stephano's Friends
cashley cashlee87
SAFE SAFEpassunderwii
Xbox: ScatterBrainZz - yaboi is BACK. (And with a working gamepad) (^-^)
NT☆Madara★ madaraUchiha2323
Jason slivergoku
my name jason i am 17 like play games have 9 sister one dead bother don't use mic but it's still on cool guy i love shooters and more you the best friends i know i am happy to be with you And have blue or red hair Work at the Mall but were?
nate ghostboss1151
Brockθθ456 pan456
getting minecraft in a day or so :}
Damian Damian_Bros10
★Que onda amigos me llamo Damian soy mexicano★<):{D Adoro jugar wii u tengo estos juegos Super Mario Makert New Super Mario Bros U Hyrule Warriors Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 Me gusta jugar en linea,hacer amigos,wii u chat,miiverse siganme y los sigo ;)
jason jasonjr100105
hey guys before you read this pls follow my sister + my other user ( nutella and capn woomy ) anyway i have loved playing video games seince i was 5 and now i love playing shooters, adventure, and building games i am 13 at the moment my birthday it on october first i also like playing outside and on my spare time i love to draw. trying to get 100 followers plz follow ( will follow back ). bye!!!!
xFundudex HazardV8
Israel Mr_snaipero_vV
Elliott the_happy_people
i want friends
adrian(-_- gamer1656
mi nombre:adrian(obvio) los juegos que más me gustan lo encuentran en mis comunidades favoritas juego preferido:cod bo 2 y cod ghost :v pd : recuerda explotaras en 30 segundos
broyo456 panictmoney1973
Jack jacknes2003
drago MegaLucario11111
Brendo Brendan521
killua dr-triomphe
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Julian Jjbros33680
xxquickxx Ayushsimran
hi iam 11 years old
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Scoot scoutastic
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theSPLATTR elijaho
Alex alexrader123
Fred 2wg690o
3ds problem:(
devon peanutkoda12
preston Pre-Mar24
chubbsters zebrasramazing
Hi im a person. I'm very WEIRD! I have super mario maker, Black ops 2, Mario kart, Super Mario 3D World, skylanders, Nintendoland, Disney Infinity, Lego Marvels Super Heroes, and New super Luigi. YIKES!!!!
venusaur yellow1120
talos talos3
hi everyone im talos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
suess HouseOfLernedDrs
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hakanak hakanakah
Sunny sungliy
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This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.