Another blast from the past!
vãmpïrëïvÿ's Yeahs

Woohoo, I was comment-worthy with so few left, LOL. And I'm glad you like it! Was going to do a sketch on one of your posts, then figured maybe I'd color something real quick. Real quick wasn't tha...

Sorry for being gone so long. Had wifi issues for a while now. Just wanted to give a good friend a proper goodbye. Thanks for everything.

thanks for the memories ivy <3 so much love and so many good wishes are coming your way from michigan! stay well and stay safe, hope we can keep in touch ^^

I'm glad you like it Ivy! It was a quick draw, but turned out okay I think. I hope you still have comments on your other accounts? Thanks DJ! Vampires are always ready to bite I think. You'll love ...
..Get a feeling so complicated..♡