Tzevi08's Friends
Luigi LuigiSll
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Emerapuff puff_maker
This user's profile comment is private.
Alannah BuddyandDixie
Hello, and no, I'm not Noah, he is my brother. I'm 11 years old right now and love Pokémon, Mario, and other Nintindo games. Why is Miiverse closing? I don't know. Why you do this Nintindo?
YOSHIPOOCH YoshiPoochie2
*~klent~* jonahaaron234567
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Clyde Hellowhomp
Sup people! I am a huge fan of the Mario series so you will find a lot of stamp drawings and playjournal entries. Unfortunately, i'm a nub when it comes to Miiverse, so don't expect a lot. But you will see me winning on the pathetic excuse of Mariokart 8 battle mode. PS stop the awesome parodys hate (lol) PSS im a lonely loner so i will accept any friend requests derp . _ .
Kazehaya kazehayavb
xdd hola ya falta poco para el cierre de miverse shau :,v mi juego favorito smash y uno de lus unicos juegos q tengo 17 años adios (:v)
Hipster AxbyGamer
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
SmasherQ SmasherQ
oden OdenBlackmane907
hi im oden i like narto sepenop and mario games star wars niju movies cool stuff like that and wii u lets be friends and follow me i love slatoon songs like ful the melody is it a cool song or wat but am i cool? i know i am se ya on miiverse keep an eye out for me follow my friends marie and welp look at my friends on friend ner my profile follow em! plz your all cool se ya!!!! :3idontusewiiuchat
Royce Mavannah1-18
Addictions: Smashie4 Mirai DX Roy, Pit Anime Favorite smashie character quote: ''Mamoru beki mono no tame ni, makerarenai!''-Roy Age span:13-15 (you can guess for yourself) I'm accepting friend requests from anyone. I will not follow everyone who follows me. That simple trick doesn't work on me. *Don't ask me about my odd name. *If you don't know what the word "equality" means, I can't help you.
gtgb theZmaster
Ava mmangum76
Welcome! I talk about strange stuff~ I post frequently~ Also nintendo if your gonna ban me, Ive done nothing bad..! Byeee Miiverse:[ If you like me admit! If u hate me dab! bye and plz stay fresh Xddd
[ ] clarke216
*STICHES* Espana72
^-^ i play smash and other games too and yea thats all
villager tavion09
hi i am sonic 09 my favorite game is supersmash bros for the wii u splatoon and super mario maker lest splat or brawl sometimes i change my mii to supersonic frisk and chara
Jakub raquelregalado
tyler petiec
Nintendawg Spatial_Atoms
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zurrik zurrik
Lebootski drichard1981
I am a Mario Maker addict!
Mourad Mourossonero
I just try to discover games I've never played and enjoy them. Game of the moment : MH3U Wii U and Chrono Trigger DS. Ultra fan of Metroid, Smash and Xenoblade X. I also love DBZ Budokai, Ratchet & Clank and Dragon Quest. Appreciate the great games on every consoles you have, that's my way of gaming!
ISAIAH isaiahf123
I am a gamer who will play any game as long as it's fun. I hope to also be an artist, but until then i'll keep practicing.
Isaac Ajjaxx
Crash crash4128
★Ryán★ RetroBoy92
First & Last Name: Ryán Hamilton Nickname: Ren Birthtday: 12/12/1992 Age: 24 My Collections: *Retro Games *Future Games *Amiibo Figures *Skylander Figures *Disney Infinity Figures *DVD Movies My Favorite Food: *Pizza *Cheeseburger *Doritos Playing Online Games: *Super Smash Bros. *Mario Kart *Mario Maker *Splatoon *Playstation All-stars *Puyo Puyo *Skylanders
Laffytaffy laffytaffy02
Regular show part 2 If you hate cartoons I'll send you to your room, yeah I'll send you to the moon! I will also send a bunch of baby ducks I'll send them to the moon, soda machine that doesn't work, send it to the moon Regular show Mordecai & Rigby Season 1 episode 1
♪Genesis♪ chelleb312
Miiverse is ending.... Stop scrolling. Fine, want a cookie ( ˙˘˙) ♪♥★ Miiverse... Is... Ending... But what about my miiverse girlfriend!?
Azzur azzur_aguilera
Amante de los videojuegos, 100% nintendero
TheZardKid KyLanders
Primeshiem bigruc
Hi I play mario kart 8 super smash mario 3d land and Poke'mon and Kirby, zelda.Also I main Mario, Donkey kong,Pacman, Kirby, Captain Falcon, Lucas, Robin, and Toon Link!
stnimbus1 sterlingnimbus
¡Hola! I am a nice person to talk to. I live in Chicago, IL and like to play Wii U and 3DS. My favorite VGC is Link from The Legend of Zelda! and my favorite food is pizza and meat loaf. I also like drawing and writing. Sometimes my little sister posts stuff, but don't be surprised! My favorite animals are cats and dogs! My favorite sweet is chocolate cake.
Travis te11ta1eheart
Artist/Musician/Gamer & Father I am in my 30's & been playing music for over 20 years & play guitar,drums & piano.I also have been playing games since the Atari 2600. I also LOVE JRPG/RPGs the most & Grew up w/Nintendo I am a HUGE DC Comics fan! Favorite game series-The Legend Of Zelda,Metroid,Super Mario Bros,Final Fantasy & Dragon Warrior/Quest, Fire Emblem, Persona, Xenoblade
CheezSauce Wiidhead
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.