will's Followers
★Will☆ Shyguysquad87
Hey what is up guys, it's Will! Active, friendly Wii U user since 2014. Getting a Switch mid November, make sure to find me on there! I'm with Miiverse till' the bitter end ;]
santiago!! santotoro
(^o^)(^-^)(^o^)(^-^)(^o^)(^-^)(^o^)(^-^) (^-^) (^o^) (^o^) (^-^) (^-^) /////////?/?/?/?/
elle ajlroan
i love to have fun and do alot of stuff come experience with me
Shado abcdefg1592
▼PROFILE▼ うごくメモ帳で主にオリ棒PVを投稿中。 作者ポイント8300pt達成。 ユザネ「Linker」Miiverseのサブ垢も「Linker」です。 公立高校生の男です。ボイスチャットは常時ONにしています。 趣味:動画編集・動画投稿・音楽観賞・パソコン(16GB Intel Core i7 GTX1060 3GB) Twitterフォロワー1090人OVER!!YouTube190人OVER!! チャンネル登録・フォローをして頂けたら嬉しいです。 ※通報・悪コメ禁止 【更新日時 平成29年 7月15日 AM10:36】
... Spac3man01
Hello every body my Names Spac3man and i love game my life is kinda cool i LOVE PIXEL ART and Bo2 if u need any help just ask me and i can help all off u Bye Guys >3 And THANK YOU FOR 100 FOLLOWERS
いい みつき emituki1011
Josh samaniego713
Asher starwars1982
hi my name is NFF*MO*lol the leader of MO* group and member of the NFF* group you can be a member of MO* group( just ask ) im 10 hope you love my posts yeah my post if you feel like it anyways thx for over 600 followers sorry i cant follow back anyways i hope my face feels better. HAVE FUN!!!!!! bye-bye bff peanut follow peanut go to following
LyssPlayz AlyssaF10
こうき take39593216
ヘンドリクセンwww 658145
どうもyosukeです。火曜日の8時によくスプラしてます。動画はマイクラ荒らしたったとかたくっちなどみてます。よろしくお願いします。あとフォローしていたただければ嬉しいです。\(⌒\/⌒)/(新しいのつくっちゃったかな?)wwwwwwwwww フォロワー200人突破!! フォローしてくれた皆様本当に感謝しています これからも僕の投稿見てください よろしくお願いします! 好きなアニメやおすすめあにめ saoシリーズ ゲーマーズ このすば さえヒロ re.ゼロ 境界のりんね ノゲノラ などです
Damian iikdtuttles
hi zelda fan
◆Lεттυcε◆ CandyKit_BANNED
Hey, kids! I'm no role model, so don't look up to me! :^) I am a Taurus. ☆*° ♡ °*☆ yuuto-senpai~ My Buddyflies : JordanCee Cordwoody LinkDeHero BrosAndCons MichaelB300 Thank you for 220+ followers. I have no idea why you're all here, but at least I have someone to ki-- *CHOKES ON AIR* Alter. account... 100% BenjiLettuce
Damian Dmnluna
hi my name is Damian I like Dantdm. I have minecraft pc edition.I also have a Xbox1. I love star wars. I have trials fusion. also i have sklanders imaginators. I am 14 yrs. old
ハニー miwa.mimi
Link BELL8966
hi im playing online
Mr.Puddle dateca
Welcome! I'm Daniel Matthias but you can call me Mr.Puddle! As you can tell I'm just a funky little tween who likes to RP Fav pokémon: Toucannon line Fav eeveelution: Flareon I'm a big Swimmingbird941 and SML fan Follow 4 Follow I love to read Some games I like:Pokemon,Minecraft, Zelda, Smash bros. and lots of other wierd things I enjoy memes Also ♪"I believe I can fly!♪
sorin sorincatalin
Michi MichaelGasser
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asmar asmar.valikava
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ANTHO★GEEK antho89700
Bon bah euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh... Je pleure ou pas ?... Nan parce que là c'est fini Miiverse. Donc je vous dit à tous au revoir et... Merci. Signé: Le Légendaire ANTHO★GEEK (bon j'exagère un peu là !)
jακε jake3rd
My name is jake,I'm 14 years old, and I play BBall. I love playing Basketball and watching NFL games. Favorite NFL teams:Patriots, Giants, and Steelers. Favorite NFL players: Tom Brady, Julian Edelman, Rob Gronkowski, Odell Beckham Jr and Eli Manning. Single If you don't like Tom Brady or the Patriots,just leave now. Bye.
.Firework. SpecialEffect101
Hi im Alexa this is my new cool account! i love to play Splatoon, Minecraft , and SkyLanders and ScribbleNauts Unlimited an i love having friends! please follow kaimari because he has been teaching me how to battle a lot better thank you kai!
Lucas kishibelucas
goodbye JoJo!!!
☆mishi☆ mishi245
Hi! Whats up my name is mishel but U guys can call me ☆mishi☆! i not so new on miiverse i'v had a previous profile before on my old 3DS but it broke so now i'm writing with my new 3DS! please feel free to yeah my posts and i'm open for any followers! bye for now miiverse! see you soon! #brownsquad+1
2cheeky wiimessin
hi guys! I am a very good gamer and I love sports ( especially soccer), maths and reading. a big shout out to my friends ben and jack H. with out you guys my life would suck! I am very kind too. good luck to everonre who is reading this :)
DYLAN yfjunithfhhjhdhc
whats ur fav game
COD_KING kyleswii075
Oh hello there i didnt see yall well!!! favorite games:mincraft mario cart 8 resident evil cod ghost/call of duty ghost favorite food/dessert:pizza and milkshakes and brownies All of my followers are epic and some legendary!! All my friends are cool ! and im single and happy!! my name is cole got a big brother and sister bye bye
マサイ a1234sd
atlantis atlantishester12
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!ηøødαrυ! iloveblocks
"Sometimes great things come in big packages. I arrived in a FedEx crate!" ♥Smol Bean♥ Guitarist/Singer ♡ ßφω dφωη τφ γφυr qυεεη ♡ I dare I care But if you make me mad You beware (IRL ME: 2D is my husband... I know, I'm cringey. -_- ) I will P R O T E C T Toochie! >:3
Kiki Kiki_2006_13
ich bin pummeluff
Ryan craft3ryan202
hey guys my name is Ryan Santiago I like Mario, Sonic, Pacman, Megaman, Metal Gear Solid and other games and my favorite tv shows to watch are Clarence, Dragon Ball Z Kai and Dragon Ball Super, Sonic Boom, Doraemon, Spongebob, Tom and Jerry, Yo Kai watch, and more. I hope we can be friends soon enough.
MatisH8ème DarkMatis163
Mon parcours s'arrete ici...Et maintenant ! ~C'est avec la force de croire en sois qu'on peut changé son destin...~ ~Même surclassé, il n'a pas désespére et il a cherché la victoire !~ Dédicace a mes amis, je vous ♥ tellement! Vous êtes si precieux pour moi ♥ Je reste en liste d'amis discuté pour des Horaires WiiU chat^^ Je n'a pas le droit à l'erreur... Parce que je suis... Hokage le 8 ème !
デッカード・ショウ 39mamu
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¶•Sans•¶ diegomlol
Heya I'm Sans. Welcome To My Miiverse Profile.Things I like Are Unknown Accept For Making Puns. Well Bye Cya I'll KETCHUP With You Later.