Optimize's Friends
Bryce MOOodes-MOOse
This is it. The last days on miiverse. I have been thinking of the switch ever since the announcement came. If I could convince nintendo to keep miiverse, I would put all my effort to do it. I still remember my old account and back when I first started in smm. 946 post were made in my previous account which is quite a lot! This is all I have since miiverse is ending and thank you for your post.
noface LAVASHARK18
I C A N S E E Y O U T H R O U G H T H E S C R E E N :)
Optimze Optimize9898
Hi! Guys
снгίς★άļť★ Sauron18
Hi guys! This is снгίς's alt account! I will use this account if my main runs out of posts, to see YT videos! Check my main in my following list!
badguy badguy999
hi my name is eric i live in nc usa i am a video game freak/nerd
FireNinja7 FireNinja7YT
Vulpix88 BAYLEY1987
Chris 2.0 Chrisinx
Hi guys im Chris 2.0 (★NLM★снгίς alt)! This is my You Tube account! Here I will post daily discutions and a 1 hour long fan chat! I will post weekly Minecraft roleplays videos on You Tube! Follow 4 Follow is accepted. I like plaiyng many other games on my main acount but this is my Minecraft/YouTube account. My Mii of this profile similates my Minecraft Skin, Luke Skywalker See you later! :)
GreenApple Thinkdia
Hi you great peps, I'm Thinkdia!!! Kay, so if there's any voice chat in the game, I will not be giving out my name 'cause I want to keep it private.. Splatoon is my most favorite game.. And Pokken DX (On Switch) Mate! I have a great time meeting other random people! (Im to crazy for my own good...) Overall, I'm pretty nice to be around with, even though Im alone.
KidA KidAGaming
galixygirl starist
my fist time on miivers
Madison PaddyE2
PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN (This is the 2nd account of PaddyE i will post here incase of a ban but for now i will use this for more posts and comments #ShamelessPlugIsShameful #PapaBlessHughMungus #StopTommy, my other account is the leader of the #StopTommy † Clan)
Jr EpicKidJr
Heya its me jr aka Saliym31jr or epickidjr, i lost my old account Saliym31jr so im just epickid, my sis has an account named SupergirlyNyla so check her out
ninja boy tj2233
XawesomeX MLG_awesome36
Profile comment hidden by admin.
οм¢☆Seb☆ supermariobash
Welcome to my profile! let's be best friends restrictions: 3 Follow me, i follow you! iam kind i use miiverse mostly. i like drawing Thx for stopping by.;) P.S. I do Wii U chat but no spam call plus, I am co leader of ом¢ Also, I am 13! Feel free to send a you know what!!!!! My favorite games are MC and COD:G I watch yt I play MC most. My dream is to make lots of friends! Have a good day!!!!
•★€няί§2 SMM-Chris
Hi im SMM-Chris! Welcome to my profile! Want to know was ↑ on it? Just keep tuned to it! Stay Fresh #Herobrine_Is_Fake_In_MC! B y e !
drpman epcicgamer
Im crazy Ell-mihrGilliard
U can love steven universe but im telling u don't join the fandom at your own cost
grabriel pt_ranger
helo my name is gabriel im portoguese joponese:☆☆☆☆☆☆ espanol:★★★☆☆☆ inglish:★★★★★☆ francies:★★☆☆☆☆ ↓ ↓↓↓↓ ↓ ↓↓↓↑ €€€€ #100
★TRG★снгίς Sauron17
Hello I'm Chris, and I like turtles. Curent feelings: Fine and good. I am the CEO/President of the GMU. (TRG, 3MM, NLM, T7W, TRON) Owner/Leader of TRG. Co-leader of OMC & Member of 3MM & TCW. I ♥ playing SMM, Minecraft , Splatoon, MK8 & SM3DW. I have over 3500 stars in SMM. I usualy Wii U Chat when I am up for it. WAFFLE! That is all! Bye! :D
Chrishon anthony1496
Hello Fellow Miis!!!! I just wanted to tell you ALL that i will ALWAYS be online and if this is your first time Linking A NNID Just ask A Fellow Mii What MORE Things You Have Access to. Until the next post, PEACE
Boomtastic ExtremeEmerald12
Hello! I have a special love for Nintendo because ever since I was five, I played all day on my DS. I have owned the DS, DSI XL,and the Wii. Now that I play on my Wii U and 3DS XL, I tend to look back to my little kid years and think, electronics weren't like what we have nowadays. Nintendo has grown so much. I will always have a place in my heart for Nintendo, even now in my teen-age years. :D
Sqυιd◆Gι®l octavian2519
hey guys im a spalton player so add me if u play :->
Link Carson023
omя♪Chris♪ christine112
hiya there! I am Christine! you can call me Oreo if you'd like. I love making friends! ristrictions: i barely go on miiverse. if i do, it's to message someone. i do wii u chat, but please tell me before you call! i only play minecraft and sometimes mario maker! i am in The omя clan.
Ziggy Xmaster1
Hey guys Xmaster1 here and I like playing video games and love to make vids with my friends. My most fav game is minecraft but I do more like mario, smash bros. , splatoon, skylanders, and many more hope to see you guys in thoughs games and be your friend! Love you guys as family, and thx Nintendo for this consol. I apriciate it, alot. Sincerly, Ziggy. Best Friends: supersegakid and Sarron17.
Siem Muddey
Hello. my name is Muddey. i am making beatifull fantasy builds on minecraft. i have room for friends. also i am gonna try to post any day minecraft. like if its new year i am making a beatifull firework show. follow me on wii u. GOOD LUCK AND HAVE A NICE DAY.(^o^)
FER ferr123
hola soy FER Tengo 9 años y me gustaria llegar a los 200 segidores grasias me pondria muy contento tengo un perr@s de 15 años y otro de ( 3 ) os mando un abraso si cologico y adios mejores amigos marco pro y mp adri y alejo a diego pacojumoz y seguir a todos y amigos a todos y salud y saludos a todos
Linkplays9 Linkadoodle9
Find Mr. Dot If You Can. Top In The Morning!!! Game's I Have: Minecraft, ,Mario Maker,Super Mario 3D World, Super Mario 64 And From Now On If You Follow Me I Will Follow You By The Way Thank's For More Then 90 Friends! And My Main Friends #1 Delsen . #2 Sauron #3 Alex David Minick
★NB★ĮлķΩΨΞ inklingex159
Oh hey wats up name's Theo.i love all games but my favs are SPLATOON and MINECRAFT and POKKEN TOURNAMENT.im 13 i love to dance and play sports Stephen Curry is the best!!(PIZZA) im very emotional im a libra.im pretty shy.my fav sports are baseball,basketbal,football.and thats pretty much it.C means CO leader of ★NB★ incorporated.i think thats it bye have a great day.
jollyone JollyTheChibi
Hi! Welcome to my profile!
Turtle MinecroftExpert
♪CinnaBae♪ TomatoGirl4Ever
I wish I could change my gosh darn ID
βεsτβσшεяΔ CHANUCO
Kamryn kamryn100
hello i love animals (^-^) and of course my name is kamryn im a good drawer as you can tell other information is private. ↓more info i have a lot of ocs, here is a list of all my ocs cool cat unnown scribblez tiffany sun moon earth moon echo echo zeon deathstar nibblez twit penny baxter foxic brizza
2wkban snoopdog06
This account shows the hardships but also enjoyment of a depressed gay 12 year old, join him as he cries and then tries to forget about it and sings off key to musicals "truly inspiring!"-micheal jackson "a world changer!"-george washington "who are you and why are you in my house"-Oprah
Elliott 78 elliott3838
I like splatoon and smm
Luigi jraidenjenn
be my friend please i need friends i like minecaft wii u i have a xbox 360 i love games my BEST FRIENDS ARE ilikecocalos catsaresocool321 AND jrm6709
joshua juegos15
hi my name is josh games i like are splatoon,minecraft,and pokemon sun im not mean and thats it I LIKE PIE!!!!!!
Nin◆Paddy† PaddyE
Hoy I'm Paedric! Me: Christian Male I'm 14 and 6"1 Clans: Leader of the StopTommy Clan Nin◆ Peeps to Follow: Ed™ (Edward_Wetter) Jess (coolspike80) Kong (Skyrocket712) Noah (NV63NV) Clarence (Tinyboy1997) Winnie (PikachooGal) Zom (phonatgeodeZom) Elzonire (TheWindMage) Noelle (lego_lover96) Diamond (landmarkchurch2) Ray (rayolinels) Maguire (Mcgreen554) Megan (Giant.Squirrels) #ThankYouClarence
Lila Lilae13
I LOVE Minecraft and rideing my bike.I Mostly LOVE my FAMILY.If u see me aroud games that u play say hi to me.And my names is Lila.
Rhys rhysboy2004
☆πσαн4мν★ NV63NV
Welp, it's the final day guys... Anyways, I'm Noah. I'm 13, Christian, and a T1D. Plus I'm a die-hard Mipha fan. I've made so many friends...it's sad to see it go. Favorite games: 1. Splatoon 2 2. Tomodachi Life 3. TLOZ: BOTW 4. MK8 5. AC:NL I'm a true NSLUC memer, so, yeah. My school schedule: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thanks for everything Nintendo and Miiverse. See you on the Switch! -Noah
sammy brian4793
hi i love splatoon
assassin samhenderson
inkling 21 budderblast
somethings i should tell u.im a youtuber who likes mario sonic fifa and loves first person shooters.my favorite games on this system are disney infinity 2.0 and super smash bros 4. thats all i look forward to playing with u all
KING Koa DAP2004
Hello I Am 12 (yea ima BEAST Bruh!) At The Moment I Like Lego Games , Minecraft,And Mario Kart Games I Would Like More Friends And Followers Goodbye :3 p.s im lonely :( MIIVERSE FRIENDS ARE norway,Olivia,bombgrey,Alysa☆★☆,Andre,ms.fashions p.p.s I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE MINECRAFT!
Bombyking adsmo13
Hello everyone. This is the last day of miiverse. Friend request me if you want to. This will most likely be the last day for that. Thanks everyone for showing support. And thank you Nintendo, for miiverse. I hope too see this place again one day. Thanks everyone, you all have been amazing. With great thanks, Bomby(Adsmo13).
♪Splat♪ Moodas
hi my name is noel but you can call me destroyer, i love splatoon also you can call me greninja also i llllooovvvve pokemon
☆Juanito☆ TheJuanito
Hi. Im Juanito I WANT SMG3 XD I Now play: Splatoon (Lvl 50; S+ Rank) SMM (13000+ Stars) Minecraft ( ♥ Survival) Friends you should follow: Ninten★Sam ☆★Golden★☆ peaches SlimeYoshi Gold Mario Alex828 ☆awesome☆ ∞Esky ★GMU★снгίς [] K KS★Dave JackAttack DNT☆ Rachel v_v (IM SUPER SAD MIIVERSE IS ENDING) X( I will miss u all ;} B y e
★Kevin.R★ kevinrivaslazo
Hey guys and gals (^-^)/ My name is Kevin! And Welcome to my profile \(•_•)/ I have a Nintendo Switch ^_^ I SUCK at drawing T_T And...I like RPG, Racing, FPS, Shooter, Adventure, and Platform I play Splatoon (Some salt can happen) But still I'm a nice teenager who plays games. Anyways....Explore my profile (Or don't) and see some cool post (sometimes cringe). K Bye! Hi, I'm Bob •_•
KRL|emoney eweeswii
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Hi guys it's me Segakid. And I like playing games like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Sonic, Minecraft, S...
Hi guys it's me Segakid. And I like playing games like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Sonic, Minecraft, Splatoon and all great games. I'm also pretty good at video games and it will be great to meet you all.
Best friends: