ςáρ°Dυаяте's Friends
[MWG]Angel 782183
Name- Conner Age- 13 (old enough to know better but too young to care) All open to Wii U chat I learn how to play games fast Games- Splatoon(BEAT CAMPAIGN), Pikmin 3(BEAT), NintendoLand, Lego Marvel Super Heroes(BEAT) Game Systems- PS3, PS4, Wii U, PC Spoiled AF
#す~いとぽてと# tizuru1000
JeremyG7 JeremyG7
Hi mi name is jeremy :D My favorit games are minecraft,splatoon and mario maker.And i love to play online with mi friends :) If you guys wana friend me you can friend request me :) And allsow i can speak spanish XD LOL BYE! GUYS!!
Neumatic NeumaticJungle9
☆★☆★☆★☆★★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Hello!Wellcome to my profile!Here are some stuff about me: Fav games: Minecraft,Roblox,Kirby, and Pokémon,Super Smash Bros. Dream Address: 4A00-00A5-D855 Fav Bands: Pink Floyd,Metallica,and Nirvana. Fav YouTubers: DanTDM,Thinknoodles,andStampy. Dream:To be a musican "Now your playing with power!"- Nintendo ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★★☆★☆★☆★
ñïçhølë Nanilopez4510
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Starfire Niqueno
i will except all friend requests and followers!!! :D love you guys!!!
Devin F. Th1ng50fMurd3r
I AM EVERYTHING THAT IS HOLY AND DANK! I like long strolls in Splatoon, stomping on peoples heads in Super Mario 3D World, and I'm a really nice guy. I also love memes. NOTICE ME!!!!
Senka Senkathekitten
Using my brothers account. owo"
SMG64_jYT SMG64j
Taha saemi taha123456taha
hi im Taha iam 8 yaers old my family name is saemi and i like minecraft mk8 and splatoon and my favourite colour is red im online most or not if you follow me i follow you or friend me birthday 2009 sep 15 good to be back online
нυмαη|мïκε ImNotACat6
(Please don't poke my face) Hi! My name is Mïkë! I might sometimes customize my name depending what day it is. So, I'm a human (In case you didn't know). I love socializing and I love playing games. Robot or not I'd love to play with you sometime. Thanks for reading this bio that is on a screen. I hope to meet you sometime. \(^o^)/ -Mïkë ßγε!
Miss Boo chuckckc2
Hai, peeps! My name's Rebecca (You can call me chuckchuck), and I'm very introverted and quiet, so don't expect me to be too social:) I play Minecraft, Splatoon, and sometimes MarioKart 8. Anyway, I'd love to be your friend, whoever you are! <3 Shtuff about me: I'm homeschooled I love animals Favorite band: tøp I don't do online dating, so plz don't ask me out If you're mean to Evan, imma kill u
Rin Danny3001
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natedogg nightthedogg
mario, bayonetta 2 , pokentournement
Xx_shato kasu1028hibiki
shatoという者です。 マイクラで都市を作っています(新市) <<新市について>> 人口30万人 秋田県にある地方都市 正直秋田市より発展しておりいつ県庁所在地になってもおかしくない。 新市 上中区 <<姉妹都市の紹介>> 神上市 <<制作委員について>> 外装、内装、雑用の3つに別れます 現代建築できる人のみで写真を見せてください。 いいなと思ったらフォロー&フレリクおくります 神上市と友好関係結んでます。姉妹都市なりたい人いたら気軽にコメントください。 絶対大都市作るマン!
aacri maxiplier123
i like to do pixel arts in minecraft. And i like to play with my friends in minecraft ,super smash bros, mario kart 8 and Splatoon and i like to find secrets :v
little_fox moonmangless
Hi! My name is Moon, and im not acually this old! im acually ten, i just put myself as 13 so i can friend and play with you guys! I love to play mcpe, so I might not post as much then before! Splatoon also rocks, and ssb rules!
GoldPlayer captinamaica4545
コウタ スパーク koutaghole86
どうも。マリメの、コース評論家です。厳しく審査して良いコースをこれから毎日コース紹介します。好きな作者は、noma様、レモン様です。 グループは、スパークグループです!!僕のグルw 超喜利C+5級です。 がくだん所属です。
Mewtwo ivan15169
Osha Wott Mega-Man-SWAGGY
drake meekmmill
i like shoting games raceing fighting yea......
David huskyloverXD1234
hi im david but u know me as husky i love minecraft and botw i ocasionaly play splatoon and terraria and thanks to everyone that follows me THANK U SO MUCH for 100 followers i never thought the day would come i had 100 followers well thats about it have a great day and ill see u later
ηγα™ηасно☆ NachoLF
¡Hola! ¿Qué tal estas? Me llamo Nacho y me gustan los videojuegos. Me gusta el anime. Mi color favorito es el rojo. Soy del Real Madrid. Seguirme eehhh ;) Bueno eso es todo, ¡¡¡Disfruta de la vidaaa!!!
SadKat luvuroland
*starts to mumble* Hhelllo everyone... I am SadKat. I will never be happy again ;-; Is there a reason why I'm sad? Yes, there is. Miiverse is shutting down in November. It's been fun talking here with all of you! Farewell, friends and followers :( *starts bawling* GOOOODBYE! CRI!
wolf alpha wolf2004wiisplat
°★KITTY!★° DilEmma27
UpbeatDeer rockennoob
Hello! Welcome to my little corner on "Miiverse." You might have found me through my comments or drawings! Either that, or your just browsing. I love things such as Pixel Art and Deers! I usually play Minecraft, posting a variety of different posts! I also enjoy some Splatoon! My favorite gamemodes are Rainmaker and Splat Zones! Thats all for now! Bye! ^0^
Nonヤノ(^_^* pipipi0821
どうも顔ポチさんきゅーです! __________________________ |プロフの絵に共感よろです| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ それはさておき 中2 男子です。 サッカー大好きです! マンガは「マギ」というマンガが大好きです!是非皆さんも読んでみてください! ゲームは、スプラ、マリメ、マイクラをやっています! こんな感じですがよろしくお願いします!それでは See you next time 付けたし 軽く自分のステータスを教えます。 ・IQ 545 ・握力 右765左3 ・身長 5mm ・体重 測定不能 ・性格 二重人格 ・かっこよさ 0 以上です!これからもよろ フォロバ100%! フォロワー200人突破!!ありがとうございました!! これからも、フレンド様 よろです! 7月31日 宿題ぃぃ…あぁぁ……
уφςнί ables1
Hi :D! Want To Play Splatoon? Squad Or Private Battle? Best Friend:(^o^) (Rz)Valor ψςhadowψ SANESS лPlasma«V chara SwagPop kar onn yd★Lan PIZZA![SG] Weasel YD★Dude And Boinne That It! Lol ■ω■¬ Favorite Game: Splatoon Super Smash Bros For Wii U Super Mario Maker And More!!! Clan: (Rz) Clan YD★Clan ¡nk Clan ςς Clan V Clan нк» clan Bye!!
IF★κιωι jgarrison16
Hello, this kiwi and welcome to my miiverse account. I love to join battles and play with friends so if you want to send a friend request feel free to do so. my rank is S and my level is 45! I will help players in need. and if you are S do that too! The games I have are Splatoon, Super mario maker and Yoshi's Wolly world!
SSJ★KIDINK SquidGirl1234
hello,☆KK★ im 14 i love to draw and play video games i also have 2 Dogs im a sweet kind person i also like anime Splatoon is my fav game level:49 rank:A- ;-; and NO WII U CHATS!!! BYE!!!
Gamer☆★64 GAMES.12h
Hi it is me I LOVE Nintendo and my favorite games are Splatoon , Art Academy, Mario Kart 8 , Octodad and MORE!!!
GameGirl blunoir
★~YAMI~★ yami-uchiha
*Yellow* pel671
I now just do some silly comics in splatoon and maybe smash bros. I'm pretty good at both, so fight me (I honestly don't know why y'all yeah my comics) I have a 3ds, games include pokemon X,Alpha sapphire, sun, smash bros ever oasis soon, etc. If ye want to be friends, just send a request....or don't. Can't be blank though.. The Peeps that follow me probably have better stuff, do check them out
SnikeGamer ajcepeda
Leonardo sal.leonardo12
I love toad!!Who doesnt love toad I play ssb4, Mario kart, and super mario maker, and a few others. So make sure to add me or go to some of my super mario maker levels. Hope you have a WONDERFUL DAY!!!!!! And also im a BIG fan of Mario if u couldn't tell
Phoebe PhoebeRain
I'm a Pokémon-addicted, Mario Kart-playing, cartoon-watching, book-reading, Dark Pit fangirl. If you wanna be friends, feel free to send a request. So until next time... Stay fresh! ;)!
Lυcγ Kawaii_Rainbow00
Basically I'll say goodbye here and tell some things that I enjoyed while being here. I've been here since December 2013… Miiverse was my childhood, if you want to see my 1st account, the ID is LUCIAPEREIRA. I feel nostalgic when I look there. I made so many friends here, during these almost 4 years… Miiverse will be for sure in my heart forever. ♥ Thank you all. :3 (Sorry If I sound dramatic. xD)
★MMP☆дďαм★ jrookstool
Hey, Its me Adam or you can call me The Rook. I make drawings ocasionally, and usually make Level Exchanges for SMM. Im a sports fan, and Love to workout and do Crossfit. My favorite sport is basketball. SMM Stats: 5.7K★'s Feel free to follow me and I will hit the follow button back, Its an instinct! Im a guy who likes to make people laugh. Thanks for the support!
γαβσΐМΐтçħ michaelzitting
Sup everyone! I'm a huge Nintendo fan! You can probably tell I'm a gamer! I like Pokémon and Zelda! Games I usually play on my Wii U: Splatoon, MK8, SSB4, and that's pretty much it. I'm an S+ in Splatoon. If you want to send me friend requests, feel free. But I wanna know you first. Okay? Good. Well, see ya later :Þ
Asha Summerbummerasha
→→Favorite Post←← Me: ♀ Bi I am a recycle bin 女性 私はバイセクシャルです。 わたしわごみばこ 「あっちに行ってくれる」 ヽ(;▽;)ノ
LS★Woomy² Juan20012
Hello,My name is Juan and I love Splatoon,Super Smash Bros and I enjoy hanging out with my BBF→→#Cookie,Awiibo,Nina,Nikael,Lenny,Gene C★Marine and LS☆Woomy and TC★Ashley Awesome friends 4 LIFE!
ƒ JPUX ƒ starfox6121
Miiverse is ending. Although sad, I'd like to look back and reminisce on all those good times. That moment when I first joined the fluffy clan, when I first got Minecraft, and overall, all the interactions and friendships I made here. I'd much appreciate it if you checked out my backlog of posts. Until next time...( ͡° ͜ʖ °)
jason RandomCabbage
Thank you everyone for supporting me! Its been a wonderful ride. I wish we can stay longer together! My time has come to leave this place I'll see ya around maybe! Bird: @QRosie3 ☆Make your dreams come true lads & laddies☆(I haven't said lads or laddies in a long time wow xD) Love you all! xxxxx -Baby Rosie
Hershie degarris
This user's profile comment is private.
joe p0kem0nl0ver05
Nugget official-bk8
My bff Potato:★★★★★ Youtube:★★★★★ NUGGETS:★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ My wifu:★★★★★
johanita johanita12
hola me gusta mucho splatoon y just dance me gusta el anime , mi favorito es one piece amo todo lo que tiene que ver con nintendo si me sigues yo te sigo y me encanta hacer muchos amigos ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲ hi i love splatoon and just dance i love anime , my favorite is one piece i like all of nintendo if you follow me and i follow i love make much friends
Kiwi vparadee
-Brian -Name of all IT Inkwolf,Tristyn,Ethan,Sparks,Uzziel,Kamauri, Padilla,Futashy,aaron,Chare,Darute,Rachel, Stevie,My self (Cherry)
♪ßGαmεг♪ BGamer02
I got a PS4 so I won't be playing Wii U that much anymore! Joined Miiverse: ★November 12th 2014 Left Miiverse: ★December 18th 2016 Bye, Stay Fresh!
Misaki SaveTheTrees
ちびムーン nyan-nyan326
フレンドさん募集してます( ^^)*` スプラトゥーンとマイクラばっかりやってます☆ マイクラは始めたばかりなので、色々教えてください!!!
kayla makala2002
Hi! Im makala or mak for short. I play zelda and minecraft....... i just recently bought the new zelda game, botw. I have g+ Kinky
Royal Neko Brittany7348
Hello! My name is Brittany! I love Legend Of Zelda Games and Minecraft. Those are basically the only games I play! I love drawing! I'm a HUGE Legend Of Zelda fan! I love drawing characters from my favorite games! I draw chibis, realistic and etc. I love to cosplay too! Thats It! BYE!
moy Moy_XD
ThèGüyLèíf Leifdiamond766
Hey guys! I'm The Guy Leif, but you can just call me Leif! I'm the owner of a Splatoon group. It's called The Splat Guys Squad. We have fun events, be serious and have squad battles, or just hang. If you want to join this group, go to the discussion area and comment saying you want to join. Feel free to friend me! Go check out some of my friends. Stay fresh and off the hook!
Hamood dannylink21
EVERYONE Hi and welcome to my profile : I'm 14♂ love the Zelda series I'm very friendly to people my posts are somewhat interesting I play ALOT of games I also play playstacion 3 and 4 please follow if you like what you see I'm Hyped for : The legend of Zelda BotW Kingdom Hearts 3 I like kind people I live in Ottawa to all my friends I won't be online much:( please don't unfriend
[SG]AgaruЩ Champion231
my real name is collin and my favoite food is bacon , cheese curls and popcorn .i made a lot a high scores during the summer and school days.and if you send me a friend request i will expect it a yes!
ας☆J©η★ςжς ULTRAG0123
Hi, I'm Johnny, 14; big fan of Nintendo! Clans: ςжς (Merge of ςς, γς, & к©з, cocreator) ας (Creator) мςν яƒ ČL я¢т Ratings: MK7: 18008VR MK8: 31054VR 16007BR, 3 Non-troll accounts combined: 36337VR 18931BR MTO: 2599VR MTUS: 3013SR 2428DR DMMC: 5160DMMCR 4046DMR 5000DLMCR 5000DLR DL: 4920OLR 4337RRR SG: 9999VR FRN: 18VR S&ASRT: 0VR Cocreators: Ricardoson2 GIO123R person1435 Last updated 06/16
Ð2K・KGS_サカ syu-915
みんなこんにちは、こんばんは。(ぎ@ちゃんか) 自己紹介は面倒なので、やめます。 (もし質問があったらしてください。答えます。)いろんな人、気軽に話てください。 今マリメサカサカ部と、スプラサカサカ部、KGS様、Ð2K様に所属してます。 マリメメンバー まつむライダーs サカ みゆきいっくんs ゆうs A'sかえんゴールドs スケボーマン2サカs スプラ まつむライダーs D2kメガネフレンズs D2k・KGS_つかs ゆっくりアサシンs です。 もうすぐ修学旅行義務教育の9年も最後の1年です。 (§∀§)
Ryan RyanWiiU29
Hey, I'm Ryan and welcome to my corner of Miiverse! I'm just a 13-year old gamer who loves to play this console. I've been on my Miiverse journey for over three years now. I love this place and have had an awesome time here with you guys. I hope you enjoy my random posts about Splatoon, Minecraft, Mario Kart, and other games. Hopefully, I can spend Miiverse's final night with all of you! Bai!
toxic matty679
i'm watching you... for real! :3 you can leave now jeez you don't have to LEAVE!
Luigi kellygrice
Whats up. I'm Cameron. I'm 12 Things I like: What's the point, miiverse is ending... Also, Go follow LuckyLuigi, He deserves it. :) I will miss you... :'(
Naomi☆ LokiCharms
Hi I'm Naomi and I'm 16! The games I play most are... Splatoon Animal Crossing Fantasy Life Pokemon Super Smash Bros. and various others! My Dream Address is 5300-2463-7873 (my town name is Hogwarts) I post mostly Splatoon and Animal Crossing, but occasionally I'll post something else -★☆Naomi☆★
дгснιτεсτ joepython99
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Hello welcome to my profile
Nope a Nintendo Switch :)
Hello welcome to my profile
Nope a Nintendo Switch :)
Cιαήs: ςáр MK8
CC in Minecraft
IT* in Splatoon
Follow My Sister IT*Padilla
Plz No Wii U Chat
Follow Me :P