Users snάils Is Following
Blake ReglaPeople4
Just a Nintendo fan, Amateur Pixel Artist, and Composer. Please do not repost or reupload my art to other Sites. Only Follow/Friend Request if you like my content, and if I like yours, I'll accept. Breadit and WhyTea: AnonyMorshu I like: Anime FNaF Homestar Runner Minecraft Nintendo Pixel Art PvZ Portal SiivaGunner Undertale Vinesauce YTP And much more! Motto: Strive for perfection.
Ombie Ombiee
Fran FrantasticF
(o^o) renzo0225
BRUH oh did not see you there my name is renzo im good in tumble in mincraft im a nice friend so Lets be friends see ya bye that was my profile. why are you still LEAVE NOW
Jacob Zoroark958373
Hi im tom6 challenge me in smash if you dare! #fixsplatoon'swifi
Jamar WizByte_Jamar
I'm Jamar Johnson from WizByte Games I am the developer of Vector Assault and Chroma Blast.
Kevin Alucario
Hello, folks. Kevin's the name. I am a 27 year old †Christian†. I love to draw on Miiverse. Favorite Games: Actraiser, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy 4, and Hyrule Warriors. Favorite Animes: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, Tenchi Universe, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, and Cyborg 009. I hope you like my drawings.
tayone$$$$ zootay
welcome to my page im a big mario and sonic fan so we can play mario kart 8 online or mario and sonic at the 2014 olympic winter games online and please follow and freinds requets me if you want to.and shout to my boy TAILS and my freind curly kid and my followers love you guys bye.
Somebody Bliksteen
Bye. May the forthcoming shutdown be swift and merciless
Rainbowz♪♪ TasteDaRainbowz
Deaton egamer3d
Super Mario Odyssey is finally released in stores. and the worst part is that the month is almost over because miiverse is shutting down forever. im really gonna missed you all. Maybe someday Nintendo might make a new social network on nintendo switch. or probably not. GOODBYE ALL MY FRIENDS! :'( in forever life. Miiverse 2012-2017 R.I.P. E NE S A T C E
RoboOrange immabananaa1
Hello, I am Robotic Orange. I have a Wii U, and a 3DS. I know a lot about video games, and I draw. I own an ATARI, a NES, a Genesis, a N64, and a Wii as well. I respect other's opinions. I hope everyone continues to enjoy my random posts I make from time-to-time. Sorry, but I don't Wii U chat. I would if I knew you personally. May all your oranges be of the robotic variety.
Mike NostaticMike
I am the main developer at Nostatic Software. I hope you enjoy playing our games!
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
Σικâιł Ridvan14
I keep it all inside because I'd rather the pain destroy me, than everyone else. The saddest word in the entire world is the word almost. She was almost in love. He was almost good for her. He almost stopped her. She almost waited. She almost lived.
mami john~ MaMi_JoHn
aye ~video games ~sometimes anime ~14 ~ugly ~doesnt do wii u chat ~doesnt chat at all !still a child in my own kind ~artist ~lover ~loves u ~hates rude people ~bye. i said bye
Bri BriProv
R&у◆Fσx♡ČL wDvEn0m
Hai, I'm Oliver Competitive MK8 player Leader of Яv (INVITE ONLY) Co-leaders: яƒ DAD and Jason A few close friends of mine - Aria/Joycon Ricky Saki Jason Venus Sean Nate Emma Zoey Olivia Jordan This place was interesting, to say the least. Thanks for the memories.
Kiara cruwnn
Jilly jillydawn
Read favorite post :') Goodbyes are part of time, a part of moving forward... Thanks, everyone. For everything. I'll miss you all so much... Will you miss me...? "Instant Graham Crackers"... "Dat Cord"... "Sky" ...Uh... "Physical Education"???... (XD) "CLOSED miiVERSE"... ...jilly.dawn ...CM Jilly#6931 ...Glowyrubberducky ...Jillydawn R.I.P. Miiverse :')
deanben ForestHazel
Hi sorry about the mii. i am Felix i am in 5th Grade. i am a awsome person. My favorite games are Smash bros and Yo kai watch. i am legendary, i wii tirn back to Felix soon. I can speak in all languages. ......... why are you still there? get to work!
TehHaloguy StoutBEER
Hi I like to talk to new people and make new friends! One day I hope I will have 100 friends! Clans: Pika★(Member) Overwatch Clan(Leader) Favorite Friends: Pika★Annie Lucina WiiU Chat Allowed I am bad at drawing and I need Training. Umm...Friend me if you want and do the same w/ the follow button! Thats all you need to know so...BYYYYYYEEEEEE
**** *** MarthaCutiiiiii
I'm currently not online but please follow me and воςву-снαη!
Byron1330™ byron13330
Hola Mis Amigos Me llamo ♥Byron♥ Soy de chile vivo en valparaiso No asepto Wii U Chat Soy muy feo O talves no :V Tengo 14 Años Mi juego favorito es ♥ Mario Kart 8 ♥ Mis mejores amigas: Son Barby, Jochi , Jazmin, Anv ★Amigos: Yamemazu, Kurisuto ★ Agregame y quisas puedas ser algunos de mis amigos Favoritos ♥♥♥ Sigueme Y yo te Sigo ♥ Me Encanta El Chocolate ♥
Hey, I'm SKTTR. My fav games are Mario, Zelda, EarthBound, Chrono Trigger, Terranigma, Donkey Kong Country, Chibi-Robo, Metroid, Pikmin, Xenoblade, and many more. I love the Wii U, but I moved on to the Nintendo Switch because of new games like Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2. I have The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Disgaea 5 Complete, and Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle.
Marnes pecolapenguin122
RyanThe1st CheeseMo3rd
Thank you to all my friends and followers! You are why I was on here for nearly 2 years. I wish you the best of luck and I will miss this place. Goodbye...
Rav Avalon Moses42
Hey Miiverse my name is Ephraim the leader of the EL clan just notify me if you want to join. Don't wait for an answer just add EL☆ or EL★ to the beginning of your name or say in your profile comment that you are part of the EL clan. My other accounts on my DS's are Ephraim41 and Ephraim#2
Santiago Nightmareref
Hi Im Santiago and Im a Huge Resident Evil Fan. Resident Evil Series 1995-2012 2002-2017. NS Game im hype. Breath of the Wild: Today Mario Kart 8: April 2017 Upcoming NS games E3 Fire Emblem Warriors: Fall Xenoblade Chronicles 2: 2017 or 18 19
J е у . . JeyRemyRey
ICE_DERPERS_SOUR ' s b a c k u p a c c o u n t ( G o t o m y m a i n a c c o u n t )
hey mah name is Jeremy.. and yeah that's really all to it.. :T already quit miiverse... mite neva be postin' uhgen..
S3AN06 S3AN06
I'm 19 and I live by a morale code. Love is what keeps me going, especially for the girl of my dreams. ♥ ♥A+S♥ ♡9/21♥ Best day of my life. 3DS Profile: Amz (Amz1996) Major shoutouts to the following friends of mine: *Silvergirl *Jilly *Oliver *Andrés *Amanda *Kiara *Sarah *Yazzy Follow them if you can, they all rock!
MLG Tomato Backup-acount123
••ωίί ωσυŁď ιίке тσ ριαу••
R.I.P. Miiverse 2017-11-07
Wii miss you already.
An avid Nintendo f...
••ωίί ωσυŁď ιίке тσ ριαу••
R.I.P. Miiverse 2017-11-07
Wii miss you already.
An avid Nintendo fan since 1989- decades of wonderful memories on all Nintendo's consoles! The imagination & innovation this company brings to life & shares with us is truly beautiful <3
·2nd year Programming/Software Engineer major (ƒ ˇ σˇ)ƒ
·RPGs, SHMUPS, fighters, platformers, turn based strategy+ much more!