whit3rs's Yeahs

In-Game Super Mario 3D World Community


05/22/2017 2:31 AM

In-Game Super Mario 3D World Community


05/21/2017 8:25 PM

We shall fight to the death brother

Comment on whit3rs's Post


05/18/2017 11:04 PM

Girl, you know you're all about them ant butts.

In-Game Super Mario 3D World Community


05/18/2017 2:28 PM

Comment on whit3rs's Post


06/10/2015 9:22 PM

i didn't even know u could make a house i was just like a hobo living on thr road it's actually pretty fun

Comment on Sorrow's Post


06/05/2015 8:51 PM

dont feal bad i only made it to day 21 and only beacause i had a good environment

Comment on whit3rs's Post


06/04/2015 10:05 AM

as Utiel says traps is the easiest way to get rid of the spiders and get some silk. PRO TIP: find a spider den, put some traps arround and visit it once a day or 2, and when the den is at lvl 3 get...

Comment on whit3rs's Post


06/04/2015 12:47 PM

you can survive

Comment on whit3rs's Post


06/03/2015 7:46 PM

its where these chess piece monster are, known as 'clockworks', the rhino like one is a rook that can charge in a straight path destroying anything and everything in its path, like a stampede thats...

Don't Starve: Giant Edition Community


06/03/2015 5:48 PM

DON'T CHOP TREES! THE TREEGUARD WILL FIND YOU! HE WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND DEVO- what was i saying? i'm gonna chop this for the wint- OH MY GOSH IT'S THE TREEGUA- you okay bro? OH NO! TREEGUARD!!!

Comment on whit3rs's Post


06/03/2015 6:01 PM

those frogs are stronger than you think. it's like zombies in minecraft. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THEM! THEY WILL BOTH KICK YOUR ___, ANNOY THE ____ OUT OF YOU, AND KICK IT AGAIN!

Comment on whit3rs's Post


06/03/2015 5:52 PM

yes. make sure you have plenty of food, but not so much that it spoils before you eat it, avoid attacking mobs untill you have a spear and some log armor/armour if you see a C shaped dirt ring in t...

Don't Starve: Giant Edition Community


06/02/2015 9:45 PM

I unlocked my original Main! WX-78 Has been my go-to character since the Beta on Steam. :P

Don't Starve: Giant Edition Community


06/02/2015 10:26 PM

Why do I feel like I'm playing as Johnny Depp in any Tim Burton film? LOL!

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community


04/21/2015 12:34 AM

Ok! People! Please Stop Using The Word Gay In Smash! Some Of You Out Here Keep Saying: Dude Why Are You So Gay? Or This Or That! Whatever! Stop Saying It!!! You sound Really Dumb Saying It! P.S.: W...

In-Game Super Mario 3D World Community


04/26/2015 4:06 PM

In-Game Super Mario 3D World Community


04/26/2015 5:29 PM