Jack's Friends
IcyKnight™ CaramelKittens
Hi My Name's ♪Dīαмопd♪ Real Name's (James.Y.B) I Like My Little Pony... It Has Boys Sooo Yeah.. Move On Down :) ♪♭ye!♪
pinkie pie emmarules18
Hey, I'm pinkie pie. I have different names on my 3DS collection. Expect posts from my wii U and "Tink" I only wii U chat if I can trust you. Also I draw mlp gore in spare time. I love pastel gore and Black-and-white gore. Expect pastel and black-and-white gore posts please! See you soon! Also I did make a song once.
Dartrixx Bonnie1234bunny
My name is Dartrixx and im a fan of Earthbound/MOTHER. I also like drawing,(even though im terrible at drawing)and Video games. So yeah thats pretty much it.
turtlecake y3110wj
- <3 mario kart - 14 years old - anime lover - friend me :) -bravest worriors catbug,sugar peas
Jerry 46oiram
sigh....well, i may or may not change my Jerry mii to look like my original mii...... maybe.... dang
Niall TheNeonGamer101
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Chitanda Derpyhooveslol
Profile comment has been hidden by Admin Jk its me the so called "Artist" (That has no skill) dont mess with me Mr. because your talking to the queen of toast the III
Niall gamerniall
My new main account "TheNeonGamer010" This is just a back up account, alright? ..... and yes, i do wii u chat.... -_-" ...... .... *sips a cup of tea* ..... im just gonna wait till you leave and check out my new main profile.... o-o ...... *drinks the rest of the tea* ....... GO!
B&TIM Fan pipiolo1972
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luigi Rexar127
Logan LokeKatten
This Miiverse Account Is No Longer In Use. I'll Post The Occasional Screenshot Or Drawing.. But Yeah... Bye Miiverse.
jim JimJack
hi guys! i am on my dad's account, my main acount is jack GR (searun) this is my spare acount for if i get banned, this account is all of my drawings, pics, or requests posted from art academy. injoy my second profile! p.s mind that i have facial hair...
scrappy2.0 segaguy45
fighting game fanatic! tekken street fighter you name it! status... not doing so hot..
Rath Rath_kid
Stats: Age:21 Full Name:Alexander Snyder Self Given Title:Cartoonist Extraordinare Slogan:Obscenities Hey there miiverse traveler! Welcome to my humble profile! Check out my posts! They're all cartoons here for your viewing pleasure! I'm always down to roleplay and commissions are a go with me! Shoot me a message! Shoot me a friend request! Shoot me!....IF YOU CAN FIND ME! *smoke screen appears*
Niall Nialler123
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Evan TurboRacer
Hi there! I'm Evan, The Brony Jesus Loves. Age: 21 Height: 6,2 Gender: Male Blood Type: B, neg. Occupation: Veterinary Technician. Favorite Manga: Blue Exorcist My favorite game series's include but are not limited to: Fire Emblem, Pokémon, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Pikmin. I also a huge fan of My Little Pony. My favorite Pony is Princess Luna. I have 2 cats and a dog. This is WHO I AM!
slystham slystam
Du game boy à la 3DS XL, de la Nes à la wiiU ma vie de joueur à toujours été accompagnée par bigN. Pour ma part j'ai 26 ans, c'est donc à peu près 20 ans de bonheur, surprises et de magie. Accro aux LoZ et à notre chère plombier moustachu. Pour rien au monde je ne pourrais rater une console de notre très chère NINTENDO. Merci et continuez d'innover et nous faire rêver quelques soit notre âge.
New status: i don't post on miiverse that much.
Sorry friends and followers D:
New status: i don't post on miiverse that much.
Sorry friends and followers D:
-playing roblox
i love to draw requests, so if you have one, tell me.
[Awesome Friends]
-Danielle- Best Friend_always there for me_
-Nyan- AKA. Little Sis, That i never had
-Dimitri- Best Buddy
-Rath- Artist of talent
{currently}- Out of style _-_
status- summers amazing :)