Users More tmii Is Following
PegasusGem PegasisterYOLO
DA: pegasisteryolo IG: Pegasusgem EQA: Pegasusgem Twitt:@pegasisteryolo Tumbl:pegasusgem Hello there!Thank you for clicking on my face!Have a cookie!*gives cookie* ★Started Miiverse on 12/26/14 ★OMG THANK YOU FOR 500 FOLLOWERS I CAN'T EVEN-*wheeze* ★Be yourself!How could you be anyone else? óuò ★BRONIES AND PEGASISTERS UNITE!Brohoof! •ω<
Dennis SuperMario300
"Leader of Level Down!" Oh, I didn't see you come in. Hi I'm Devyn or Mario by somepeople. I'm a funny kid,current age 13, pretty good artist, and a good person.If you dont mind, take a seat & look at some posts and follow for updates and post on Friday or the weekend. I like Nintendo and Sega. See ya and say HELLO WORLD! "hollo it is i Marmeo" Sopra Marmeo Bro was made by Devyn.
J-Comics Josh239
Hi-ya stranger I'm Josh aka J-Comics \(˙ˇ˙\) 16 y/o Artist...I think ¯\_(˙ˇ˙) ↓People you should follow that actually make good content ↓: @Zee_Zoom @º★Nerd:P★° @salty™ @Ichi...★ @Slushine @Jσhη.. @Val @Lil'Morty @Heather·ω· @Lamar:^) Fandoms: Overwatch,Splatoon,EB/Mother,Gravity Falls,Sonic No random friend requests pls Its was nice to meet you,bye (˙ˇ˙)^
Silver141 freddyfazbear141
DA: Silverstone141 FB: Silver Stone Wattpad: SINFREAK140 Daddy sin's twitter: @DaddySin3 ★Self Taught Artist★
Shinon Shinon59
See you in closedverse ^^ Et good Bye! Specials thank's: Lily Mandy Armelle NargaX Lena Mimi Mia Bendy Jeson Frédéric Chat Kadrimos Jane Foxy-chan SuperMii Mekkie
Loser zombiebunny13
This place is like being trapped in a burning building. I used to want to call for help but now I just wanna set up a lawn chair and watch it burn.
Chibi BlueVaporeon69
Chibi: Goodbye home... i'll always love you... Started:2/07/13 My DA: xBlueVaporeonx {NSFW warning though} just be careful on there ;3 PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH! please qwq
Bendy Zendythehalfangl
hi guys,love games and batim?Hi im Bendy(real name is Chris)and i love fnaf,batim,undertale,tattletail,Dantdm...and more!Plz like my art this is the only social media I can post my drawings on(no i dont have twitter or facebook and no....not musicly so no more questions)
c!gwen-s-h rapidfire011398
Thats my тцмыг btw, childgwen-search-history for CampCamp. Because I'm trash, lol. Go make an ask! Or here too on my fave post! Anyways, obvious fandom trash. I also enjoy your CampCamp theories and headcanons >w> CC Community: Preston Sterling Currently: [* ● ONLINE.] [*OFFLINE.] [*OUT OF POSTS.]
†Gümbôëè† kawaiinayancat
heyoooo im natalieee i like bts... im 15.... Taken by my baby girl <333 bye was kinda boring here any ways.....
Layia Marlayia2003
Hi people i'm a 14 year old who likes sonic kirby meta knight bomberman etc. thanks for looking at my profile Follows these dudes Marx Trashi Gabe/Zayno Metaknight Omega (shes hilarious) Shira Kalliee Heartren and others i don't do wii u chat
Mathu √★ DigimonMaster222
Gramcrakers:bowser_and_lucas karate kick:the_greatest_artist if we haven't talked do send me a FR up here. no blank ones either.
Viviana ZrainbowAlien
★ Invader Zim ★ OC Me Zrainbow Alien ♀ Angle ;-) Favorite: Anime,Cartoon,Animation,Comic,Drawing,Movie Fandom: Creepypasta , Godzilla , KO O.K. ! , SU , Pokemon , Undertale AU , BATIM , MLP , FNAF , STH , Hiveswap , Invader Zim Crossover: * Invader Zim * Sonic The Hedgehog * MLP Friendship Is Magic * Kid Vs Kats
LaserTom10 Tomasdaniel
Hi everybody, I'm LaserTom10. I'm an intermediate player. My favorite characters are Mario, Link, Sonic, Shadow, Iron Man, Pikachu, etc. I make good drawings and I love playing video games of adventure and action like sega and nintendo. I also like to play online, share my experiences as a player, upload screens of my achievements and see certain animes. *If you follow me, I'll follow you too!
Oxygen ramenisgoodokay
i like to cry in trashcans if i let u down pls dont get mad im onlyt 13 i also likew pokemon and splatoom i gues i h8 coloring colorin iz stresful 4 me okayt tysm 2 peoples followin me raisez my selfg asteem a lil also pls coment construtctive critisyzism pls it'l help me a lot tysssm I know how to use proper grammar I swear-
YungZ H JesseJohnson1822
Where 2 find me: Colors!gallery:The_One_True_Guy Roblox:THEDABBINGNOOB Aw Geez Guys. Well Miiverse is ded... Beast on Tablet/paper, but trash on 3Ds screen. All miss these peepz: Steen Beth TC Silkena alli WW/BD Penn Mood: Always Dead inside
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
Eli ElitheNinjaCat
Well. I had a great time on Miiverse. Thank you, all my great friends on here. ;w; I'm not gonna be able to talk to a bunch of you again easily, sadly… Thank you, everyone who's bothered actually liking my art. I'll still be out there. Probably still posting pictures of a certain jester. …well, maybe not of him, but I'll still be doing art. See ya. >*slidin' away*
Owen sonicspindash93
Does anybody even read these anymore? Well, if you actually care to know, I won't accept random friend requests. Only people I know well. Expect drawings of Sonic, Mario, Mega Man, me, friends, Splatoon, and more. Alt Account: TheFirstOwen
Starkiller tk421luke
Hi everyone Starkiller some things about me are -A huge Sonic and Pikachu fan -Enjoys drawing and doing different drawings -I dont use Wii U Chat -Enjoys making friends with new people -If you follow me i'll definately follow you back unless i cant because of then the limit of followers Also feel free if you want to follow me if you want random drawings and posts:D and lastly Stay Awesome:3
Tokiten Tokiten-Steph
Tokiten#1274 Since miiverse is ending thought I'd throw out here that Tokiten is pretty much my name for everything. No kidding. If you wanna stay in contact let me know before the end of miiverse days. Also side note, I've never been admin'd on here. Would be funny to suddenly get banned or something last minute but at the same time I'd be like woh, it happened
chava gamerpit
Lost me old account... Ah Well! This is mah Backup Account I Dun't Like to Wii U Chat much I Collect Amiibo \/ Inspirational Quotes Below \/ "hi im curtis" "Personally, I prefer The Air" "LAND MASTER"
つるっぱげぎるす Gamelovew
名前・まぞんぎるすLv.13♂ ★ 親 アギゼイド 2004ねん2がつ29にち びょういんからあずかった タマゴが2004ねん2がつ29にち埼玉県でかえったようだ。 すぐ こうふんする。 なんだかしらないが いろちがいになっていた。 とくせい ぜったいねむり ただただ ねむいだけである。 もちもの ギター 好きな曲が いつでも弾けるギター。 音色が イケメン程に カッコいい。
Sunny Pheonix548
I love Super Smash Bros. and drawing, and I'll try to post often! I'm a blue Toon Link main~ My favorite characters include Toon Link (who else?), Yoshi, Bowser, and Charizard! I have a DA too: pheonix548 Exactly like that. Follow me if you want. –v– b
Ηεατнεг¤ßÐ Gardevoir04
*I am 13 and going into 8th grade *I am a MV Artist *I do daily drawings [2 a day] *Love Pokemon, Nintendo games, Fnaf, SML, Drawing,ect♥ *Follow for Follow *Will accept friend requests [blank or not] *Will do drawing requests! *Part of ßÐ and рς☆ clan! *Leader of Эà clan *Go follow these people, *MemeSenpai, ßαίlεγ ЩЩ, Hickle,Q, Mochi ,JJ(/º¬°)/, Genjitszu, ect Stay Awesome☆ ♥JJ(/º¬º)/♥
Samantha zackvfair
Hello, Internet! Welcome to Miiverse! *cue the intro* Hello, everyone! This is Samantha here! :D Did you miss me? Admit it.. You missed me. ;) I post often. I'm smol enough to strangle your shins. And I will see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT DOODLE POST! Buh-byee!! Online: X Offline: Out of Posts: Sleeping:
★ßετн TC★ MunchCookie
Click on my favorite post for my contacts off Miiverse! Yessiree, time to get the ol' bleach for some wierd stuff that goes on in this profile. This includes Sonic OCs, furries, loads of Bendy, some Steven Universe, Pokémon, Undertale, and MAAAAYBE ships in all of the above. If you have nothin' nice to say, then it's time for the FLYSWATTER. *gets out flyswatter* Mood: dead Now I'll let you go.
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
BlackGlitz Fnafluver
Sup 15 years old | self taught artist| I own a UT community but not the 2 main ones. It's a third one. I claimed it a year ago. If you don't like sinful stuff then I highly recommend that you don't follow me... plz 4 ur own good I LIKE Undertale, Eddsworld and other fandoms that im too lazy to mention Currently feeling: Feeling motivated and ready to animate quality cringe OFFLINE ONLINE ★
Milky Miik Howtomakeacupcak
Yo...Uh...UH- (Take 2) You can either call me Cam or Cami-Chan I like Junk food, drawing, watching Youtube, anime (Specifically Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Osomatsu-San, and Free!), FNAF, and you Go follow the peeps I follow I guees Especially MikaFNAFOC (Or just Mika) =ω= Fav Youtubers: JaidenAnimation, theodd1sout, Sleepykinq, Prinechain, SpaceGalaxy, and Tonyvtoons
Erika Erika-with-a-K19
This is it, guys! This is the end! D: Hello, I'm Erika! I love underrated things and 12's my lucky number. Right now I'm in the mood for Cuphead! So you'll see me do drawings of that for a while. Series I like: Cuphead, Conker, Sailor Moon, Equestria Girls, Rayman, Super Smash Bros., Mega Man, Pac-Man, Sonic, Mario, ect. Nice, friendly people and guests are appreciated.
Jordan Mc J-star5m
So this is's the end... I will miss you all so much. I made so many great friends here and I made lots of great memories... If you want to find me Fill in the blank.. ------verse Hint:Opposite of open [ I am sure you heard of it before :) ]
Sonyasha SonYasha
>:^U ugh jeez man, this drawing gig is wack, yo. Forgive me if I sound mean, it's just my bad personality. Started: 07/03/14 I'm very lonely.
★Rosαlinα★ kaylaskye
★Profile comment hidden by reckless Lumas. Ha, Joking! Greetings Fellow Starling! Anyway, I'm Rosalina, watcher of the cosmos. I live with my lumas on my Comet Observatory. They've been getting really reckless lately... -_-' "Hey! Stop That!" Ugh... I try my very best to protect the galaxy within my reach.I will with the help of my lumas and you all! Welp, they're breaking things again, see ya! :D
AZZYNATOR FazbearsPizza120
Hoi pepols of Miiverse. I'm TemiNATOR, it'll be nice to meet you so stop by and say hello. Here is some information about me: I'm a 18 year old male that likes playing as characters that he knows,I can be competitive, aggressive, and lazy sometimes, I'm a modder for Minecraft, plz don't friend me because I have mods, my friends list is full.Too much F.R already.Thank you and have fun.
tmii tmii0599
hey my name is tmii ill be doing stuff on miiverse here so come say hi if you have a chance. (other account): More tmii/trex0599
hey,so miiverse is about to end...yeah so thank you people and followers for making a good place ...
hey,so miiverse is about to end...yeah so thank you people and followers for making a good place for me i don't really know were im going to draw now probably in the future i meet up to all things that made me here so yeah...thanks for having me here and maybe in the future i'll come back so thanks and by miiverse (and my real name is ta'ren) thank you. :) want more of me twitter: @Tmii0599