Users mommy Is Following
GoodbyeThx Umnamed
Adiós :'( Nombre:David Quiero que sepan que disfrute mucho estar con ver sus publicaciones Espero que nos encontremos en Switch Que todos se la pasen bien en estos últimos momentos que quedan Que Dios los bendiga y que les vaya bien en el futuro Aqui se despide de ustedes su buen amigo David Herrera Chao
ÑÎGĦŤмάŕě hood05
Ħēĺĺő fгîêñdš Łėť мê ťěĺļ yôù мÿ fàvõŕįť ťħiпgś Animals:Dogs,Dolphins,and Cats Fam Colors:blue,green,and black FamilyHere:Texas,Beverly,Caitlin,Vicky,Alice,Nicolous,Aaron,Kenneth,Undertaker,Yomomma.... (If I missed anyone please forgive me) But thats all I wish you a very good day☆★♡♥:D
caison mjhug85
hi my name's caison strange i know i'm a DRAGON BALL Z fan anyway i do wierd but sometimes funny posts anyway stay boss (like kirby) follow me for follow back if you don't get it the day you follow i'll do it when i check my miiverse anyways (again) (^o^) stay fluffy and pink because i'll see you pink puffballs later bye in the name of kirby i'm joining a clan help please :D
lil bro eting15
Pikaboss Pikaboss-lol1233
h0i!! i´M TemMiE!!! Nah I´m Pikaboss!! Look, I can´t tell you interesting things about me, I post weird things, but if you follow me, YOU ARE RESPECTFULL!!
isaiah isaiahrules12345
T.O tox360
Hey, I'm T.O. Im a funny dude who plays videogames, and like to draw! But I don't do Wii U chat. I'm sorry! Rules: I don't tolerate rude comments about me on any of posts. I report people who insult me. If you continue to break my rules on my posts than I'll block you. I'm also a founder and leader of TΩ
♪◆Lucia◆♪¹ PansPV3
Hello girls and boys. ***thank you for 351 followers*** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
andrew flyingllamaAL
I own a lot of games and im pretty much good at all of them. well i hope you like my posts and follow me too. if you have any questions just ask in my open discussion. its ok if it has nothing to do with the content.
Lilix 0_0Peace
Profile Comment Unavailable To The Eyes Of Humans ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
fnaf freak fnaf-freak-1987
fnaf freak just want to say HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY
Mario polskiinternet
Hi guys is me Mario And Go Start And This Is My New User Click In My Old User PL Czešc Jestem Mario i To Jest Mój Nowy Profil Kliknij Na Mój Stary Profil 1985-2017 © Nintendo Co.‚Lid.
Solgalera solgalera
toi. oui toi ter qui ? Bon pas grave. salut tous le monde c'est Solgalera oui le pokémon ... Bref ci ta cliquer sur moi c´est que tu t´ interaise à moi . objectif 1000 abonner . commanter mes publications et mettez un joli petit ouais . abonne toi et je te le rend !!!!! merci!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dessen encor encor un peu aller PS:dite si j'en demande trop.
Zoire zoire2
Roman romansfun
Profile comment hidden by admin.
#LINKskrim bebetortuedemer
tu a cliquer sur ma ptite tete ALORS TU DOIT VRAIMENT VRAIMENT VRAIMENT AIMER OU MEME ADORER ZELDA (OCARINA OF TIMES) NÉSITE PAS A COMMENTER ET SI SA TE FAI PLAISIR ABONNE TOI MAI QUE SI SA TE FAI PLAISIR HEIN LOL XD !! gentil★★★★★ mechant★★☆☆☆☆☆ voilli voillou !! lol fai un ptit tour sur mes commentair ! mrc QUOII deja les 460 abonner 'o'mrc vrm mrc bcp je vous aimes a+ vien discute
Nicogamer1 Nicogamer1
hi guys is nicogamer im a comment im a drowing and im a gamer :0 and im 10 and i do anything you guys said just following me and lets get up to 3000 so good juck asking me some questions and tell me waht to play or drow
サエ NintendoSae
Miiverse案内役担当のサエです。 任天堂からのいろいろな「おしらせ」をお届けします。 頑張りますので、よろしくお願いいたします!
hannah tonyofamily5
follow me on miiverse
グッチ Hokuto9015
みなさんこんにちは ぼくは、マイクラ、スプラトゥーンします。 よろしくお願いします。
ëюřĦ_うか*~… sakuya_509
自・己・紹・介♪ どうも皆様こんにちは、こんばんは♡ 有名な動画投稿者、あかぎつね咲夜*です サブアカウントです♪ 是非お気に入りの一枚に共感宜しくお願いします♪ フォロー*してくれたら*100%返します♡ 性別*女子 誕生日12月23日[祝ってくれると凄く嬉しい♡] 好きなこと ドット絵作り♪絵を書くこと 嫌いなこと ミーバース終了……… 主に絵を書くので、毎日見てくれら、フォローします♪ 無言フレリクは受け付けません☆ テレビ電話できます! マイクラでチャット出来ます♪ 仲良くしてくれると嬉しいです ここまで見てくれた方ありがとうございます♪^^
abe bribri1717
Hi my name is David i like blue i play sports i have brown hair i play soccer and baseball football and i like under armour i am a zebra i have 90 friends were i live linkin is my is my best friend he was my friend for 2 years and have a good day !!!
Tanib blue_rain247
Hi! i'm Tanib. I like watching animes. I like splatoon, minecraft and binding of issac and I also like super mario maker, and Undertale. My favorite song is megalovania from a game called Undertale. If I had to choose my favorite anime, I would do Gurren Laggan.
steven stevenhunterrock
my name is steven im 27 years old i like to play mario mario kart 8 and super smash bros. too my favorite sports are wrestling football and bowling i also love to sleep
Nin★Мarco MarcoSaumer
★Hi I'm Nin★Marco♪ ♂ and 16 years old.★ ♥Nintendo♥ | | | | | | #R.I.P MIIVERSE #BYE #LOVEYOU __________ ♥Thank's guys for all!♥ :'-( †R.I.P. MIIVERSE 08.11.2017† 1 day left.
Emma jeffm1218
good marrow friends......... im suprised your still here
LUIGI Gwori2
sup guys my name is alex and my favorite games are fnaf undertale and horror games im single now
Pika★Sandy sandybran
Salut tout le monde je m' appelle Sandy abonné vous a ma chaîne miiverse et a ma chaîne youtube elle s'appelle Brandon gaming bisous tout le monde bay.
Yeah Angel theYeahAngel
Hello all of my beautiful Children~! ♡ I am an Angel who came to Yeah all of your wonderful posts on Miiverse. Every one of you can be special, loving people, so even in the meanest of ones, remember that you can also be forgiven of your mistakes. *Hugs all of you~!* Just know that not everyone is prefect and that there will always be Hope. Someone out there surely loves you!
☆•SAF•☆ saf700
WsH frere ou seur-_- je suis fou je sais celui qui veux des mincraft demander moi gentil★★★☆ cool★★★★ colectif★★☆☆ marrant★☆☆☆ celui qui accepte tous les demande ami cmoi abonne toi alors si t pareil que moi demande moi en ami stp!!!!! enfaite g 11ans dac cbon ta compris ciao!
justin justinhuntetboss
justin hunter boss is the best he can beat the rest woo yeah man enjoy the game and have fun friends welcome to miivers hes 35 years old he loves to play guitar
.ºEthanº. LiefAlmighty
Nintendo please don't end Miiverse. I joined about a year or so ago and met so many great and friendly people. I don't want Miiverse to end. In fact, I want Miiverse to last FOREVER! You've created something really don't end it. pls. <shoutouts> Charlotteº (Gf) Smol!luna Star *~* ☆Sapphire☆ ★Potato☆ (potato) ~★Mαria★~ (paw-some artist) ☆Leah★ and some other people.
ぐった。 nanaharuma4
どうも。イラストで黒歴史を作る人です(?) 無言フォローの常習犯… フォローはご自由にどうぞ。(フォロバは出来るだけ返します) コミュ障&語彙力が0に近い&チキン野郎です。…恥ずかs(( 夏休みだ!部活だ!課題…(( 年齢はご自由にお決めください((( Undertale好き… フォロー、ブロックはご自由に… 画力が無いです。下さい(真顔) アンテ好きな方と繋がりたい&話したい(( スプラトゥーン、マイクラ持ってます… Sans推しです AUCPくださいよこせ( 超可愛いSansよこせください() あ…UT以外も好きですよ…アンテのことメッチャ話してますが… 主はイラストを描くことが好きですが描くのは苦手です((…ベシベシ教えていただくか熱い目で見てください…( *主は現在低浮上中らしい…課題……… 更新*7.24
Zeke Koopaah
Hello i like terraria minecraft kirby mario and more follow me to!
lily& jack