Users awesomeguy Is Following
しろねこ(-ω-) rei4150
こんにちは白猫です! フレンド募集中です。 リクエストよろしくです! 好きなゲームは、スプラトゥーン、マインクラフト、マリオーメーカーです 好きな歌は、ボカロ作品ほとんど、アンラベル、季節は次々死んでゆく、です 好きなアニメ、リゼロ、東京グール、七の大罪、働く魔王様、坂本ですが?、です♪ ミバ友、かかs よろしくお願いします。
かおもじ_(°∀°) lllllll-j.33609
switchでのフレンド・フレンド申請受付中です。 簡単な自己紹介 ・「ゴル」と読んでください。 ・大阪在住 ・性別 男 よく遊んでいるゲームソフト↓ ・スプラトゥーン/マリオカート/スプラトゥーン2 スプラトゥーン:目標s+99 最高s+86 マリオカート:目標レート10000 現在レート9000 スプラトゥーン2:目標全てs以上 ランク50 現在ランク41 エリアS+ ホコ S+ ヤグラ S マリオカート8dx 200.ミラー全クリ 基本「WIIU」「NINTENDO SWITCH」で活動しています。 終わり☆ 最終更新日 10月21日
IBSROCK ibsenrebecca
jaziah supermariochannl
hi guys im back from unbanedment i got new super mario bros 2 super smash bros mario kart 7 and mario party star rush plz follow me
☆BTS☆ dengunt
Hi...You might wonder who i am...Well i want to keep it secret thats why i stopd with miiverse...i'm sorry i wil be in miiverse some times thats only to talk to friends i'm not gonna post tings ...i'm sorry(i will try to acept friendreqests)By:☆BTS☆ Aka SW☆Pikachu Hope you understand it... Bye miiverse...
Jo-Jo MKWUTeam
PLAY MK8 AND PLAY MINECRAFT Wii U. please, NO Wii U CHAT. NO GAME CHAT FOR minecraft. Mario & minecraft & super smash I will post. Now I also have a 3DS I may post somethings! Thanks for 330 GREAT Followers! Aim for 500! Follow me and I will follow you. You can friend me! I will accept it. I also have a Wii. BYE! I PLAY ROBLOX! and YT!
Nathan FourthFloor
I'M NOT ACTIVE. EVER. Nah, I don't feel like it. Some random guy who hates the new Miiverse update. (I would like to note the lack of music, unless you're in Profile Settings!) Some titles I own: Malleo Krat Ocho, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Shovel Knight. Please take a look at my screenshots. I'm from the west coast, I eat french toast, and I'm cool....
Hi everyone on miiveres! My name is Marco as you can see next to my little face!I'm very good at playing video games, but the games I really want are; Hyrule warrios legends and Mario & Sonic the Rio games. So if you ever want to follow me or see my profile just tap my little smiley face! Love you all in miiverse!!
Aqua~★ izolda1
Hi everybody i am 14. I like FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's), Fire amblem, Splatoon, Smash bros, Hyrule warriors and pokemon. I always like to make friends and to play online ( Mario kart 8 , Splatoon). (^-^)
Kentucky annoyingmark
Hi Im Bella Im Eleven Years Old And Im A Gamer. Ness and Lucas are My 2 Favorite Characters In Super Smash Bros.I Have alot of Ammibos, 1 Pikachu 2 Donkey Kong 3 Mario And many more. Thats It For Now.
coy coyjuega
hola me gusta super smash bros wii u y earthbound adoro a nintendo tengo 16 años vivo en mexico ,en el estado de mexico soy gay c: nintendo es mi descanso de este mundo despiadado y horrible :'v MEMES
Margo Margo10
Hi my name is Margo and I try my best to get almost all the popular nintendo games. I'm trying to post more. I hope you look at my posts, thanks.
pat TheRealLink123
hello i am pat and i am a expert 360 noscoper jk so here are things about me mai bday passed :3 age ??? games i like splatoo ssb4 mk8 shout out to all of mai friends(//• •//) sry if i dont be on dis alot :-/
drew chicobabe86
This user's profile comment is private.
Gabriel SuperGabriel65
Sup Everyone it's Gabriel and I'm 15 years old. Basketball is life #NBA #Balling. So have fun and stay cool homies! :-D I got too much Ultimate $w@g Boy! Running around at Speed of Light is my life! B)
Cymbeline AyanaGarza
Hi! I like to draw on miiverse, weather it's for fun, it's meme related, etc. If I at least make someone smile with my posts, then that's enough for me. :D
Squidward sasukesa
Helo dudes My name is Squidward My old one is Sasuke (If you get that refrence then horay.). Al of my folowers/Friends are my one of the BEST People that i EVER met .And if you have SuperSmashBros then lets FIGHT. Oh and Iam A BIG fan of anime like Naruto,Deathnote,Bleach and One Piece. Tanks for checking my profile and I wil see you when i upload anything.PIECE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PastOfMel carlossjjkkk
Hi i am MlG MeL i do play lots of games but meh wont tell . Name: Mlg mel or mel Age: 21. Gender:female Race:Brawnz. From:Lava realm.Clan:Kickinrock Nemisis:Mal and revigi Pokemon fav/starte:Piplup Pokemon o.c:Mel(Duh!) Cod O.c:Number 2.1 MazeRunner O.c:Mel(Duh)! Tf2 o.c/Class:Scout And its R.K.O
adam adam1445
hi i am adam and im 10 please folow me im a realy nice guy send me friend ruquest il anser them all come chat with me miss calls il try to anser them all ( pepole you should follow angel luis man and my friend king aka king dav
TheMiner04 MarvelFan0406
Sniper govacation10
abelardo smash-pac9000
Hello everyone on Miiverse. As u all know, i'm abelardo. I'm also awesomeguy's little bro. My favorite characters are Pac- man, Kirby, and, Ness, C.Falcon, Ike, Greninja,and luI'm also a huge fan of retro games.f I can wiiu chat with anyone at anytime. I'M CLUELESS on life so gave me some KNOWLEDGE. So fun and have a great ''smashing'' year.
Villager malakhi05
Sup everyone I'm a nine year old that loves Kirby and Silver the Hedgehog! I enjoy puzzles and Adventure games. I might seem young but I'm good at games. Also I love games and reading and I posted a glitch on the Super Smash Bros Community! I hope you follow my page! I'm out!
Cas UUsh12
Sooty MrSooty
hi! im David! I like puppies! and mario kart! ma fav color is orange! I also give a 10/10 on ssb4! my very few followers are some people id like to thank for making my day when i followed them. for example... making a funny joke! or joining a roleplay that im in. either way, il probably follow you. Thank you for visiting my profile. my o.c. sootyquill power/attacks: My ssb4 mii brawler's moveset
Madi coyzstze
Howdy :> I'm just your friendly neighborhood Mercy main :0 ★☆ I love Dark Souls III ☆★ I don't really draw on Miiverse anymore, but I sketch traditionally everyday. Wubba lubba dub dub! ;)
Hi my name is Dylan. My favorite games are Super Mario Maker, Super Smash Bros and Nintendoland and lots of other games. If you follow me i'll follow you is my slogan. Thank You
Will MariotoSonic
crack elmerr
mason mt2510
lil l liamrygg
★$Joshua$★ Jt_Legend
I'm a dope gamer with experience.Add me or Follow me if you wanna.Hit me up online on miiverse or smash and other games. Don't call me on wii u chat cuz it's kinda irritating.That's my only rule. :) -★$Joshua$★
SFLjacob J-brawl
hi my name is jacob im 11 have 4 dogs,5 cats,and fish have no mom if you follow i follow back almost always on love pokemon my friends are irish girl brianna emma and tyler live in florida i love to cook bye for now
Drake Aladraxy
Xen0 Benny_Wang
Welcome to my profile My name is Benny but call me Xen0. here are some facts about me I like puns and i annoy people with them im weird ._. I really like fire emblem and xenoblade chronicles. I am a competitive super smash bros player Mains: Shulk and R.O.B I want amaterasu from okami in smash I watch a lot of anime and youtube.
Timmy mrpoppers4342
I love Pokemon, Zelda and Mario games!
mr i macaulee
hi there this is a profile my one so uhh just enjoy your day why are you here anyway? oh hi you came down here well i just want to tell you i been here on miiverse for a long time i have done over 1500 post so that proves that i was here for a long time i was here since the day miiverse came out or around that time and i will miss miiverse when it shuts down
KirbyDerby scoutpass
Ouch! *~*! Meh face! Mario is pretty good, I like YouTube, pokemon pearl, diamond, black, black2, white 2, x, y, omega ruby, and sun are the Pokemon games that I have, but my favorite character of all time is KIRBY! Kirby is amazing, and so is pokemon. :D ↑Back when I was like 10, wow. I'm 13 now, and I only play pokemon on this 3DS, but kirby's cool. I shiny hunt and shiny trade all the time.
bigdaddy mstei50
Levi sinka456
ello every body im parker i do da chezburga and iz haz a pootube cunnle ploz go scrubscribe it is called parker morgan
sonic SET3000
hello I'am sonic! Whats that your to slow.O u don't like that well sorry gotta blast you know[note: I am not as much as a jerk as the read infears.]
I am the ultimate Mario, Sonic, Kirby, and Smash Bros. Fan. I know everything about them. I
am ...
I am the ultimate Mario, Sonic, Kirby, and Smash Bros. Fan. I know everything about them. I
am awesome. I'm just an ordinary shy guy whose also a nerd/geek but an awesome guy. I don't that much from other than Nintendo with the exception of Sonic.
I can Wii U chat anytime.
My favorite characters are Mario, Kirby, Sonic, Rosalina and luigi.
My favorite game is Super Mario Galaxy.