Users Tron19 Is Following
Mel Zockermaster101
Thx for 4000+*0*こんにちは!(私は日本が大好きです)I'm Mel!Tokyo is my love,Japan my life!I love DEATH NOTE, Anime/Mangas,Japan,Science,Medicine,Psychology,Math,Art,Music&gaming.I speak German,English Japanese&Latin.I draw Pokemon, Anime,Creepypastas&gaming fellows: ウルフ ナナ Brilly♪ EVERY MONDAY FOLLOWER OF THE WEEK DURING THE WEEK DRAWINGS &POST ナナ,ウルフ,メル together unstoppable! ~WOLFI AND MEL TOGETHER WE´RE STRONG~
Unicornioo Maria2065
Hola… ¡-¡ MV:24/12/16♥ 3DS:11/11/16 ♡TQ♡ Asuquitah→rafaferni64 Kit-Kat→superCarmencita Mermelada→Vicesalsita Ositah→MariaTortola Nesquik→carlamiguezneiro Loki→Maca888 Candy→Voley2005 Primito→sergyana Nutela→NoraSaavedraGil Galletitah→auraplay Uni→Lyli2004 Os amo → 3DSnintenda, srta.gatita17 Petisui→noita0 Patata→laurapbhg / te amo ‹3 ~Ðεsδε επαπαs нαsτα απcιαπαs®~ →Mirad a la gente q sigo←
Tutur M-arthur19
Merci beaucoup pour tous ces bons moment sur miiverse, je ne vous oublierez JAMAIS. Thanks very much for this good moment on miiverse, I NEVER forgot you. Mon rêve aurait été d'attreindre le 100 abonnés ou alors au moins 90 mais j'en ai eu 88. My dream is to have 100 followers or 90 but I have 88. Merci à mes 88 abonnés particulièrement à J.Gamming, Tron19, DarkMat and PyroLink. Thanks for 88
Milo supermilobro
Oh man, I can't believe the end of Miiverse is already here. We've had a good run and its been great getting to meet you all. I hope to see you all again soon. Thank you all for the support and may God bless you!:)
Dj-Pickle Dj-Pickle
Starting 8 November it's the big Giveaway... sign up for all manner of crazy shenanigans... Oh no that's right, Nintendo are pulling the plug...
★Ňøßïțα★ yogy-miu-lucky
★ ♡ ⭐ i'm Nobita ⭐ ♡ ★ ⇒ Hi, i speak english... :] ⇒ I ♥ To Draw ⇒Age: 19 ⇒Gender: ♂ ⇒☆ Smash bros, Mk8 & Splatoon ☆ ★ Ale ★ >I'm not an artist ^.^" >No random friend request >No Wii U Chat Plis :) Splatoon: Lvl 28 :3 & ↑B+ ς(˘³˘)/˜ "Yess
Lyn' 3DSNetworkA
Adieu! T^T I thank you all, I love you, that was the biggest and funniest experience I have ever seen...;( ‹3 ;-;
Ÿõşħûą™ Yosh-Da-Boss
I`m Just A Guy Who Loves To Draw♪ =) * I`m 17 Years Old♪ * I Live In The Netherlands♪ * I Appreciate All My Followers♪ * Yeah Bomb Me Like A Boss -.- * Thanks For The Support!! 500+ Followers! ^^ Yeah!!
Bradical Bdockeyeballs
35 year old gamer dad hobbies: wood carving, drawing, drums loves: my wife, daughter,metal and bluegrass! sorry, no wiiu chat! monsters, aliens, robots and dinosaurs? yes, please. I'd rather spend a weekend at Bernie's than five nights at freddies... hope you like my art!
Selena»şƒ XxMusicLuvaxX
Hi, my name is Selena aka Nina, im 22 and i love music, games, drawing, Sonic, Kingdom Hearts, Mario Bros, DBZ, Adventure Time, Pokémon, Bruno Mars and so many other random things ^ω^ ★•I appreciate all the yeahs and follows•★ ♥•In a relationship with Michael (Cinos)•♥ •°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•°˙°•º˙°•°˙°•°˙°•
~Dana~ danastarr02
Awesome people I'd like to thank: Tanna, Mercedes, Luma, Puff, Alexandra, KidProdigy, Λndısıt, GOOM, ‡Shy guy‡, Sarah, RoadRaven, RK, RunneR, Bowsergirl, Theresa, Betty, Jilly, Hamza, Sir, ShelbyYuki, Luigi-GS, Bluepanzer, Kevin, Logan, √Alex², A.J, Kitty, BJCC, Jack, Peacock, Lumy, Steven, Shadowolf, and Artisquid.
SMVPάΠFυτ. DarknessHell
…★Hi i'm patt future and I come from the future its my Home:)but the future is at wars Home:Hell,EXE&Dark World & Evil Mushroom Kingdoom future ★(and I am the leader of the resistance of the future,Btw) Son:Bowser.Jrfuture,G&w.jr future and Kitter future l♥u my sempai Fabi uwu♡ ♥…☆~Tal Vez:La vida no tenga sentido,pero si sigues viviendo,encontraras cosas muy interesantes por las k vivir~♡…★
ψTaylor mariosonicrules
I'm Taylor, i'm 23 years old, and I love to draw! And I'm Friends with everyone! No Wii U Chats please. :) If I not comment to you, it's because My 30 comment limits are up for today. So I'll comment you back when I can. And I don't accept friend requestes, if I know you well, I only accept requests from my Friends. I don't take drawing requests either. And please no spam "First" comments
SMVÐάгКPăΠ 666DarkMadness
★Ηι ľm (Dαгк)Pαττ τнις οτнзг ргøfιļε мιηε ωнιτн ωιιυ,★XD (uno d los tropecientos(?):v ιm тнз ςнαδσω qυεεη(of ραρεπ mαπισ αΙςо)-w-U Αηδ τнз δαπκηεςς ϊς му роωεπ βυτ ι наνε α Ιιττιε Ιιττιε Ιιġнт ιηςιδε σf mε(sorry 4 my bad english :v) ▼-l speak spanish&Little english :P ★ darkness Up >8) ♡- l like showdown xiaolin Jack spicer is my fav character owo ♡♥- I♥u Fαβι υωυ mγ гμβу♥♡ -♡♥
Doggy Dan DingleDan86
Hello everyone, and welcome! My original profile name is DingleDan86. I am 31 years of age and have been a long time cartoon enthusiast. I like to draw things (mostly animals, anthro, demons, dragons, unicorns, and other stuff) that I find interesting. Feel free to check out my artwork posts, if you like.
Stephanie dy6c48-eh
Hi and welcome. My name is Stephanie and I'm 21. Studying at university. I love drawing, playing video games and watching films. Games series I like include Pokémon, Splatoon and The Legend of Zelda. I love animals, in particular the big cat family. I draw on Miiverse and in Pokémon Art Academy. Not accepting drawing requests. Thanks for visiting and it's a pleasure to meet you! :)
Chris SuperChrisBros
Goodbye my dear friends & followers Tengo 21 años,hablo español y un poco de inglés y soy un gran fan de Super Mario y TLOZ Mis personajes favoritos son: 1)Super Mario★ 2)Pac-Man☆ 3)Sonic The Hedgehog★ 4)Kirby☆ 5)Link★ 6)Luigi☆ 7)Yoshi★ 8)Applejack♡ 9)Pinkie Pie♥ 10)Octavia Melody♡ 11)Meloetta♡ 12)Blinky★ 13)Mega Man☆ 14)Donkey Kong★ 15)Fluttershy☆ 16)Daisy♥ No WiiU Chat Sorry Everyone PAC IS BACK
Clem scorpion1798
Hey ! C'est Clem Ici je dessine que pour le FUN Merci à mes +2600 abonnés c'est vraiment TOP ^^/
Majon♪ strickmichel
Goodbye Miiverse :'-(
kakamo kamo69carry
MHXXで集会所立てて遊んでいます。 龍歴院:カカモの部屋:設定なし :狩りチャ:のんびり:部屋パス六九九六 :ハンターネームはオレンジ ダブルクロスで一狩り行きましょう♪。 部屋主がマイペースで雑談好きな部屋なので、相互フォロワーさんでしたら気軽にどうぞ。夜の九時四十五分に立ててます。
Best part of life is the funny. Find that way to make yourself laugh and smile everyday :D Anime saved my life Zelda centers my soul ▲▼▲♥♥♥ Manga creator Smash Characters- Roy, Sonic, Link, ZeroSuit Samus, Lucina, ToonLink An Corrin♀ Hair changes color, red, blonde to brown 5' 11" Steel Blue eyes with golden amber ♂148lbs. Love Autumn, the colors an cool air I like to be Silly, not off putting :D
Kazuya-san pacg2004
Kon'nichiwa .-. Me llamo Kazuya,me encanta el anime y me considero otaku. Mi contenido se dirige a dar información sobre animes,noticias,reviews,tops,dibujar,etc Publico alguna mierdα cada siglo :v Seguid a: jotsu / Jotsu Nefe-kun:3 Tron19 Mαπτα
Jotsu jagm-sg
Hola soy Jotsu... Cosas sobre mi?Bueno no hay muchas: Tengo un nombre muy largo...Jose,Tengo 12 años,mis animes favoritos son Rakudai kishi no cavalry,Shingeki no Kyojin(¿Por qué solo 12 capitulos?:""( Y mas pero no voy a poner todos. Y ya esta¿Que queréis saber mas?¿Si me gusta el anime?XD
Gavin Melanie00_Alt
DankDrew jaimeheiser
"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them as an artist." ~Picasso Look in my followings! -14 year old boi -birthday on July 29th -short and ugly -pixel artist -skrublord -bisexual -i like memes u n d e r s t a n d a b l e , h a v e a g r e a t d a y
Sorry Team Supercatwoman2
=^.^= Thx for playing Splatoon and/or viewing my drawings. ♥ ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·` ♥A♕❁ forever yours
RV_Jσει Joelpima18
Jeloou c: He puesto tantas cosas que ya no se que poner x'd Solo que... Estoy loco y me encanta el anime y eso c: ~Sao for ever~ También... em... (Que escribo ahora :v) Me encantan los videojuegos, en específico los de aventura y/o fantasía y los mmorpg xdd Toram online molaah Pues eso, adiós (?
Dexgor03 Dexgor03
Hola gente,me llamo erick ,soy un super fan de folagor03 y de grilloandlugre. Mis mejores amigos de miverse son:Sora,Tron19(Joel),Scotch98,Jotsu,mattxd ,Alber,Erza y seguramente muchisimos mas. Soy una persona muy amistosa,alegre y deportista. No olvides seguirme si quieres.
§×SMVPάΠק Seplier
Zup:>This is my New account of Wiiu and now my main profile iam the princess of Evil mushroom kingdoom and the boss of blue team of ssb:3 ⇒★DA:DarkyRosyPatt ⇒★ClosedVerse:Seplier Fav songs -Goddess of the ballas -Neo koopa city(Mk7/8) -Wario ware inc -Bowsers castle(allMk) ~♥l love u fabi my rubyuwu -l fight for my diamonds and for my mv familyòwó powers:darkness&Fire♥ Btw…Im Evil Not Edge>;)
MαļεSaveMV Malena21
¡Hola! ¡Soy Malena! Y me he creado otra cuenta. En el tema abierto "¡Hola! ¡Tengo otra cuenta!" está toda la info. #SaveMiiverse!!! BFF: Ainhoa, Marco, Alber, Tron19, María, Sonia... Etc. Seguidles, ¡son los mejores! ¡Es lo que siempre (repito, SIEMPRE) digo! OMG! ¡Somos más de 40 herman@s! ¡¡MUCHAS GRACIAS!! :DDDDD Bye! ›з•
GK is mine and only mine. No one else can have her oh yes, it's true. Call me insane or weird, but your words mean nothing! I love her no matter what has happened and no one is gonna take her away from me haha >:] Also, this is the end of my Mv time here. There won't be a last drawing as I planned. Thank you for the good and bad memories here :) †††Long live AG†††
☆よロる☆☆くたシ☆ FireBreakMaster
Hi im Jissin that i have a japan name but please no wii u chat i like drawing here i do ------------------------------ *I like pokemon,sonic,mario,kirby,and i other thing *Play my wii u,3ds,and my xbox *Listen some music on my phone *Stay up all night ------------------------------ -_- Most thing i hate is school -_- So that all for now so i have fun
pöisõnïvÿ TabithaLenox
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ~Winnie the Pooh♡ ♪Thank u for the friendship & support. For the yeahs & follows. Luv u all ♡ ♥Please Understand...R.I.P Mr.Iwata♥ *Joined miiverse Dec 2012*
¡Hola! :D ¡Estás es la cuenta secundaria de Albеr! Puede que publique alguna que otra cosa... ¡Pero si quieres hablar conmigo o ver dibujos y publicaciones locas ve a mi cuenta principal! ¡Ya somos 1 seguidor! X'D ¡Saludos a todos! ;) ¡Hola! Soy un gusano... ●● / ¯■¯ ¯■¯ ¯■¯ ¯■¯ ¯■¯ ¯■¯ ¯■¯ ¯■¯ ¯■¯ ¯■¯ ¯■¯ ¯■¯ ¯■¯ ¯■¯ ¯■¯ ¯■¯ ¯■¯ ¯■¯ No, no hay nada más aquí... XD
*べにひめ* benihime999
顔ポチThanks♪ 共感・フォロー・コメントありがとうございます! 連続共感喜んで◎ イラスト投稿中心の活動をしています。 ジャンルを問わずその時描きたいイラストをかいてます^^ 共感して頂けると嬉しいです(*'▽') *好き* ハニワ*ボカロ*東方*フェアリーテイル ワンピース*カゲプロ*歌い手さんなど♪ ジャンプ*マガジン(愛読中www) いいなぁと思ったら即共感!!たまにフォローもしてしまいます! 宜しくお願い致します〃▽〃 ミバは終わってしまいますね… 本当に皆さん今までありがとうございました><* これからは3DSでカラオケJOYSOUNDを中心にやっていきますwww べにひめv.o. で絵描きから歌うたいになってるので、見かけたらよろしくね*.・* *.・*更新2017.9.14*・.*
Gail Force peppers
Thank you all so very much♥I was very sad when I heard the news today and I'll miss you all so much♥I have been here for 5years and have met the nicest ppl,your all really special to me;)again thanks so much for all the support and kind comments♥I wis♥h you all much happiness♥now lets all live it up on here till the end and I hope we will meet up again someday;)*PEACE*LOVE*HUGS*IM@uya notube♥♡cU♥
Closedverse: Tron19
Closedverse: Tron19
'·. ♥ .·'
Thank you for those amazing 2 years