MCL★Tails!'s Friends
clone kidkind-6000
when i hit mabe 400 followers im going to do what you guys decided make something on minecraft or a post (drawing
inkedBendy Derpypsychic17
hello im mewtwo! i love pokepuffs and chicken strips. i have a best friend mega lucario and my owner EmeraldMN.i am the derpiest and most passionate/caring mewtwo. fav games: pokemon,minecraft,pokeart and quizes i also make movies with my best bud mega lucario!! i draw pictures with a person called wonderrone who's pics are the best.same as meefbeef my owners best friend shes the best
brentow brentonman
sterling sterling3601
Thom BenSchneider2018
Ich bin Youtuber und ich spiele mit euch im meinem Video Privaten Kampf
jerry xbox360halo4game
Joemp2004 joemp2004
hunter hunter030306
ive been playing minecraft alot more almost 90 freinds OMG
.•˙αςμ˙•. MissMocha9
lollyfuzz lollyfuzz
Logan madgamer618
i like minecraft and most important yo mamma and most most important yo dad and mos most most important yo brother
Śāναηηα DamarionGotEm567
Was up you people,I play Super Smash Bros,Splatoon,Batman,Mario.And if you a boy and you got a girl ask em if they Bad Boujee.
Trollol Something006
Hello! My name is Trollol and I live in South Dakota, US! If you are a Minecraft fan or a Mario fan, then I can be friends with you before you can say hello! Favorite games are: Mario Kart 8 Minecraft Super Mario 3D World YouTube Miiverse Announcments Super Mario Maker And also, I post tournaments on Mario Kart 8 weekly, so you can join those if you want. :D Have an awesome day!
g3 g3meto
hi guys g3 here would like to say thx for 57 friends but lets do a top 5 of my best friends my best or 1.coleslaw58078 2.milomoon123 3.tpelly 4.staphanappahn 5.presto2004 by the way if gorge one of my friends seas this i would give you number 6 s ya and by the way sorry to my other friends but ya have a splatfull day my games are minecraft terriara and splatoon
mojo jodieandavid
add me then play my game and we can have fun
bubu JonathanMan1
Hi,I am JonathanMan1 and I play games like Minecraft,Terria,Call of Duty and many more! Plus I post almost daily and enjoy doing it! I hope you enjoy my posts!Also Remember to yeah and follow to stay involved! Hope everyone is haveing a good day too :D
squeaks181 squeaks181
wii u camera broke also those who r deleted from my friends list stay deleted.
termanator jaxonferguson123
Hi I like terraria, minecraft and all mario games send me a friend request if you want to play together . btw this isnt my only profile my other profile is termanator.
Ian TheGamingFox9904
I love terraria, minecraft, super mario maker, super mario 3D world, and mariokart 8
montrece montrece
l love GTA
OlekTGamer olekbrodnica
EN: Hi Miiverse! I am Olek! I Like Splatoon,Undertale,Street fighter and super mario! (Also minecraft and ROBLOX ^-^) PL: Cześć Miiverse! jestem Olek! Ja lubie SPLATOON, UNDERTALE, STREET FIGHTER i SUPER MARIO! (Też Minecraft i ROBLOX ^-^)
Hero Dude HeroDude8
hi i'm hero dude friend me it will help me alot and my games i play are minecraft and super mario 3d world mario party 10 sonic lost world disney infinity mario kart 8 Wii and lost revers also do you see the luigi in my post up top i need friends and you can follow me if u want they will help me alot and good... byyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (dantdm music)
Stuart Thecrazysix
wanna play minecraft?
coco coco2299console
tu veut être mon amis ou amies
Lazare laz360
salut les geek (#référence ) :]. J'aime NINTENDO .Je n'aurais jamais de ps ,xbox et pas p... si peut-être pc .:] Mais devenais mes ami \(^o^)/(je sais pas pourquoi ...mais faite le !!!!)
KClownboy hazar76
bryson:p$$ CKlagunas
l good at splatoon l beat you in one game my favorite youtuber is dantdm zackscott swimming bird, games l have is minecraft spatoons and more l hate when l band from miivers it suck, that my life :p : song why you lying,1738, go to stop by. and l 22 year old
Quincy qdstover
The gameplay is on.
lord death boogleboy8
love minecraft
fatestelf jamie443
hi i am jio
Pájaro:) mipaunicolas
Hello;) my name is Pau,my bff of wii u are: Laurine,David XD {} and Alex;)
Undyne KidnPlay_13
I like to play minecraft alot and i made a bed wars And i like to play mk8
Sm0r3s Sm0r3s
I love The Legend of Zelda Breath of the wild, Minecraft and terraria
DarkDayz DeathWarlock
I can't think of a discription, so go away and stop reading.....
well there isn't much to say apart from i like minecraft and i do challenges for big achievements i or my friends have done see ya around PS if u send friend request i will ALWAYS ACCEPT IT unless u grief my Houseville T_T <_> ok for real see ya later or really soon i don't know PS I'm turning 14 in July
G,day Im Jayden. Im 11 Years Of Age. I love Playing Minecraft Too. [FREIND REQUEST ME]
DESTANT404 epic1579
hi i have Nintendoland and super mario maker
Woomy Boi keithyboy1978
I'm cool I have a 3DS and amiibo and you can play with me but you need to be my online friend or Poop okay man you get kicked so be my friend yes or no? You can be my friend on Wii U or 3DS okay mate!
Erin 231724crew
Im a lozer
MasonT MCT2929
§¤Izzy¤§ IsabellaAvey95
Someone play terraria or minecraft with me please!
frankie broaheads181
hay peeps love terraria and need help so please join
William Blue4488
I play terraria
calester taco098765
hello everyone i have 100 friends which is sweet im a cool guy its uncommon that i have no game chat i have game chat friend me if u want to see pure awesomeness
Sherlockx7 Sherlockx7.7
Carsten eric0805
idk m8 ItzProGamerPvP
timi timpluta99
Gιβ Darx699
Saaaaalut :3 Moi c'est Gιβ x3 ! J'habite à Lyon et j'ai 13 ans °^° J'adore Undertale, Sonic, Terraria et SSB4 x) Dans le fond je suis plutôt sympa mais faut pas me chercher >:) Alors ? Toujours là ? Parfait \(>_<)/ ! J'aime les frites. Fin. Quoi?! Ah oui. et j'aime Lucie <3 Sinon... Vous faites quoi encore ici ? Ah oui. Ma chaîne YouTube : E-123 Omega Allez vous abo!
EasyCheese george281107
i like mincraft skylanders call of duty
SMY★Ьιαcку seanysunshine08
Hi Guys You Know That Sometimes Im Mean. I Love Super Mario! Favouite Mario Guy: Yoshi. Favourite Bowser Kids: Larry. Favourite Bowser Enemy: Hammer Bro. Bye ^.< :) ^.^ :-> ♥˛♥ ★˛★
Titi Nisy LuminousLen
NickCrompt valiant65
miiverse has gotten cringey it makes me wanna drink bleach! -drinks bleach- EXPLOSIONS FOR BRAIN CELLS
Joseph Jwilli3642
i have an xbox 360 in my bedroom.
Liam LiamLinzDel88
dad420 TFTENF
Joyrider joyriderDJ
gemncal gemncal2006
Summer Zi each1teach
can some modders 4 minecraft wii u plz friend me and download a factions wrld plzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzppzplzplzpplsplzplzplsplzplspllzlzllzlzpzzppzlzppzzpozlzpzlxplzlppzlzlzpzzpzpppzzpzpzxlxpllzozpozozpzlzlzplsplsplsplsplzolzplzlozplz
leo 1425MarinePalace
hello my name is leo friend me i also have a ps4 friend me my name is thebeastgamer585
preston maxmfernandes
:)MIMI whitejosh
CTCD123 ssunstampdan
ElloHay IM CHRIX *Chris* I am also CTCD123 ssunstampdan blobfish TOODLEY mike and ike and flippin pankakez Topher i like chicken im not a cannnnibaaal i love*not love love* people poelpe r friend miiiverze give me trust 2 pepole PEE PIE suicune my fav pocket monster I LIKE MINECRAFT POKEMON AND EVERYTHIBF NO CHEESE ALLOWED HARROOO
juanito Juanito6597
Profile comment hidden by admin.
lego man 20matt02
Hey there! l am Lego man I am 15 l love Terraria, Splatoon and all things mario I never Wii U Chat And I'm a Christian
nickushoru flowblow159
hello im flow(nick) and i normally play minecraft and sometime splatoon but if you send me a freind request i will most likely accept it if you see me playing minecraft offline its because im on my survival world so if you want to join the game message me thanks :D (BTW IF YOU EXPECT ME TO FOLLOW YOU JUST, DONT PLEASE ;P
luc luc0425
freind me
lsaac eguevara2
chyris mmullins3242
noah tabbycat1
Hi my name's noah as you can probably see. So some of the games I play would be minecraft, splatoon,and mariokart. I mostly post stuff of minecraft so far. Hope you like my posts. -noah
i'm tails, sonic's sidekick, i can't wait for sonic forces and mania but i just can't believe inf...
i'm tails, sonic's sidekick, i can't wait for sonic forces and mania but i just can't believe infinate is faster than sonic!