Users Kev Is Following
Dr.Eggman GiantTalkingEgg
Yo, this is Mr.Waft. I'll use this alt. whenever I'm out of posts on my main.
RE:gave up Bootwizz
And now, the end is near; And so I face the final curtain. My friend, I'll say it clear, I'll state my case, of which I'm certain. I've lived a life that's full. I've traveled each and ev'ry highway. But more, much more than this, I did it my way.
☆ E l l ☆ NarutoSeason16OP
what it do0
Groose SoupahGroose
"You lay off my do right now, or I'll flatten you. Everyone knows I've got the slickest pompadour in town." Hello, I'm Groose. You might remember me from my debut game, The Legend of Groose: The Groose is Loose. ...Or as some people call it, Skyward Sword. I've secretly been prepping the Groosenator for Grooseland(Hyrule) Warriors, but don't tell anybody. Anyways, have a good day.
Mr. Left NotMr.Right
Hey, I'm a Guy with things. I like comments, even if I don't reply 90% of the time. All of my friends deserve a better friend.
Chris SuperVegito555
Well, looks like this is goodbye. Thank you for over 1000 followers. I'd also like to thank the wonderful people I had a pleasure of knowing on this site. Miiverse may be over, but my art will live on. You can follow me on IG @supersithlorddarkknight054. I'll continue to post art on there. This is Chris, logging off. 2014-2017
"Now it won't be long; until your soul is sucked out, and your identity is gone~"
Jack DreamyBeaches
Howdy- Names Jack- just an artist, I guess.
Juniper lispenalia
if im posting here, it means im bored no dont follow i only use this account once in a billion yrs
milk yubeee
hi my name is demi, i'm 20 and from new mexico. I love to draw and one day I want to make a comic or cartoon! Some of my favorite games are mario galaxy, ocarina of time, mario sunshine, splatoon, and earthbound but my favorite is animal crossing. My smash main is villager. Lets be friends!♪ t,tw,da: milk-ghoul こんにちは私の名前はデミがあり、私は20歳です。友達になろう!♪ Let's talk before you friend request pls!
Barry poodazzar
Blue Flare SonicNextGen
Hey guys! I love sketching and playing video games. About yours truly: *Avid lover of metalcore - Girugamesh - Starset - System of a Down/Serj Tankian * Old school gamer - Sonic 3 and Knuckles - Pokemon B&W 2 - Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - Super Metroid * The Animes - Gintama - Boku no Hero Academia - FMA Brotherhood Thank you for your time. ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
JewelJess JewelJessica
Suffering is and will forever be my talent. It's JewelJess over here! I do some art and post the HIGHEST quality memes. I'm not the very best at communicating, nor have a full grasp towards myself, but I'm trying, that's why I'm sorry if I don't respond to comments sometimes! I'm a girl. She/her pronouns. I'm not a boy. Nor an it. I hope everything's ok for you. also bring Heelys back 2K16.
ヘコ=ツン whichdoll
メカクレイカちゃんを支援する会。 フレンドはお気軽に(・ω・)ヘコヘコ (・・・でもただフレンド増やしたいだけのリクはご遠慮下さい。) 一言リク理由いただけるとありがたいです 楽しく行きましょう!!
Louie HandsomeSkully80
Kyoushirou Kyoushirou
Konnichiwa~ I'am a 30 years old Japan fan! ♪ I love drawing, reading books, J-Pop/Rock, animals and games like The Legend of Zelda, Vocaloid, Tales of.., Rune Factory, AC, Hotel Dusk & Co! I'am also a big Nintendo Fan and own every console since Game Boy & SNES ongoing. Don't be afraid if you have any questions, I don't bite. I just nibbling a bit {ºwº} Sweetheart: Kev-Chan ♡ Sweety: Kasuneko ☆
VN — Lily☆ TeotheFox
キャップ cap1210
шя|Ramón RemiKz
tawhlou tawhlou
Hi! I draw cute stuff :3 Most of what's posted here is Pikmin, Zelda, Paper Mario, Megaman, Metal Gear, The Last Guardian and Pokémon. About me: I'm 21 years old, pretty chill, kinda quiet, and like animation, gardening, and cats. Currently playing: MGSV, Super Mario RPG, OFF fangames (HOME). *Have a nice day!*
Diаnе ImaginneRush19
I love anime, fighting games, anime fighting games, and Nintendo. -- * Mains * GGXrd - Millia SFV - Cammy, Alex (Ibuki hype.) Skullgirls - Cerebella Pokkén - Lucario Smash - Mewtwo, ZS Samus, Ness -- Oh, I also draw sometimes.
★ Senkai ★ Senkaii
Hiya! I'm Senkai, and welcome to my profile! I'm 20 and currently in college. I love to draw, and I love cartoons, anime, and video games! Thanks for visiting!
Ell Loliaholic
Thanks for the subpar time everyone! Twit/Tumb- DreamyBeaches Ell#7847 Insta: dreamy.beaches dA: Frick-Boy
Sketchmii sketchmii
Hello and welcome~! My name is sketchmii~ I love to draw and....... Thank you all for enjoying my art over the years and I hope to see you again soon! ⬇️ Twitter @sketchmii Goodbye! 3:11 pm 11/6/17
Zelduh tanktd
Hello. I am Zelduh, The Princess of Hi-rool. Protector of the Triforce of dank memes. insufferable weeb Please do not take everything I say or do seriously. It's what's best for all of us. thank
*ºρгiηcεςς RosieRosalina
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Pops NihilistRyu
"Yep, i've said it before and i'll say it again. Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." - Clive 2013 I ain't being rude or nothing, but my name is Pops. I've been through 'ell n' back in 'Nam. Doing this has made me the man I am now, being the strongest and wisest over the other Clives in the family and even having a beautiful wife, Daucus.
Teo MamaWhosSeenChef
It's your BOY Snackdubbbz. 19. Peruvian. Melee competitior. Furry.
‡☆°★⇔Hello, EVERYBODY!⇔★°☆‡ • I'm DJ, an artist currently in college. >Puzzles, >Action/Role Playing Games, >Action/Adventure, >Platformers, >Racing, etc. ◆★☆‡º»SONIC•THE•HEDGHOG«º‡☆★◆♪ • I'm active in the Art Academy Community.
ManderZ ManderZByteZ
→ I AM MANDERZ BYTEZ©! ← Slime covered! 28/F | Artist | 90s nicktoon | Married to superdbop♥.← wiiUversary 11/18/2012
arturoware ArturOWarE
Drawing funny faces on a 3DS for your viewing pleasure. Thanks for passing by :D
Amber Amb3rCRevenge
Hello and welcome. :3 Amber Revenge is the name Competition is my game Rosalina is my Fave so don't hate. 19 Years of living. :3 I obviously like drawing (btw Me & Glitch use the same consoles so sorry if I'm not on. On the Wii U: -Splatoon -Super Smash Bros Wii U/ 3DS -Mario Kart 8 -Bayonetta 1 & 2 -Yoshi Wooly World -Mario Party 10...I know..-_- -Super Mario 3D World
タバサ Rouesky.W
スプラトゥーンをプレイするためにwii Uを買いました。 ・・・が、近頃Miiverseに絵を投稿したり、面白い!かわいい!等 琴線に触れた投稿にそうだね!を押しまくる畑の住人と化している時間が 長くなりつつあります。 楽しめるものが増えて嬉しい限り。 不定期に繁忙期になるためIN率が落ち込んだりもするけれど、私は元気です。 そうだね!、フォロー、コメントありがとうございます。よろしくお願いします。
Seige SeigeWishMaker
Hello everyone! This page will mostly post bad art samples of: -The Legend of Zelda -Pokémon (with a preference over pokémon mystery dungeon & pokémon ranger.) I'M NOT ACCEPTING FRIEND REQUESTS UNLESS I KNOW YOU WELL ENOUGH, I hope you understand. Hope you enjoy your stay! ‹3
Kaoru ShadowHedgehog92
Hello, you can call me Kaoru. I like drawing and I'm into twins. I am currently into Ouran, Story of Seasons, and Sonic. I don't talk unless you talk to me most of the time, but my mood affects how much I want to, and I'm affected by things easily, so I apologize if I suddenly stop. Thanks for your support. ❤️♥♡♪"Let's all play the 'Which one is Hikaru' game!"♪♡♥❤️ ⚜Ouran Academy⚜
Novaya CodeGearZ
Heyo I'm NovayaCM! Its been fun hanging around, cyall elsewhere! ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ ご支援ありがとうございます!ここは楽しい