MemeSenpai's Friends
PikaCraftC HotCap
No se que poner XD
logan logant.191
ThatGamer ThatGamer101
Hi People i Am ThatGamer And I Post Stuff and Play Minecraft... (I Accept All Friend Requests) (^-^)
clayton vivedDragon889
§Xeno§ Himarty12345
Streety iiNoobNB
Oceani springfling2222
Hi! my name is Oceani i luv seaglass seashells seasalted chips cookies milk and the ocean! thats all ya really need to know ya see, im just a lil droplet like my friend OceanDraws us droplets aren't that speacal o.o you are still here?????? (calls waves) __/\__/\__/\__/\ / /(º~º)\ \ \ ___// /_/\_\ ↑↑ ↓↓ deep in water ↑º↑ well the GOODBYE!
peyton 1.34567qwert
gaterboy04 2662cwb
Salvador Star_Staition_0
Hellow ˙._.˙ The world may end ’.–.‛ I am a member of the SUN.STAR.CLAN °._.°
Paula pau8catt
Hola :) Hablo español y un poco de ingles para que no se confundan por favor siganme quiero lograr llegar a los 100 por lo menos please by my friend♡♡♥♥ Pd.Me encantan las squid partys y mi juego favorito es splatoon,amo a los gatos Espero que se diviertan y les deseo la mejor suerte del mundo. Hasta luego.
mr.c jonesfamclan
im always looking for a good minecraft battle
☆Bork456☆ Ambertail456
Profile comment hidden by admin.
hinton EristonN08
hi just trying to play with friend
Dwyfam dwyfam
Goodbye all followers because tonight miiverse is getting removed.It is very cruel of Nintendo to do this.I hope I will see all of you In the future.Goodbye :'(
hello everyone please do not be scared to make new friends i bet you have some please friend me im a undertale toca boca and bendy and the ink machine fan and please play cute wars its fun and i call my brother oakmeal but he is oak bueno i got his permission to do this so
raydogg187 raydogg187
I need more friends on this so plz give me more friend received
Cottontop 1cottontop
i loove minecraft
dad hklesser
i cant believe i got ban again for no reason like get lost miiveves
Kappers Jenkev9876
My Kappa's go to the "Kappa Mountain" To make Mario do the KappA Kappers KAIzo kaizo....
kingdabs kingdabs
super mario 3d world
AJ Little_A-Team1
hoi! my name is ALEX I love minecraft,saper mario maker,the binnding of iscca,pokemon,five nights at freddys,robloks,undertale and youtube BTW if you bully,swaer,chaet,kill people repeatedly and not stop make your ona roles unless if it's YOUR wrold,you are makeing samething that needs roles,the role is good you'l get kicked or blocked so ya have a good day and I hope I get 50 or 60 followers!
Sans eli505eli
heya the names sans, sans the skeleton and im a pretty puntastic guy my bro paps told me to go on this wii u since were on the surface now and saved asriel and my dad gaster heh and the human promised to never reset oh and by the way if you hurt my friends you will have a.... B A D T I M E but overall im a pretty friendly guy im puntastic to heh welp paps is coming and hes mad about the pun bye
sean SsEeAaNnM
Hi I am Sean and I ike playing minecraft and splatoon I would like to make lots of friends
Sans weeeeeyew
Hey there i'm sans and i play undertale also i like minecraft,undertale
Chris KevinTheCat1
Matt MattAttack25
Trevor trevornrj
hello every one im trevor 11 years old almost 12 in december, and I like to play video games, watch youtube, make youtube vids!! and games i usually play is super mario bros. undertale super smash bros. and many more... also my bro will run this account so yeah...
★MMP★δшεл RussellFamilyCPK
facts: I am a member of the clans MMP, MX, MME and MCE! i love mario maker! i'm friendly and answer friend reqestes! my levels are very fun i have over 1k stars! feel free to friend me and/or follow me! by!!!(: ●¬● (^^) (^-^) (^o^) ^●^ ^o^ *_* ^_^ o_o =] :-> +_+ /_\ "." =_= -.- '_' :/ ?_? !_! \_/ :) ._. -_- :-: )( &_& $_$ #_# %_% @_@ (._.) -.- 7.7 \(^o^)/ {*-*} I DON'T DO WII U CHAT!!!![][][][]
sladar45 twillems
★τοαςτ★ superpower21
Welcome To My Profile!
Geno 1305SLM
HI I saved money for this I love my wiiu with SO MANY friends that are awsome!!! Here are some dhern6 Mercy_Cloudz vandys15! PLZ be my friend or flou me! Has switch!
★Flame★ pookieh
Hi there,Im Flame if you want to know me here are some tips 1. I am 16 years old 2 I like to play Super Mario Maker. 3.I have alot of games,you name it i have it 4.I am very nice 5.I own the new Mario spinoff game Mario Tennis:Ultra Smash! I also own Skylanders Imaginators! Hype for Justice League Part 1 Hype for Avengers:IW BFF:SF κγιέ
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
drew drewisclutch
This user's profile comment is private.
Noah luigi_art
Hi I'm Noah! I love Mario games.
Tim timpetersen1
DEMONBOY87 momdadggjjhyhgjk
i like minecraft and games. in minecraft i might be deadly but i will always keep it 100
Barry bjazzyb
luigi panjwani1234
Hi, would you like to be friends? This account is shared between 2 players and we both love nintendo. We would love to play minecraft with you! We also love clash royale and clash of clans.
enrique marianoelia
Hello people and my name is Sebastian Franco. I love gaming and playing online. Sometimes I will be gone for long but who cares. Thx to all my friends and followers. Check out my journal and see amazing game times and builds.
cattttttrz ashketchum0600
toxic matty679
This user's profile comment is private.
XxashxX cameronmonk
your XxashxX? yes do you draw? yes on a scale from 1-10 how do you rate your drawing. 6ish and 7ish. yeah plz follow me and yeah thx MemeSensi and MemeSenpai for the yeahs and friend me if you like minecraft
Aidan KeepinitSteel
Hi im Aidan my birthday is september the 6th... i have united with some of my freinds and dont wii u chat me it wont work my best freinds are down below ZacharytheBoss5:tigersfan76:canonball:purpleguy567:Chinbitts A.K.A Ness
I like to play Call of Duty black ops lll,Batman ,DOOM,Madden 17,Splatoon,Minecraft,Wwe 2K,Mario ...
I like to play Call of Duty black ops lll,Batman ,DOOM,Madden 17,Splatoon,Minecraft,Wwe 2K,Mario kart 8,Super mario 3D world,Super Mario Maker,Mario tennis ultra smash and super smash. If you have a mario Maker level tell me I will play it and star it and probability follow you. And Also Friend me.Also I have PS4.