Blake's Followers
Cesuvia Zelda1616
Hey, I'm Abbie. I like youtube, video games, and singing.
Cakeley Cakeley77
HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im cakeley and I have a 2Ds. Follow if you also have a 2Ds (or if you want to). BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
R. Wolfe sverrevestvik
Jonah mariorocks9999
Hey Im Mariorocks9999 I like splatoon,mario maker, Triforce heroes, Fire emblem Fates Conquest, and Minecraft also YO-KAI WATCH 1 and 2
osvelia Cyber89115
15 | Gamer | Jedi Master I play games and stuff, thats enough about me right?
Aidan AFD1BS
Warreñ2005 gamemaster2005wm
Shadow the hedgehog.........
Rogue Helena160
Hi! my name is Kelly. my hobbies include many things, like drawing, cooking, gaming, cosplaying, surfing the net, and writing stories. my favorite animal is the dingo. and I'm good at creating my own characters. I WILL LOVE ZELDA ALWAYS AND FOREVERMORE. also, stuffed animals rule! also...i stand up to bullies, and trolls. i also like to case anyone is intrested...keep being awesome!
chiry thegoodperson
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Keny BlacheMan
Hey guys my name is Diamond.D im jus goin to tell a lil bout me.I lik exercising i lik playin basketball and football i also lik video games,I love to draw mainly sketch. IF U FOLLOW ME I WILL FOLLOW U. IF I FOLLOW U ,U WILL HAV DA CHOICE TO FOLLOW ME. im not gion get mad bout dat. I JUS LIK RESPECTING PEOPLE AS THEY ARE RESPECTING ME.I also lik to rap and freestyle.
Mac sosygirl
matthew StarMatt
I like to play games :] All my friends are good at games to
Kai ZeldaPika
Why,hello there!I'm just your averageOtakuwho is a huge fan of the Zelda series.I create fan-animations, speed-art and vocal covers of Nintendo games&Anime! I alsodoLet'sPlays! I am the _TheOtakuArtist_ »ProudNEET&Otaku »I have 2Parakeets&4Dogs »Artist&Christian »Beginner Animator(Flipnote3D&FireAlpaca) »I draw on here! ★GameCurrentlyLPing:TwilightPrincessHD ☆GamesPlaying4Fun:FERevelation&BOTW
majesty 4maj1122
Well i'm majesty i like pokemon I am a sophmore in high school I am a crazy person who is kinda confused about life I am overly obsessed with Heavy and Death metal music Heres a list of some bands i like: Pierce the veil sleeping with sirens Panic at the disco slipknot crown the empire my chemical romance I'm anime trash I'm a trash panda ^_^ Nörmäl Pëöplë Scärë Më
Kenz petty99
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NastyJake NASTYJAKE420
Hello just a 20 year old zelda veteran and a long lived nintendo fan obviously. Needless to say anymore? P.S dont be intimidated by my name, im not too nasty :)
Stephanie GrahimFan
Hola soy Stephanie y me encanta Fire Emblem y Zelda y tengo a mi amor mi INCREGAMERLINK OSCAR BFF:Paul Vida:Oscar Estado:feliz y entretenida Juego favorito:The Zelda:Skyward Sword y Twilight Princess Genero de musica favorito:Dubstep, bandas sonoras de juego,rock,heavy me Importante:No soy un billete de 100 para caerle bien a todos ME FASCINA SKRILLEX Y DJ JO
Dexsilyn Athena8658
I am a 22-year-old college student who is completely obsessed with The Legend of Zelda. I love Pokémon as well! Nintendo was at the core of my childhood. ^_^
luis otaku luisora
ShadowL7 ShadowL7
Nenrikido Shad85
Salut tout le monde ! Ici Shad'ow , otaku de sang pur ! Vous devinez donc ce que j'aime par dessus tout ! : les poulpes !!! (Ah? Vous l'aviez pas deviné? XD) Fan ULTIME de mangas et de jeux-vidéos, je sais à peu près tout ! (le "a peu près" a une valeur excessivement relative ! ^^) Je peux donc vous aider mais tout aussi bien discuter de tout et (SURTOUT) de n'importe quoi ! *EOS = O.O*
pollito famosa
Leyah Summer1994
I'm just a nice person who likes to play games sometimes make new friends and don't like to make rude comments to anyone at all and im a little shy and nervous sometimes
i'm 40 my fav game series r zelda ninja gaiden double dragon mario mega man castlevania fav tv series highlander movies star wars i'm christian i believe honor is everything honor is love star fox is another fav series i love wiiu chat but u have to be 20 or older
Professor Peppi-2005
Das ist cool wer mir folgt den folge ich auch und auch mein folger ferschpochen
ches kodyh22
I like pokemon, i am a girl, and i like boy stuff kasey melone and jacub lewis r my bffl
willtaylor MrMario54
my goal is to get 2000 yeahs and please like all of my posts because i'll like alot of yours and thanks!! make friends like my posts too please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four hundred letters
kayla Ty7890
my name is kayla and my brother name is keyshown 3 he is on miiverse to so yeah by
TJ timmy333
Jam302 jam302
I love the legend of zelda and injustice and also Batman Arkam Origins follow me and i follow you!
Zeniya thegreatprincess
I am Zelly, I love to play The Legend of Zelda. I own all of them.(if you count downloads) My favorite Zelda game is The Minish Cap. I love to play Mario Kart games. My favorite youtuber is Markiplier and Stephenplays, dieing of laughter every minute i watch those guys.
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
luke(king) 8989ll
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Tanner huppfam
things about me *nintendo fan * i don't wiiu chat *not allowed to friend anybody anymore *i have the same birthday a Abraham Lincoln games i love to play *minecraft *infinity *mario games *need for speed most wanted u *lego games *Madden *ncaa
What's up, I'm Blake and I'm a HUGE Nintendo fan and an EXTREME Zelda fan!! I'm an energetic and ...
What's up, I'm Blake and I'm a HUGE Nintendo fan and an EXTREME Zelda fan!! I'm an energetic and friendly guy. Every once in a while I'll post something cool, so hey, maybe follow me and keep up on my posts, or don't cause I suck :P
Favorite Zelda games:
1. Breath Of The Wild
2. The Wind Waker
3. Majora's Mask
4. Skyward Sword
5. A Link Between Worlds
6. Ocarina Of Time
7. Twilight Princess