Users owen Is Following
#RYDERDOG# Ryman74
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats right!!!!
Sudofox sudofox
Hi, I'm Sudofox! I make art, trashpost on Miiverse, and run an art and animation community. Long Live Miiverse, even After The Hatena Era The Miiverse Code of Conduct forbids sharing account info for other sites. As such, please do NOT contact me here regarding any issues you're experiencing on Sudomemo.
Josh202DS JoshuaMorrow2DS
Hey guys! Joshua Morrow here. This is my 5TH 3DS/2DS Account. #SaveMiiverse&WiiUChat My other 6 Accounts - JoshuaTM0509, JoshuaTM1997, JoshuaTM5997, JoshuaTM591997, JoshuaMorrowWiiU, SubstituteJoshM1 Be sure to follow me on this Account and my other 6 Accounts and send me Friend Requests on my other 6 Accounts. :-D
こころ== nannano0320
こるにちは! こころ©2です! フォローしてくれたら絶対かえします よろしくね! ちなみに好きなYouTuberは… ◇1 チョコレートスモーカーズ ◇2 えむれなチャンネル ◇3 フィッシャーズ でーす! チョコレートスモーカーズさんの動画本当に本当に大好きです! で、このミーバースを使って制限なく、楽しくみんなと話したいなぁと思います! 以上、こころ©2でした! 絵文字大会(一人で) #><" +∀+ =_= ~_~ *_* ò∀ó ì△î οωο T=T T...T 最優秀賞 ~_~ END
Kylan Kylan00342
hello everyone could you follow meh plz
★Starzy☆ EpicGamerGirl284
The End Is near.....♥My Followers♥. If you want to know more about me, here are some things about me below. ↓ #1. Fav. Colors: Blue & Green #2. Best Friends: Jon303, Kaiden, Sienna, TJGalaxy, Charls, Colin, Max and Logan #3. Taken by ♥Jon303♥ #4. Age: 10 years old #5. Dislikes: Anyone who bothers me or is mean to me #6. Very Athletic #7. Tomboy
XD☆Savage! KearstinIsSavage
Hai Im Kearstin, ima Female, Bi & 14,im leader of the Savage Crew ,Ima YTr Fav colors; Red,Black,Blue+ ♥Taken♥ Savage crew; MaliahTheWolf♥ Nuntendo♥ Heavencita PerezMusicLover Chuchu99 Miners123456 Little Elfs Little Elfs 2 Purple126 Dabudz02 Sandhurst1 April (sis♡) Galaxy 14/14 MAX B-Day Nov26 MaliahTheWolf: My waifu♥♡ Things i ♥; Art,MC,Sploon Bffl: Deja Tom Boi Okie bai >w<
SO ANGRY!! Dalayzie1Alt
jessi sternlicht10
Mayro marionose
Hello, all! I'm just the average guy sitting at home doing nothing of interest. Please call me "Mayro" or "Sosina".
Optimize supersegakid
Hi guys it's me Segakid. And I like playing games like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Sonic, Minecraft, Splatoon and all great games. I'm also pretty good at video games and it will be great to meet you all. Best friends: awesomeroxz Xmaster1 ˘\(^♡^)/˘ (·˛·) (îσî)
снаяа♪ selacat122
♥Greetings, I am Chara.♥ Best Buddies: Toupilek ♀ ρεяı★сατ i not cute Guillaume Pabo Luná Alias(es): Koz nyfjywy(?" I love Pikmin. You can't find another game where a space elf enslaves and kills wildlife. Mario Kart 8 is one of my favorite games. I only spare my friends and people I trust. If you attack my buddies, I'll defend them. ^ω^ No WiiU chat. ★☆Have a good day!☆★
IHazBucket IHazTehBucket
Just a normal player, or maker if you count Super Mario Maker.
Namine tigerlilly3485
Elizabeth Lizardbrown
I have 2 sisters and 3 brothers. I love Ben from Descendents1 and 2.
Edwin ZenDragon23
This user's profile comment is private.
Mangle ManglexSpringtra
I'm new here, so I will need some help and some friends.
Ben BenJoe3
Hello Miiversers! (Is that even a word? Well, it should be.) I'm Ben. I'm a friendly guy, and I'd love friends. I am almost always open to play games, too. Bye, bye! Sincerely, Ben
Nic Marioexpert52
New Super Mario Bros. Wii is my favorite game!
Justus Justus336
Filipe☆★:) Filipe.gamer123
Ola amigos eu sou o Filipe e seja bem vindos ao meu perfil. -------------------------------♪ hi friends im Filipe and welcome to my profile. here you can see what i like play and another things -------------------------------------♪ ★my favourite games: resident evil4, minecraft, just dance, Zelda, splatoon, porzito zero, bayoneta 2★
danielleao danielleao3674
~Devin~ :( Nindevin23
D¡scord:Devin22Gamer#2671 УТ:DevinGamer ClosedVerse:Devin22Gamer or my mii name ☆тнапкуоц fоя 1200 fоııошеяς★ I appreciate every single yeah and follow! Bye I WILL MISS YOU!!!
ςς☆Mavs titos_c
Hey Name:Maverick ( My nickname is Mavs ) Gender:♂ Relationship:Currently ♥.....Single.....♥:( Age:13 Things i dislike: Negative people, Hackers and people that like to squidbag in Splatoon Things i like:Positive people, Music, Animals and School Games i play a lot: Splatoon, Minecraft, Sm4sh and Mario Kart 8 I hope you will find me as a nice person Fave song: DISS TRACK ED By NetNoBody Bye.....
こいバナだいすきっ♪ koibanagadaisuki
どーも。千葉県出身で現在私含めて4人の兄妹がいる恋バナ大好きです。私は三女です。皆さんどうぞよろしくお願いします。恋愛系について聞きたいこがあったら何でもきいてください。あと、長女の恋愛大好きはニックネームどおりかなりの恋愛好きなので、長女に聞いてもべつにいいですよ。まあ、皆さん仲良くしましょう。 ところで8/1からの新シーズンのチーム名とチーム数が完全に決まりました。チーム名は長女の恋愛大好き1人で恋ちゃん(れんちゃん)チーム、私三女で恋バナ大好き1人でバナナチーム、次女の焼き肉好き女&弟の!で愛ちゃん大好き連合チームを結成したのでこの3チームで今シーズンは8/1~12/30までの間で不規則な日程で対戦していきます。開幕戦初戦のカードは、恋ちゃんチームvsバナナチームです。ちなみにゲーム結果の更新順は月ごとに8月私→9月恋愛大好き→10月焼き肉好き女→11月!→12月は?(誰かな)です。
jj flashman209
OreoCookie aryanisawesome3
Hi, I am an OreoCookie (lol) and I really like to play games! I mostly will play Splatoon or Mario Maker, but I have many other games. Oh yea, I am 13 years old so feel to leave me a friend request. That would be awesome! So, for anybody who read this, have a great day!
Spider SpiderStaryu
Big Nintendo fan, gamer, podcaster, and also a Let's Player! I love a whole lot of Nintendo franchises, from Mario to Pokemon to Kirby, and oh so much more! My most favorite character from Mario is Princess Peach. On an unrelated note, I also love citrus juice!
Q SimpleGolem
Thanks for visiting my profile! :-> I mostly do random drawings :-/ Name~ Q Gender~ Male Age~ 17 Instrument~ piano Nintendo systems~ 3DS and Wii U Currently, not doing art requests. :T I don't accept random friend requests or Wii U chat ...Sorry :I Thank you for all my followers!! (^v^)b ★Don't forget to follow me and my friends!★ Darby Ace Mackenzie Come again☆ :)
BooperDoop Ze_Booper_Dooper
Hi I'm Quentin and I'm from USA, Missouri. I hope you injoy my page and I have been playing games as long as I can remember.
S☆Я Elijah jthicks71
hello my name is Elijah clans S☆Я member pleas follow me please
Owen Cannoncool234
Hello my name is Owen. My nickname is Cannoncool234. I got it when I was making an account on Quizlet for school, and there was a penguin commercial on TV. I hit generate random account name, and that's what it came up with. I love to draw and play video games. I love anime and manga, and I like to draw it. Check out Angel, Daniel EDC, and Yugibro!
Miss Tubbo paulineP18
Salut tout l'monde ! C'est moi,Miss Tubbo! Ma couleur préférée est le bleu, je déborde d'imagination quand il s'agit de devoir dessiner. (le dessin, c'est ma vie) Mes personnages favoris sont Charlie et Charlotte de wii party u et j'ai une chaîne youtube:Miss Tubbo. Dédicace à:AlexisŞΛ,♪minami♪, TC émilie, twyki, Tyler et Ylan!!enfin voilà abonnez-vous! ;-)
(o^o) renzo0225
BRUH oh did not see you there my name is renzo im good in tumble in mincraft im a nice friend so Lets be friends see ya bye that was my profile. why are you still LEAVE NOW
め プロ qwetyuhdhdhfhhdu
自己紹介します 性別 男 趣味 ボウリング 特技 野球 普段WiiUでYouTubeを見ています 3DSもやっていますがほとんどWiiUで投稿しています ゲーム中級者です 宜しくお願いします (好きなゲームWiiスポーツ) フレリクしないでください (13才以下だから)
LJ lj5824
Hi! I mostly play Mario Maker, and you probably allready know that. I do play quite a few other games, though. Anyway, stay tuned for any new Mario Maker levels! Bye!
Diddy Kong Kirader1
alter: 12. Lieblings spiele: Minecraft,Splatoon,Call of Duty black obs 2 und MK8. Hobbys: Schwimmen,Fahrradfahren,Karate Fußball. beste Freunde auf Wiiu und Vielleicht in Echt: Parssa10,katrin,rene und Noah. Lieblings Fächer: Deutsch, Sport, Englisch Und Naturwissenschaft. Unbeliebte Fächer: GL,Mathe,Kunst,Musik,AWT. OK Das wars so weit von mir aber noch eins Danke an die die mir Folgen
GreninjaG corazonesdelalma
My username is really Greninja God and I'm only 12 so sometimes I'll be playing online. Favorite Game:Splatoon 2 Favorite Console: Nintendo Switch I will like to note if anyone follows I will follow back.So since I have my Switch I'll be leaving in September so I'm very thankful for the support! I've had a blast in Miiverse thank you!!!
Owen chrissie2323
'sup? I am a big, I mean BIG FAN Of Nintendo. I'm very good (sort of) at Super Smash Brothers for Wii U, and very decent at MK8. I might get Mario Party 10. please no spam m80.
RyanThe1st CheeseMo3rd
Thank you to all my friends and followers! You are why I was on here for nearly 2 years. I wish you the best of luck and I will miss this place. Goodbye...
whale wolf itolerateyou7890
hello im grey & im the whale wolf i will have this miiverse for a longer amount of time :3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3 pls follow and friend sincerely:grey update news: hi im grey but for halloween im whale wolf (were wolf ) (^o^).... Happy Halloween everyone!!! i know french so salute coment ca va!!!
Hi! I mostly play Mario Maker, or anthing Mario. My current favorite is Nintendo Badge Arcade.
Hi! I mostly play Mario Maker, or anthing Mario. My current favorite is Nintendo Badge Arcade.
Goose Gliding for Dayz. Let's make Goose Gliding a meme..