scott's Followers
PυŁςε⇔.ıI÷ Eth_1123
Hello Mııverse!!!!! I'm ξτнαπ. I'm diligent and nice!!! I'm just a 11 year old boy who has autism, but lives a normal, happy life. Bans: 0 Reported Miis : 1 I Have a Switch Clans: MКЯ ιξr Hobbies: • Playing Mario • Ragdoll Cats! • Our awesome clan МКЯ! (MarioKartRacing) (6th Worldwide best time holder at Wuhu Mountain Loop [Maka Wuhu] (MarioKart 7) Я.I.P Miiverse 2012-2017 - PυŁςε⇔.ıI÷
Kam hamkam64
Yo! I have a face, you have a face, we have stuff in common already! Fwends? :D Fandoms (cause why not?) YOUTUBE - pewdiepie, jacksepticeye, markiplier, game theory, nigahiga, game grumps, Thomas Sanders (if it counts :D) MUSIC - Coldplay, Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, Green Day
darksta darksta69
get supersmash3d today
Gabriel GabrielBlondet
Hey, I'm a singer/songwriter from Miami. I love to play games too :) Subscribe to my Channel: Gabriel Blondet
ςγηταхΒΘY™ Syntax_U
Profile comment slain by admin. I'm a proud poster of the Vinesauce GeePM's Weekly BUFFSTUFF thread.
☆_#1Swag_★ moham11
Hey guys.Its me ☆_#1Swag_★. I'm also some type of pun maker.I love to play with friends! I have a mario kart curse (annoying -_-).I really hope we can be the best off friends! Erza★WRS is my best friend so follow her plz. See ya :)
lcorn jr spender03
how do i post message me please
ItzComboMC ItzComboMC
Ola Muchachos!!! And Happy new Years#that go's to u to iwata!!! Sup guys and gals David here today and so far i wanna thankyou for the 67 followers u gave me and im trully blessed...But my goal this year is to reach 500 or 1000 followers by the end of the year and all i need is u guys support on that...And its your old pal ddonfleek247 if u r passing by just follow ill follow back!!!(bye) \{·~·}/
Ariel Arieldlino18
Jake mrjake55
Holl Maree Holli1234hyy
Welcome Guys. My name is «Ħöļļì Мàŕëë» I am 12 turning 13. My friends name is ~#*( ·_·) Chloe, Crystal, Braith, 100%Blayne.J-K.~#*(·_· ) Thanks for the 440+ follows. So that is pretty much it for now. 100%Blayne.J-K ( ·_·)Hi Guys What Doing (·_· ) « T.A.K.E.N »
Treven powersmash123
Hi, I'm a Christian! God is number 1 :] I'm sporty. I play basketball and baseball. I sprint too! I like to play SSB! I also really want Animal Crossing New Leaf! I like any game with Mario or Sonic characters in it, but I'm a beginner lol so don't judge :/ :3. I also like to have fun because I'm a blonde :], even though I'm an independant person
PsiMax PsiMax
Robert DESTROYER-1997
Hello my name is Robert.I would describe myself as passionate,analytical,and stubborn. I don't allow friend request unless I have already communicated with you on miiverse several times before.I no longer accept friend request to play smash with others since my wii U does not have enough data to update smash bros : (
rockforcer lilibeth12
caedmon Jonesicus