Neo's Followers
lydia musicareer
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Tyler Tyler30
Pokemon gotta catch em all! Hi follow me and become a Tyler comrade today!
madnose popcharles101
name-charles age- 13 favorite games- pokemons, marios zelders, nintendos friends- joel,daniel,paul i post super mario maker levels and pokemon stuff i love smm more i host competitions i am smart i love clash royale in arena 8 no legends clan troops of light i am sometimes weirdæïîïîîïíöïðïõôâììñ
Teacher: You now have a detention. You: Why Teacher: Cause of your attitude, what do you think? You: B**ch you got me fcked up! Teacher: Call your mother right now! You: ...She said ''Cash her outsid how bout dat'' Teacher: ...
fred dmosleyl156
Hyatt Linkfan192
Hey and welcome to my profile My most favorite game is Undertale, Mettaton or Sans is my favorite. I love all sorts of anime Fairy Tail, Black Butler, Soul Eater, Death Note, and of course Osomatsu-san. Well bye now. :) hoped u enjoy my profile
zaria 169966
hi my name is zaria harris and i am 15 and i am from ocala
gabbi Venyshia.M
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sean mccoy seanjimmy
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lartravius Ms.Superstar
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wert fezza65
Hi guys.most of my viewers know that i havent been on for a while... sorry. now MiiVerse is going to shut down andi have a lot of things to say still.firstlly, Thanks! to all of those who followed me, yeahed my post and became my friends. this helped me every step of the way. also, those who gave me ideas for posts.i will find my super smash bros and do my very last posts here. and again. Thank u!
NaeNae Janajha
Kanto/Matt aniamal12
ShangHI miiverse! I'm Matt and here is a bit about me! ☆I'n an anime fan ☆I like Pokemon ☆I'm a big ACNL fan! ☆I'm 15 ☆I have a wiiU ☆I have lots of nice friends ☆I'm very kind and love making new friends! My youtube = Mattykanto_141! Well that's only a little about me. Thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of your daay
lilise lilise22
KEKE keyounah
My name is Keyounah.My favorite colors is blue,purple and black i love texting my friends and talking and laughing. my favorite books are dork diaries,diary of wimpy kid,sleepy hallow i have 528 followers
Elle-Lea elle444
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Ta'Jon Momitchkite
My name is Ta'Jon and I am a boy gamer! I will kill every body online so get that right.
りん miyocomb2
*性別:ひみつです♪ *趣味:音楽、ゲームをすること。 *好きなお菓子:Pocky♪ *嫌いなもの系:grisy food. *好きな歌い手:ぐるたみん、96猫さん。 最終更新日 3月8日(日)
IamJessie☆ merecia
#ITS ME JESSIE! i am 14 yrs and...... my favourite movie is= hunger games step up 3,4,5 youtubers= zoella tyler oakly stilababe09 bethany mota favourite singers= beyonce ariana granda avcii 5sos 1D a bit THATS ALL I HOPE YOU LIKED IT SEEE YAAA!! i woke up like this XD
Stieve stieve32
Ouch! you poked my face! i guess since your here now ill tell you a bit a I am-- -FUNNY -FRIENDLY -SMART -RESPECTFUL -PASSIONATE LOL well tell me am i good looking?... playing Call of Duty2 Thanks for visting my miiverse channel
enric baldufa14
helou my name is enric. hola me iamo enric. im 9 years. tengo 9 años
ゆ-な´°`* perc.loves
qbert prestonelliott01
hi guys plz follow me or send me a friend request um i like minecraft gta 5 $$$$$ and cod and nfsu2 see u guys l8r and i like to freerun a lot
YAZMINÁ vic-sykes2006
herrro im 15 a gal and urmm like slipknot bring me the horizon ........ pierce the viel I ALSO have streachers in both ears -DYLAN-
Ian ian1638
Hey im ian im awesome im cool follow me peeps im a boy dats crazy so like follow me im also a wrapper and a singer so dats crazy follow me ill follow u back if u follow me baby so all u player haterz hate the game u playin baby u no like me i no like you so dats crazy see u peeps later but maybe not so follow me and dats crazy so like FOLLOW ME rite now baby
ßlαсκ★гσςε EmoGothScene
Jackie My Chemical Romance Black Isaac^_^<3 (love him) I love frogs Frank!!!! #1 <3 Gerard Way No Shows Action Cat DEATH NOTE ATTACK ON TITAN CREEPYPASTA0-0 Laughing Jack Wolves
ali alilynn123
★16 ☆Music is life ★Junior ☆Lesbian ★Dirtbiking ☆Fourwheeling ★Go carting ☆Danceing ★5SOS is bae Dont like me? Okay bye ^-^
~Ģαrrεττ~ Gammaman707
status:Winning *online(★) *offline() *sleeping() *busy() Welcome to my profile \(^•^)/ i'm Garrett, take a look at my post's, comment,& follow. here's some stuff about me :3 favorite food: hotwings favorite anima: S.A.O favorite animal: grizzly bear best friends: -=ÎΚξ=- Emi-chan ∞ Neo... that's about it bye :)
Snow lovesistheanswer
online[?] offline[] i will follow you back i love Japan i was station there for 4 yrs so #PrayForJapan o.c Autum age: 15 wears: tight purple shirt,leater jacket,blue jeans,black boots long brown curly hair, power is where she has this curse mark on her neck that orechemer gave her turns into 3 stages shargan mode,marked mode,beast mode[kinda malifacent]
Joe superhornet13
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Hello I'm Stan Kingzton from San Leandro, California and I love girls.
★GNJ★ Kattykit4000
Hiya! I'm GNJ, here are some things I enjoy. ★ Rhett and Link (GMM) ★ Twenty øne piløts ★ Doctor Who ★ Undertale ★ Caravan Palace ★ Roleplaying ★ Drawing ★ Writing Thanks for visiting! <3 -GNJ
emily☆★☆★☆ Super_Emo
hi my name is emily but lots of people call me bunny. I dont know why but I do know that my nick name is iballisticbunny. I have a cat called tigger. I have a purple bedroom. I go to holmes chapel comprehensive school. My dad has got a job in kent
X›sushi‹X sophiecaulwell
haaiiii! :3 i'm a girl who is a nerd ‹3 i luv pokemon go and i also love art. i am overall going for 90 followers so yeah. love ya xx
Niamh! Roslin2
Hi i'm Niamh i LOVE painting trying new things ,rockclimbing dancing, acrobatics, going crazy and having fun........... ;º?¿ see you around!!!;)
hugo profil4
Je m'appelle hugo , jai 10 ans , et je fait du tennis . le signe [*] montre que je suis connecter ou deconnecter [*] : connecter : deconnecter [connecter sur : miiverse ]
Ashley Rainy-A-101
WoW I've actually become a ghost. ★Still searching for my art style(It changes slightly) ☆Miiverse Friends(List still growing???): ĹÇ Christi ĹÇ Cat Thanks for taking the time to read a few things about my awkward self
Vanessa GoldyLove
Hi *~* Folg mir ⇒ und ich folge dir Okay Bye Ich sagte Bye Beste Freunde in Mv : Neko~Jony Denny Tschüss Ich freue mich über ein Yeah und Kommis ^•^ ←→↑↓ ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ Langweile ? ^^ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Okay das reicht Bye
LucasBryan MyneWorld
★jojo★ joe.lamont
l am super kind to people in tell they make me mad l love animals l am a country boy l love kitteys and cat alot and wolfs and foxes.l love country music.l live in hubbered mn.
[SPLT] YT theninjaboy_2004
Hello![SPLT] leader ‘‘YT’’ here!Gonna make more and more posts! []Leader of Splat-Clan[] Clan name:Splat-Clan Clan members: SpringBoni Kiki AgentChris Ally MOON★Troll Corbin SM★AIDAN If interested in joining clan,comment in one of my posts so I can include you in Clan list. And please keep the follows coming.I'd be happy if so!
Keoni 22jrahman
Hello thanks for clicking on my name or picture lol. Anyway i really REALLY like Zelda games, Super Smash, Fantasy Life and Pokemon. U can see my post yeah it and don't forget about following me! BYE BYES!
HEY! im neo. I like videogames,the color blue, hanging with freinds, listing to music, swimming, ...
HEY! im neo. I like videogames,the color blue, hanging with freinds, listing to music, swimming, and tae kwon do. Remember people Miiverse is a fun place for everyone to hang and enjoy life.. SO TAKE THE DRAMA AND ANGER SOMEWHERE ELSE!! thanks for reading this and don't be shy to yeah or comment on any of my posts. FOLLOW ME, ILL FOLLOW YOU!!God bless you and your family.