintendo of Europe. I'll be hanging out here on Miiverse to keep you all posted on events and activities around the latest games! Sometimes I'll talk about old games too. I can't help myself…
Erika NintendoErika
I’m Erika, your Miiverse guide. I'm here to provide you with all Miiverse-related news and updates, so feel free to follow me! I love to play puzzle and adventure games and I'm pretty good at them, I think ;). My favourite character is Captain Toad, just because he’s so adorable! I look forward to seeing your posts and drawings, and I hope I can help you all out in Miiverse! Happy Miiversing!
TI*Allison lolligator
pink {P} 123456qazqazqazq
welcome to my top lists i try to make at least 1 top lists a day i mainly try to do 2 or 3 but i run out of ideas so if you can help me out by thinking of a list and tell me the in comments on any post that i made. and i hope you guys/girls like my top lists and make shore to check out my older top lists!!! and my new ones to!!! and if you like what i do follow me. and i do post series to!!
Cloud BlackButlerfan30
So, apparently I have been accused of... "copying" someone. Because I drew a picture of who they were being. Well, that works out logically. Doesn't it? I need to ÐĮЗ Calm down (Your name), Have a Skoda.
Rodri PurpleRodri
Hello there my Purple Banditos!
jacob jacobmj
dire wolves are gigantic wolves that existed around 10 000 years ago ,and that is .bum bum BUM! ME! my name is jacob .i am the master of skylanders, and good with super smash bros and splatoons. i am always available when you need me and always humerus with all things
Saitama japirate777
hey guys im a gamer. i actually like big the cat from sonic! let the flame wars roll
Ybied YbiedYanez
Hopa mis queridos pikachus, espero que mis mensajes y comentarios les agraden, me encantadibujar, el Yugioh y Pokemón, mi comida favorita es el spagueti y espero que seamos todos amigos. Me despido con un abrazo. Adiosito. :3
lil`kiwi tisopulos
You rock and I rock so follow me! P.S. Harry Potter is my life!!! Hi guys! I don't really know what to say..... Sorry for not posting! I have a Wiiu and 3ds but I only have one account. I am horrible at drawing so don't come here for art. I love to RP and I want to thank you for following me! Thanks for 40 followers! Have an awesome day! (:
cobaner456 Cobanerman1456
SoulSilver SoulSilver
This is my Profile Comment.
Tiffany TiffanyKudrikow
Orange MunchingOrange
I'm that dude from Youtube.
Sully SullyPwnz
I liek games and other stuff.
Luke ZeldaMaster2010
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Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
Sonic theron02
SC★Ethan ZoraFlippers16
My name is Ethan! My favorite games are zelda, sillent hill, and Undertale I wrote this 1 hour after botw was out I like to do top 10 posts, draw, and make people lol It's Frank's world, we just live in it. (I'm leader of SC★) I do WiiU Chat, but I have to know you good, and I have EVERY canon zelda game. I speak French! It is very hard to get me mad. My best friend is Nonami, and you some day!
Hiroto wifeymann
news: I have the switch!!!! i'm hiro I'm part of the stick man squad! i like to draw. i change my art style alot i'm not a she i'm a he my now most of my freinds and you should follow them my goal is to meet 1000 followers!(almost)
Colt Spekabyss
does any one want to be friends
NiTz♀ niniz18
sup, im Veraniz or better known as a person of the internet XD. *Taish, Lexi, Cassidi and Skai are some of my crapy friends XD *dont leave blank friend requests *i dont wiiu chat *favŸØÛTÚBËRŠ, jacksepticeye,markiplier,pewds etc. XD *im Taken ;) XD *ay i taste the rainbow, XD ïdk? oh, and one more thing y Go AwAy
τειιí #втs katiesaiyan
Heyo im a kpop fan, (a nerd. but idc) BTS-Yoongi bias Got7-Jackson bias Seventeen-Jihoon bias
I AM UGLY AlexKash19
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guardabelo Skellington1407
dede jacksonfam227
i like dogz my name zya my sis is nini she crazy funny she makes the whole faimly laugh im cooler i can tun fast i play bball and soccermy sisster cant that s the end of me tell me adout you im11 years old my sister is 5
Fluttershy fluttershy1212
sonic. mario. bayotten.
kingdad kingdadd
This user's profile comment is private.
Jataez ;-; kingjataez
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caleb calebchau07
White fox whitefox505
Hey there im whitefox and thats my name because the fox is my alter furry ego. I love video games and playing not stop. I am usually online so add me and we can play online together. idk what else to say lol
adan awsomeAdan
Alois Earl_Trancy
Emmanuel Emmanuel.O.P.M
Hi my name is Emmanuel this is my third account because I got permanently banned from miiverse FOR NO REASON. I like to listen to music and play basketball and chill with my friends. My favorite Hip Hop artist are A$AP Rocky. KR. Dom Kennedy. Kendrick Lamar. SchoolBoy Q. Mac Miller. Bishop Nehru. ASTRO (The Astronomical Kid). and JoeyBada$$. I have Mario Kart 8. Madden NFL 13 and NBA 2K13
Thiago thiago28
~ I'm 17, I'm from Brazil and love draw... and play the Nintendo games. :D Tenho 17 anos, sou de SP, gosto de passar o tempo jogando algo, lendo ou na internet. Gosto de séries, como GoT ou Breaking Bad, animes também, meus preferidos são One Piece e HxH :v Tenho Splatoon, Smash Bros e Mario Kart 8 pra jogar online. Então... se quiser jogar, só adicionar aqui.
YannEA Armillo
Yanni from Fuzzy Wuzzy Games: we made Armillo! That boy gets into ALL sorts of trouble... <sigh>
CIRCLE Entertainment. Many thanks for everyone support us! Follow us on twiiter: @CIRCLE_Ent Fackbook: CIRCLE Ent. Sometimes we will making giveaway.
Hi, my name is Viper♪. I am not very active on 3DS so don't expect me to be playing alot of games. I am usually playing on Xbox One though. My gamertag on Xbox is VeneomViper3214 if you want to friend me. If you have any questions, please message me on Xbox and I can answer them. I play a variation of games including Horror, Adventure, and Competitive games. |Youtube: EpicIsEpic|
bugybooboo FCortez
shawn Capt.Onesock
some one play with me please
Cooper KirbytoYoshi
(smash bros is legend...........wait for it ....dary legendary!!!! :) ) so i'm a person that pushes farther into video games if i fail i still go farther i've played many games in my life so far i even own an nes and a snes so if you follow me i'll follow you i will do many of who will win(s) so i hope you can stick around and see what happens (i also do glitches) (R.I.P Iwata ;-; thank you)
hello guys my name is kunobi. I like Pokemon ,Zelda Ramen nodules sushi duplings and waching car...
hello guys my name is kunobi. I like Pokemon ,Zelda Ramen nodules sushi duplings and waching cartoon networkand you tube now that i told you who i am I'll tell you my favorit games ok one of them is Pokemon X and Pokemon Black version Triforce Heros (I actually have those games