The Epic's Friends
KungFürher PhoKing_Nguyener
Solar SolarRace
ねいろ yanautisayuri
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ShadoMAmmm Alveslopes123123
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れありさむ© Aile1985Win
どうも、霊愛理沙夢です。絵をかくのが趣味です。(特に東方) ゲームを長い時間しているのに全然うまくならないです... 早寝(?)をしているので、(ほぼ22:00)コメントしてくださるのはうれしいのですが、夜にコメントしていただいても、かえせない(コメントを)ことがおおいのですみません。。もし、コメントしてくださるのであれば、できれば、昼にお願いします。。 高学年になります、霊愛理沙夢(ほんめいではありません)のお願いでした。
ShiftyBitz ShiftyBitz
Big head khale78
Live Streaming Factions Soon Hype!
RickyD RickyDS07
I love minecraft
★★Drake★★ drake336
Name Drake 15years old favorite food chicken favorite game splatoons favorite weopen in splatoons is...Carbon roller favorite pokemon aggron and mega aggron i like scary movies like IT! shout to pikalakitu, procrookiez ,and kaybam Clan (GD) (GD)Fishy
liam909 foxygames1224
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robbie robbiepuppy
im sexy and you know it
Crinalejo 123crisalejo
derpyjaime jaydentheawsome
Sweety1025 Sweety0407
Kinslee SlimeTime64
chris ChickenGamer425
hello my name is Christopher if u r reading diss..... ? get no SCOPED OK sry i was born aug 14 2006 i have a dog named rocky and a 3ds xl feel free to ask me to send you a freind request on wii u and 3ds i have a samsung tablet with pixel gun 3d and seven knights feel free to ask/ freind request me on those games
slcl17 slcl17
Papyrus jdaddy10
jb joeys10
If you be my friend you could join me to play minecraft Wii U edition with me
sebastian hiimbob120
I like SSB4
D2 NinjaBB8
Mase Jessie1726
dess dess123456
Gameplay34 supermice20
EleeNelson eleenelson
Salut tout le monde. Je suis tout joyeux comme d'habitude. J'ai Super Mario Maker et Splatoon rank B+ level 28 ensuite Pikmin3, Super smash brother,MK8 (je prend toujours le MII et je suis mortellement rusé) ainsi que Super Mario 3D World.
Super Coin priestess99
Dany dany510smash5
Hi my name is Daniel and I like fighting and action games like Super Smash Bros. My favorite characters are Mario,Link,Zelda,Toon Link,Samus,Palutena,Lucas,Roy,Cloud and Corrin. I also play with my 3 dogs every now and then. My two favorite hobbies are playing video games and running. I also speak english and spanish. I'm 16 years old.
lolo Lullll
theman thesuperflashdd
call of duty is the best
gamr pro cahlil8
justin angel10452
★˜Juςtϊη˜★ X_0-Justin-0_X
┈╭━━━━━━━━━━━╮┈ ╭╯━╭━━╮┈╭━━╮┈╰╮ ┃┈┃┃╭╮┃┈┃╭╮┃┃┈┃ ┃┈┃┻┻┻┛┈┗┻┻┻┃┈┃ ┃┈┃╭╮┈◢▇◣┈╭╮┃┈┃ ╰┳╯┃╰━━┳┳┳╯┃╰┳╯ ┈┃┈╰━━━┫┃┣━╯┈┃┈ ┈┃┈┈┈┈┈╰━╯┈┈┈┃┈ <-----♥
athur $$ # papa35137
gaston met moi en ami
Litten bray_d_man
woop woop thats the sound of da police
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camjam camdupree
dev Dev001
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choboy337 starlifejake
jjjjjjjjjj juz1me
i love minecraft
Derpy Guy lolo1019
i love minecraft wii u Edition!!!!!!!!!!
gamerjames megsanders84
Ben SilverGreninja
splatoon Gunner93631
Sebas yojanny
Mr. Me elevatordude_ck
Hi guys I am elevatordude_ck, in case you dont know me. I play Minecraft most of the time. I build creations. I am a unique person and want to try and build many things that people want me to build. Also if you follow me I follow you
ÜFoxyGamer locan01
pls friend me uf you have minecraft wii u edition
[Pokemon] xXChuChuRocketXx
Xxsavagboy Rayvstheworld
my inkling Costume is a ganger
かつひさ 8383qq
Party Bro conben22
I'm a bro to all
megaman ashketchem789
im free spirit nice kewl pro love 8-bitgaming and here's some facts about me im nice funny smashable and i like splatoon mortal kombat 1-10 and im ten send me a freind request and we'll play ssb together and follow if like fnaf please
ryder123 ryderisawesome23
Albert Albert_5483
hi my name is albert
Sans SonicSwag1991
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catgirl LukeHuett
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Jorge Zelayar1
SmellyButt beakerglr
Bunifa youevilmonkey
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Nathan Suegghb
hi everyone tell me about any games you recommend and I will try them hope to hear from you again.
G&K valer valerian69
Joseph sonicjosephmario
Hi there my name is Joseph and here's some stuff about me. Age: 12 Real Name: Joseph Wii u games: minecraft,mario krat8, spatoon, smash bros and more online and offline games. Favourite food: pizza,bbq food and more so yeah that's about me and if you are the same country as me please be my friend but if you are in a different country you can still be my friend so bye :D
{ROBERTO} Roberto3193
boyfriend ImtheNewBatman
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mia Mrs.Belin711
west westin2006
I love my Wii u and Ilove the games so I have fun
●Jмкςсσсσ● markita_1982
ELLYOUTUBE ninolisto
bienvenido a mi perfil (^o^) plays favorite (juegos favoritos): minecraft, mario kart 8 y super mario 3D world etc. serie favorite (serie favorita): gravity falls etc. equipo favorite ( equipo favorito de fut.): BARCELONA my name ( mi nombre): Elliot Busco amigos de cualquier pais España , U.S.A. con que sen perfectos amigos con eso esta super bien sigueme, mandame solic. y da aja mis mensajes bay
Mamel Manuelor10
syfer★bae DeliciousKitty
corbin innersanity
i played super mario maker
Christian bowieboy123
What's up? ;)
dj djsims2000
imma boss ayeeee
Gameboy Super263035
cheyta chea1981
Serg Serg6655
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199 ngfv76
Sup. This is where I post stuff and whatnot. ~Adam
FALCONHAWK Blazeboy8867
Your Slave Chris_network_id
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jmoust jmoust
hey i like mario and luigi come play with me some time soon if you've found me
neener nevaeh2007
KDMCMike Flacomello530
Here are some things about me. Age is now 8. (happened on july 12 2017.Games MOST played Splatoon MK8 Mario Party 10. Fav games Splatoon Splatoon Splatoon SPLATOON
James j36glass
Foster BobbyDude13
Dƒ Keagan pokefan45
Pokemon Rules!!!!!!! I'm the proud leader of Team Dragonƒly. Wana join, just follow me, comment on one my favorite post, the Team Dragonƒly base, and if it fits in your name put DF in it. Team Dragonƒly started on Dec 28 2013(I think not 100% sure on that but am with in a week of the correct date.) Things I dont like: People who yeah everything and Dragma
Nate NatetheGreat88
hi, im Nate! I love video games and making friends. my favorite games are super smash bros. minecraft and many more. and remember to be great
Baileigh ToPoFACTOR
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This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
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