What's the use of September 10th if Miiverse is shutting down?
CoolMan123's Yeahs

Same. That post was inspired by some book a group of kids made after 9/11, just so you know how it happened. Listen to Vpop and some Tpop, like SoundCream.

Maybe this is all some big prank to get more people onto Miiverse, maybe when 10 pm hits their gonna come out and say its a hoax...
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

Goodbye Miiverse!
I can't post in the NSLU community anymore so I had to say it here. Bye Miiverse. It was absolutely nice getting to know you all. With all the ups and downs, I had...
I own a switch with gray joycons.
MRB is the my best miiverse friend
Joined April 4th, 2016
I own a switch with gray joycons.
MRB is the my best miiverse friend
Joined April 4th, 2016
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PaRappa The Rapper pro
I ♥ Burgers. They are YUM YUM IN MAH TUM.
I think that nintendo is weird for shutting MV down.
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