whit3rs's Yeahs

i didn't even know u could make a house i was just like a hobo living on thr road it's actually pretty fun

as Utiel says traps is the easiest way to get rid of the spiders and get some silk. PRO TIP: find a spider den, put some traps arround and visit it once a day or 2, and when the den is at lvl 3 get...

its where these chess piece monster are, known as 'clockworks', the rhino like one is a rook that can charge in a straight path destroying anything and everything in its path, like a stampede thats...
Don't Starve: Giant Edition Community

DON'T CHOP TREES! THE TREEGUARD WILL FIND YOU! HE WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND DEVO- what was i saying? i'm gonna chop this for the wint- OH MY GOSH IT'S THE TREEGUA- you okay bro? OH NO! TREEGUARD!!!

those frogs are stronger than you think. it's like zombies in minecraft. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THEM! THEY WILL BOTH KICK YOUR ___, ANNOY THE ____ OUT OF YOU, AND KICK IT AGAIN!

yes. make sure you have plenty of food, but not so much that it spoils before you eat it, avoid attacking mobs untill you have a spear and some log armor/armour if you see a C shaped dirt ring in t...
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

Ok! People! Please Stop Using The Word Gay In Smash! Some Of You Out Here Keep Saying: Dude Why Are You So Gay? Or This Or That! Whatever! Stop Saying It!!! You sound Really Dumb Saying It! P.S.: W...
I like stuff.