Users Warryl Is Following
MochiBOMB★ STARGamer1
!!~Thank you Everyone for 1000 Followers~!! Thank you Miiverse and Everyone It was a great experience! Im leaving for vacation on for my Parents Anniversary. Thank you for everyone iit was fun drawing for you guys! 'Check my Following List' *•�❣️Every Artist is Special, Unique, & Amazing!❣️�•* ■★■★■★■★■★■★■★■★■
Sonαtα Akatsuki.Anbu
Hello there ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ the name's Sonata, About me↓ ⇒Draws trash :') ⇒Likes casual Rp ⇒Cluttered Hermit life-style ⇒Sickly ⇔1st oc: Sonata, Koala-boy ⇔2nd oc: Sei ,Ninja ♂ ⇔3rd oc: Minuet ,Kokiri ♂ ⇔4th oc: Cappella ,Inkling ♂ ⇔5fth oc: Elegy ,Octoling ♂ ⇔6th oc: Requiem ,Inkling ♂ * This is a 3Ðς account *
★Кαиdγ★ Kkandy105
Hoi!! U may call me Kandy. Thingz about me☆: I love anime(my fav is Yuri on Ice) Im a geek I love floof My favorite gamez are Pokémon, Legend of Zelda, and Fire Emblem I love drawing<3 Im left-handed i have dyslexia #ProtectLinkSquad i wouldnt be found after mv ends...I havent joined Mv as soon as i wouldve liked but nothing could explain how greatful i am for all the kindness and support!tysm
Fellblood sonic5916
Just a girl that loves to draw and likes dragons. FE Heroes♪ 6437154481 FE Castle address★ 17478-81123-69045-27323 Luke 1:37 See ya! Btw, I beat BoTW and I'm giving the Wii U back soon... Go follow Lizzy! She's awesome!
JJTC jjtc4471
18 years old. 25% Japanese and 75% caucasian? Name's Jonathan. I like fishing, hunting, art, martial arts, and Tons of anime Broken Depression Blank emotion Mentally depleated ♪"nobody knows who I really am. I've never felt this empty before."♪ Alt accounts: dscgDSCG str1vin6 characters (OC): Jonathan (JJTC)♂ Eiji ♂ Clay ♂ Aysel ♀ Teal ♀ Nero ♂ Benny ♂ o---{==(¬~¬)==>
Eve Evegirl
☆Hello dears! Thank you for looking at my profile page! Thank you for 1600+ followers! *I do not take requests. I am a self-taught artist who loves to draw characters from LoZ and other random stuff I find interesting. ;) I always will try to respond to your comments, and I hope to bring a smile to your face with my drawings and other posts. :) 2294-8135-2533
silentmoon Kid-IcarusUprise
Yo, Hello,bonjour,Hola everyone and all! I am silentmoonicarus My colorless drawings that I posted may or may not bore you but some where around this time I might get colors (now who's boring) Anyway the content i post may or may not be original Those contents ranges from anime to gaming. On future notes I might discuss on improvement, question, collaboration etc. I'm just an artistforfun
Mel Zockermaster101
Thx for 4000+*0*こんにちは!(私は日本が大好きです)I'm Mel!Tokyo is my love,Japan my life!I love DEATH NOTE, Anime/Mangas,Japan,Science,Medicine,Psychology,Math,Art,Music&gaming.I speak German,English Japanese&Latin.I draw Pokemon, Anime,Creepypastas&gaming fellows: ウルフ ナナ Brilly♪ EVERY MONDAY FOLLOWER OF THE WEEK DURING THE WEEK DRAWINGS &POST ナナ,ウルフ,メル together unstoppable! ~WOLFI AND MEL TOGETHER WE´RE STRONG~
JroViens JroViens
aspiring artist/graphic designer. Hoping to illustrate childrens books someday for a living.
Samuel you_know_it88
Hi, I'm Sam and I am the definition of boring P.S Kenny is not a loser.
°•.Ðαωη.•° 0o.Dawn.o0
Just some random Filipino 12-year-old introvert who draws, and you guys have loved me for who I am and what I do. Thank you so much for just. everything. Whether you've known me from my old account "Aries" or from this one, you've all made me smile and made everyday count. Corny as he11 I know, but I meant every word. Whaddya mean I'm crying?! Sh@ddap. Psshh. My eyes are just sweating...
+:*ωεεв♡:+ MayorKaitlyn
lmao what even am i
Bethany J★ bethhere
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Taco-San ramart
Thank you for all the good times, my friends. I'm glad I got to meet you all. My time on Miiverse was time well spent, thanks to you. Thank you for always encouraging & supporting me. You have helped me grow not only as an artist, but also as a person… Mostly as an artist tho'. Like, my art has improved a lot. xD May you be blessed in everything you do. Later! d(>ω<)/ ~Tamaru "Taco-San" 11/7/17
DatToshu~ x_Flauschi_x
Richie 274757
Hello! My name is Richie :) I'm 19 years old and I like to draw and play video games. My inspiration for drawing are the smiles I can bring to people's faces. I leave comments in my posts so please read them! *somewhere in yogurt land* Follow my main account for more :) ↓ Main account: Name: Richie ID: Account2-Akio
とくま tokuma0121
こんにちは♪ だいぶ使い方になれてきました! え~、社会人です!なので朝早く、夜遅いので、ミーバース(3DS)は触る機会が少ないですが、どうかよろしく! ・自分からフォローはしません。 (↑フォロー嫌な方もいるので!) ・無言フォロー大丈夫です。 ・フォローの付け外しはご自由に! ……………………………………………………………… おかげさまでフォロワー様が200人を越えました!!ありがとうございます!! これからもよろしくお願いします!
Yuki yukifubuki
I do art. Even though I don't even know how to properly art... ;-; ---- So... Miiverse is ending and I pretend to make a comic when the time is right to express my feelings about this travesty. ;-; If you wanna keep in contact, I'll be leaving ways to find me in the comic post. Not much time left, but I wanna enjoy this community as much as I can. I'll miss all of you guys... ;-;
♪Jaz♪ kona_koffee4144
I havnt been able to show much personality thru this account, but i grateful 4 meeting you guys.I need to thank everyone, followers, the ones i'm following, and the ones I have never even met, for making MV a unique community you truly cant find anywhere else. hope to c u around :) other locationz (also go there if I havnt finished ur request) Lemongrease deee-ayyylmao colors3d is a cool app
lightu cybr.du
sup. If you're reading this then you have obviously found my profile. Now....BEGONE INTRUDER!
もみじゅん momiji-aki
顔ポチ、ありがとうございます♪ 二人の娘を持つ、一応社会人のマミーです♪ 『絵心教室』やミバでお絵描き投稿を楽しんでおります♪宜しければ過去投稿等も見に来て下さい(≧∇≦)b 【フレリク受付条件】基本、消極的 『スプラトゥーン』 勝利にこだわる方、煽り、リスキル、ミバ違反、チート行為等のあらゆる意味で、マナーの悪い方はご遠慮下さい。 合言葉→『イカイカゲッソー♪』 『マイクラ』 普段オフライン、クリエイティブで建築厨 フレリクは『見学会』時のみ。 合言葉→『全年齢対象ゲーム』 コメ無言&合言葉無記入=NG フレリク承諾後、マナーの悪い方と分かった時点でフレンド解除致します。 全ての条件を満たしていても、受諾出来ない場合があります。 以上をご了承の方のみ、フレリク下さい。 ※フレリクに際し、一言コメを書き込んだ上で、合言葉を(プロフを一読した証となります)必ず書き添えて下さい。
diana. haruchanchan101
Just random doodles *I'm awkward to talk with
ちゃぶだい momomonozu
実はいうと、スマホ持っていない時期にこのアカウントを作ったのでアドは友人のものだったりします~ サブ垢はことた 任天堂さんミーバースをありがとうございました!! 最近は青い鳥さんとこに基本います
BlueFurImo SW130239
⊂_ヽ \\ _ \( •_•) F < ⌒ヽ A / へ\ B / / \\ U レ ノ ヽ_つ L / / O / /| U ( (ヽ S | |、\ | 丿 \ ⌒) | | ) / `ノ ) Lノ
Smol•Sava pinkkitty123
Yeah hey I don't really post much anymore but I'm still active-ish. Don't expect a lot of art you can find other places where I post art if you're really that interested. but hhhhhhhh yeah i just like fandom stuff and ocs the end,, stop flirting with me you toddlers : ) t:Notsofatpinkcat ig: Notsofatpinkcatart •First Joined: 07/01/2014 7:11 P.M.
St. ★JULS● DeCrown_Juls
I'm Juls. Nice to meet you ^o^ Currently playing: Breath of the Wild, Splatoon, Fire Emblem: Echoes Excited for Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2, METROID PRIME 4!!! OMG ^O^, Metroid: Samus Returns Hype for the Switch. Sorry, no Wii U Chat.
☆γαcкεг45★ Gyroscope142
/ \___/ \ ( º W º ) / \ ( / \ \ (_________ )/ go check out these peeps: кιττуснαn♪ (kawaiicat8) Alysa☆★☆ (HappyCupcakeGirl) Bunny (StarGamerBunny) and my 2nd profile: γαcкεг46 (Pikaperfect45)
Blupulla vaittinen
☆Hello! My name is Blupulla. I'm a self-taught artist who likes video games and drawing. -I might not accept blank friend requests -I don't use Wii U Chat -I don't take requests
★Stardust☆ ophelie34
Je sais pas quoi dire.... Cindy-bae (Didi) love you ‹3 Bisous à tout mes amis. Thanks miiverse ‹3
◆Jαγωгεη◆ Jaybird0246
Fairwell miiverse :( I'm 19 and a aspiring artist and hope to be an animator and video game designer or concept artist. I also love anime and manga. I am a shy person and I'm trying to be a bit more open but will reply to some comments. Note: I accept yeah bombs, but try not to do it at an extent.
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
Lυcawaii ♪ RebeccaForever
Well, I wanna thank for every moment and second I had on this place, because I had fun all the time and I DON‘T CARE WHAT THE OTHERS SAY, but I enjoyed Miiverse. I love it. And I will love it, even if it‘s tomorrow not there anymore... I LOVE MIIVERSE ❤️ Snapchat: lucawaii_14 Google+: Luca V Closedverse: Lucawaii DeviantArt: Lucawaii I wish everyone of you luck in life 😘😘😘
Tомοκа ShinoTomoChen
#################################### _(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_bye || バイ #################################### ともかチェン//Tomoka-chen
Яλαи Vξ Speedster127
R.I.P. Miiverse I joined in 2014 and have spent 830 hours here. When I first started MV I was very "cringey". People like TyVξ, A1, Andy, AAA, Rosalina, etc. have helped me more than they probably know. I've made a lot of friends here and had lots of good times, so I'm going to miss this place a lot. Thank all of you for making this such a great experience!
EC|Brandon lilchico54
Hi, i'd like to take on real challengers all over the world. My mains are Ness and Lucas. Games I'm Currently playing *Pokémon *Smash Bros. *Overwatch I'm also taking a lot of art classes in my college school, so I can get better at drawing stuff on Miiverse.
Dappertron Dappertron
Well golly gosh! A visitor! I am Eric, a 24-year-old architecture student and video game enthusiast. I should try not to be at the same time, but that's besides the point. I try to improve my Miiverse art, so if you have anything you'd like to comment on or critique, then... then, like, do it. Do it now.
I am Warryl the Conqueror
read my latest Comic:(favorite post & play journal)
Current Goal: Con...
I am Warryl the Conqueror
read my latest Comic:(favorite post & play journal)
Current Goal: Conquer Miiverse
Current Mode: Lazy in Conquering things
Warryl Keynes P. Belga
28 years old
Manga Artist (in miiverse only)
you can Yeah bomb me, I wouldn't even feel it
I post everyday so always check me out
"I don't Take Request"