Users ROCKZ Is Following
omega emreboss2016
Sarah bandaloo123
Hello everyone, I would like to say a few things i like which is anime/manga i draw i would also like to say im a socal butterfly i love music and im a person that will risk anything to help someone i love everyone care for hi lovely people and have a blessed day! :-)btw i love funny youtubers who make the funniest jokes ever#Kubz Scouts.. yandere...chan...Lol
ことりんご akaringokotori
おい!ベシツ!!なんで弟垢みたいにナッテンダァ!? あたいは姉だからな?弟ではなく姉だ キオトリナオシテェ… こんにちは(°∀。)パァ 事故紹介 *歌い手が好きなキッズ あ、まふ君推です。 ↑詳しくは【まふまふチャンネル】で検索美声です♡/// *♀ッスヨ♡ *後……これと言ってなかった。 いつでもミバサァーフィン中 チャッ友募集中~ですよ!笑 まあ良かったらフォローヨロシクゥ↑やで これで【姉】の事故紹介を終わりまし。 グッバイ←英語無理なんよ…笑 最後まで見てくださってありがとうございました。 (((((((((((( ò _ - ☆- ))))))))))) ♭♭ ハァ?なに続きがあるとか期待してんだ? ねぇぞ ねぇぞいったよな?
Shalamar kiba32
I will always be nice and kind
★Magalor★ DDD13Dia
Hi! My name's ★Magalor★! Pleasure to meet you! Be sure to check in with my temporary account, Nyan, as well! I'm a HUGE Kirby fan if you haven't noticed already. I also LOOOVVE to draw, especially Dedede as well as myself. ¦3 Other awesome artists? Check out Scarlet, Lola, and Shardas! Ok, I guess- Kirby! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? QUIT PLAYING WITH THE MASTER CROWN!! ¦3
Luc SmashBrawler57
Hi, i like gaming like fighting, racing, adventures, and action. I like listening to game music. I do Wii U chat sometimes, when i'm not busy. If you want to play with me online, you can. Bye. ;) Note: Don't Wii U chat me while i'm busy.
xRobSDB johnback
Spread The Word: #mariomakerupdateplease
★Minzy☆ Jihyuna
★Bonjour tout le monde★. Je m'appelle Rosalie il y a n'a qui m'appelle Rose, Roro ou Ro. J'ai 16 ans, j'ai des super ami(e)s ^^ . abonner vous êtes des bienvenue ♡
αςρεη xxqueenaspen
very compassionate 17 year old who loves animals and plans on becoming a veterinarian. (currently taking a vet assistant class!)
*ºρгiηcεςς RosieRosalina
Profile comment hidden by admin.
★Yuvis★ yslee0815
Hello, I'm Yuvis the hedgedog~♪^•^* I like to draw splatoon, pixel paint, art academy, and super smash bros for Wii U. My favorite character is Sonic because he's cool and awesome. And another is Roslina and Luma. Those girls are pretty and powerful. So thanks for reading guys, and see you soon~♪
ŲƒSatoopup satoopup11
Hey there! I'm Satoo, the creator of a Smash Bros series called "School of Smashers" ~I respond to most comments ~I DO NOT WiiUchat ~Please don't ask to friend me unless I know you well enough. Please comment on my posts! I love comments! My goal as a cartoonist is to make people smile through my comics. I hope to accomplish this with you as well.
Brandon MrTrac
Thanks for the memories! Let's cherish our final months! :') <3 Stuff V V V Dee Aye! Mr - Trac The Cord! Mr Trac # 3 5 1 7 (no spaces)
ashyia boo ashyiaboo
This user's profile comment is private.
Me! Stoic_Seraphim
Hello~! :) I'm just a random person who is aspiring to become a great artist someday. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my art! ^-^ Games I really enjoy~ •Final Fantasy •Megaman X •Suikoden •Dragon's Dogma •Legend of Zelda •Radiant Historia •Xenogears/saga/blade •Old RPGs
うpぬし RYOSUKE5322
G&K Naruto aurelienwiuu
Slt les gens je suis un panda roux ! j'adore les satan ! et lucifer ! le diable ! moi je pris pas dieux mes le diable ! ma music pref ses ghost square hammer mes je suis gentil ! sur moi. gentil★★★★★ beau★★★☆☆ pour moi je suis un garcons au yeux marron et cheuveux brun et le probleme les boutons d'ado ! j'ai 12 ans et abonne toi '-' XD ta descendue pour rien
DAVON darondoesxbox
Hi I'm Davon i am good at mario maker. Tryout my levels
Sacredlion Sacredlion66
I am a christian gamer and have been playing games for a long time. i play many game series like mario and zelda. i mostly play minecraft and mk8 now. i also have a 3ds, ps4, and now the switch. i accept most friend requests. Let's play.
Cameron2.0 cheatwoody
This is my back up acount for my other acount Dudecheesefry. (who is currently not banned.) And I want 96% of everywon to follow me! I only Wii U Chat with Xero! Follow Willzzz (Also in War with some red head splatoon fangirl hopes she reads this) #Trump
FaZeRiot_7 StevenKatt32
Hello Mates! Im Finn and heres some info about me! Born in Russia Dyed hair red a couple days ago 11 years old
bribri RobBeal
twilight lunacan
Friendship Is Magic Full Name: Twilight Sparkle Hobbies: Talking to friends, Reading books, Making Art Best Friends: Rainbow Dash, Rosalina, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Baymax, Cresselia, Fluttershy, Applejack, Link, Zelda, Celestia, Luna, Suru, Rockman, Cadance, Blythe Baxter, Timothy, Amber, Frisk, Sans, Hala, Poison Ivy, Star Butterfly, Taffy, Sunset Shimmer, Samurai Jack, Shantae, (Good Bye Miiverse!)
そうけん VYlMGWU4725
プロフィールコメントは運営者が非公開にしていますって言うのは、嘘です心配していませんですか? そうけんのパクリ(マネをする人)が いっぱい増えています! 本物は、僕です! 間違えないでくださいね! フォローよろしくお願いします!
Rose davidbass88
This user's profile comment is private.
オオカミしょうじょ sui654sui987
おはこんばんにちは! スポーツが好きなSUIで~す^^ じゃあここから少し自己紹介をしま~す 身長 150位かな... 体重 H・I・M・I・T・U ゴメン... 小6 11 11月で12になりまーす 彼氏持ちです\\\\\ 好きなスポーツは 走り高跳び 跳び箱でーす 走り高跳びは、110は飛べまーす 跳び箱は開脚跳びが得意でーす 勉強はまぁまぁ出来ます {クラスメイトからよく言われること} ~男女編~ 笑顔が可愛い 力が強い 勉強はそこそこだけど、とにかく気にしない などがよく言われる事でーす まぁいっぱい話したのでこの辺でっ! SARABA あとこれ見た人フォローよろしく 絶対ダヨ 宜しく バイバイー ⌒∀⌒/⌒∀⌒/⌒∀⌒/⌒∀⌒/⌒∀⌒/
ケイ NintendoKei
任天堂でMiiverse案内役を担当しているケイです。 Miiverseの更新情報、知っているとちょっと便利なMiiverseの使い方、Miiverseをみんなで気持ちよく楽しんでもらうために気を付けてほしい事など、さまざまな「おしらせ」をご案内します。