★David★'s Followers
ねあん tkdnoyk
*♡こんにちは~♪ゲーム大~好き♥* フォローしてくれたらお返しします!!!! よろしく!!(>∀<dз) ハニワ大大大大ー好き♥ そらまふうらさか大大大大大ー好き♥ 『マジ天使⊂(♥ρ♥)⊃』 そんな私ですけど 『よ・ろ・し・く・ね!!!!』 「ゲーム大一好き(^q^*)
Johnny☆BT AwesomeBoy102
Hi! Im new here! And, I like to play Minecraft!
madnose popcharles101
name-charles age- 13 favorite games- pokemons, marios zelders, nintendos friends- joel,daniel,paul i post super mario maker levels and pokemon stuff i love smm more i host competitions i am smart i love clash royale in arena 8 no legends clan troops of light i am sometimes weirdæïîïîîïíöïðïõôâììñ
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Matthew JimLoren
Hi I'm Matthew Loren from Alberta, Canada, I am 12 years old and my Birthday is 28/07/2004 I love Pokèmon, Minecraft, Call of Duty, Trampolines, and Wii U Chat. My favorite Youtubers are Dantdm, Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Pewdiepie and Logdotzip. I love to discuss Pokèmon.
kazuki!! vyfynhjbmvjhyv
バトミントンが大好きです!! 少し同じ名前の、カズクラよく見ます!!
Miyamoto MiyamotoWiiU
I post stuff about lego city under cover!
ςαяα sarajimenez
♥ησηъгε♥ςαгα ♥αήσς♥δîεζ ♥ραîς♥εςραήα ♥сîμδαδ♥ςενîιια ♥αηiмαι ƒανσгίτσ♥δατσ ♥γσμτυþεя♥ειгμþíμς ♥ ƒίςίсσ♥ ßμεπσ (♥_♥) (^_^) (*_*) ♥ρμεδσ ςεг țμ αмίġα♥ ♥αсερłσ ωîî ų сħαł♥ ♥PUEDES LLAMARME CUANDO QUIERAS♥ ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ \(♥_♥)/ ♀♥♂
◆Mαгκ♪ PrezFlake
16 | Mk8 player | Semi-Active Feel free to send a friend request if i've played with you
Drew MrJurassic
Charlie EpicCSB
I like to play Splatoon, Smash, and Mario Maker.
Kenny oblivion88
To anybody who cares my discord is Kenny #9500 HAVE FUN TROLLING TONIGHT_BITCHES MIIVERSE IS_FUCKED AF
Ryan sneakers456
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TERMINATOR alphonsina
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уυκı H.YUKI0825
14才の中学3年生の女です。 いろんなyoutuberが好きです。 仲良くしてね。よろしくね。
ashley ashleycash
bronson puebla1992
Hi! Th' names bronson. My favorite games are SUPER MARIO 3D WORLD & Mario Kart 8!! I'd like to be your friend. So, yeah, I'm 14 years old. I'm a gamer!
☆♪Sρidεу♪☆ ALTaccount235
WHAT UP, IT'S SPIDEY , AND WELCOME TO MY PROFILE NJHS member (Dashie reference) I'm male, not female My main is perma banned (bevermikeyjenga) Stay close to God! †♥† What happened? I had so many friends back on my main account. Now it's permanently banned. Then I went inactive for a long time. I use this account the most now and most of friends don't remember me.
Adrian adrian2409II
REAL ACCOUNT: adrian240911 (January 2013 - July 2013) (Reason: Account lost on wii U warranty include e shop purchases and wii purchase)(Revived in: November 30 2014 - Present) 2ND REAL ACCOUNT: adrian2409 (July 2013- June 2014)(Reasons: Console Banned) CURRENT REAL ACCOUNT: adrian2409II (July 2014- Present)
Herson NewHersonIsCool7
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Daniel DanielMarquez
What I Like are 3DS and Wii U's But out of all those my favorite game for 3DS is Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon and for the Wii U it's New Super Mario U
яιησ♪иøαн♪ randudedom
Hi, I'm really cute, and welcome to my profile. I'm a really nice mouse and I love posting!!!!!!! :D #Gaming Real name:Noah Clan:®ш, racing witches!!!!!! I'm not the leader, but I know there's only 3 members right now. Please join rw!!!!!! ;D adiós! nvm Favorite color: Blue favorite song:Truffle Butter adiós!!!! BD
ŘįĶ™ rikgoffin13
Hey allemaal :D Mijn naam is Rik, en ben 14 jaar. - Ik ben erg sportief. - Hou van rondhangen met vrienden. - En heb schijt aan school! Mijn hobby's zijn: - Freerunning! - Parkour!
Merce blanqui1969
Hola. Como estáis? Espero que bien :-) Jugo a muchas consola\Videojuegos Los juegos de wii u que tengo son: Splatoon,Mario Kart 8,Nintendo Land,Mario 3D World Mario y Sonic en los juegos olimpicos de invierno, Mario Bros wii u + Luigi u Mario Party 10, Wii Party u y Super Smash Bros Bueno si quereis jugar decidmelo y ya jugaremos :) Bueno adios! PD: Soy un chico de diez años
»Silνεя« BananaClipperz82
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Aoka*lav hina.12
今後こちらでの活動は致しません と、思ってたけどもう少しだけ延長戦いきます、笑 フォロワー様ほか関わって下さった全ての方に愛と感謝を込めて そして、またどこかでお会いできることを願って D.Gray-manのラビが大好きです 見知らぬアナタもきっと惚れる Aoka 03 April 2017 p.s. サービス終了に際しまして、ささやかにお礼をしたい はじめて画面越しの人間にリプライを送り 共感し 時には協力しあい 自分を表現して この感動を共有しあえた そのような場所がここであった事 とっても、とっても楽しかった 今はどこか別の世界で、 ひっそりと暮らしている まだ別れを言うには早過ぎる 同胞よ 蒼く白く拡がる空を駆ける大鳥のもとに集へ 私はここにいる Thanks,Miiverse and you.
danndey BBBBBBBBBBB11111
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bubby coledws1
say-so selling
Vwtfl Joe TheRealMegabustr
The hero has arrived! Welcome to my giantess gallery! The BIGGEST collection of giant women from video games on Miiverse. That's right, high-quality giantess screenshots delivered straight to your eyes! Be sure to follow me for the latest installments in the G series. Making the collages have been super fun and I hope ya'll appreciate my giantesses. HENSHIN-A-GO-GO,BABY!
crash nhgvfd
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Peanut JamesDimino
Hi everyone my name is peanut.I like to Nintendo Land, Skylaners, New Lugi U, Mario 8, and Marvel Super Heros. And I need my 500th follower and have 450 so need more!
Johnny! lego.lover2
Hey peeps! ............... This is Johnny ............... Age-14 ............... Type-Single ............... Does-Wii U chat ............... Loves-All his budds ............... Needs-A girl LOL ............... Hopes-To see you all!
★SDM Ben★ darkbentrevi
IM ★Ben★'s DARK SIDE!!! MUHAHA!!! if you want to join the dark side, you have to have a dark user. try not to make me mad! I just made this acount, just for fun! btw, if you want to be friends with me, your user has to be a DARK mii, NO LIGHTS!!! (BTW, if you want to join SDM, ask SDM Collin) Prisoners: 2 Why are you here? Get out ¬_¬ HAHA BYE!
pop354 figureoa
meep football123456qq
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Josh joshua2249
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#Destiny.J destreddadam
☆☆Jaiden☆☆ jaiden7mario
Hi. I'm Jaiden. I have been on Miiverse since 2013. I have had friends here who have come and go. Amazing friends. "I'm a gamer with a big heart and a big dream"- My main catchphrase. MIIVERSE is ending, so goodbye. Hope you all are successful.
I am ★David★
I am a nice user that posts various gaming related posts every weekend!
I am ★David★
I am a nice user that posts various gaming related posts every weekend!
My best miiverse friends are: Ryan,Ben,Collin,Jason,and Travis!
My birthday is on May 24th
I am the owner of A.M.B.A
See you around Miiverse!
I cri for all of my 300+ followers i love you all ;-;
Last updated: 5/18/15
I'm BACK!!!!! And Yuki is still my senpai <3