♪★Miki★♪™'s Followers
#RYDERDOG# Ryman74
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats right!!!!
Sean seancarroll10
Hello everyone my name is Sean my favourite game is Mario Maker because I love making and playing levels Top 10 wii u games 1 Mario Maker 2 Mario Kart 8 3 Mario 3D World 4 Paper Mario Color Splash 5 Smash Bros 6 Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze 7 Mario Bros u 8 Splatoon 9 Wii Party u 10 Nintendo Land
Andro andresv
Name is andre :] like anime and games, also do music on the computer and have a few instruments, mostly love to do game music. leave a tell/follow or friend request :) would love to have more friends :D
XQuackerX asthatbeenmurry
Mario Maker Addicted- 2YMM/ 1YMM Level Creator Approved by Kiavik
Cooper DJBennett1985
i am a noob at EVERYTHING
doni donato2004
trev Trevor602
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シュガー hi-san501
プロフィールです! 顔ポチ、どうもありがとうございます。 すきな人 とっきーさん!(フレンド…) 大切なフレンド*****sぴにょーるsまなつsみっくs すきなゲーム スプラトゥーン みんなから、言われること ・かわいい ・せが、高い ・字が、きれい。 ・おもしろい ・やさしい まぁありえないですよね。 うれしいこと フレンドになってくれること、しょう直にいってくれること、共感、コメントくれること。 こんな感じです。 すきなこと どくしょ、うた、ピアノ、ミュージカル ミバかれいまーす!ww 習いごと ピアノ、バレエ、ミュージカル ありがとうございました♪ せいベつ 女 あと!、スプラウデマエB-だけど、とくいさは、めっちゃうまいです!! フレあと1人~~!
MNGひろごんMNG 454855
Biochemist Biochemist7
A Pokemon, Mario and Zelda nerd
Peyton PugsleyThePug
Hey! The end of miiverse is coming. :( I love playing Mario Kart, Super Mario Maker, Splatoon, Minecart, and Geometry Dash. Level 17 In 2 Days! Part of the ςς Splatoon clan. (an honor) I'm friendly and it'll be nice to meet you! Hope everyone reading a good day!
★Miki★ yoshiistsuess
★Let´s Play★
nini shenai9
Jani Happy-Style-Jana
Hallo ich bin 11 Jahre alt und gehe in die 6.Klasse. Ich spiele gerne Wii U!
toby tobiascam2008
Martin Martin1479
Mein Lieblingsspiel ist Yoshi's Wolly World für die Wii U und ich spiele gerne Splatoon, Mario, The Legend of Zelda ect.
Manuel Mani1479
Julian Youtubebrothers
Habt viel Spass auf meinem Profil.Alle sind herzlich willkommen.
◆røi zebru SeigneurSkull
salut c est clément j'ai 11 ans je suis en 6ème j'aime les console jeux vidéo les dinosaure les animaux les véicules je voudrais avoir maximum 30 amis et objectif 480 abonnés je fait parti des teem ◆ et røi (la miene) gentil★★★★☆ méchant★★☆☆☆( sauf si on m énerve ) humour☆☆☆☆☆ pasian★★★☆☆ intelligence★★★★★ amitié★★★★☆ bizare★☆☆☆☆ drôle★☆☆☆☆ stupide★★☆☆☆ voilà vous savez tout sur moi
thomas tomliboodle1
nathaniel natrev5
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υмм★кιегдл imweirdandproud
Hey, I'm Kieran. School and homework take a lot of time. I'm in Pre-algebra so I get lots of homework. I'm not online too much anymore during the week, but weekends I still am my old self. SMM: 8K★s MK8: 5K √R
Joseph jtsmariofanblue
Hi my favorite color is blue. My favorite games are super mario, zelda, monopoly, disney, mario&sonic at the london 2012 olimpic games, and lego. My favorite sport is basketball. My favorite pet is a dog.The games I own for Wii U are Super Mario Maker, The Legend of Zelda:Wind Waker (which doesn't work), Mariokart 8, NSMBU (which also doesn't work, probably because it has a scratch),
Super Siem Woepdiedoe
Hey im back on miiverse Hey ik ben terug op miiverse Hey ich bin wieder auf miiverse
Dannyh09 dannyh09
#1 level maker in the UK in Super Mario Maker with over 375,000 stars! 2nd in Europe and 14th Worldwide! Danny Super Ultrathon Completers: Bruhhhhhh Kirby Jimmy Ruds_Labs Leith Ash K Kieran DTM Kyle Trey Tyler Duo-Face
Oachers Oachers
ich ich zocke gern minecraft
Glitch88 Mariomaker789000
Hello, I'm Glitch88! Welcome to my profile! Be my friend! I have Mario Maker, Minecraft, MK8, NSMBU+LBU and SM3DW. Well thats it for now! See ya later! P.S. Check me in SMM. Thanks :-) Also, be my friend and follow me! Thanks for Viewing! Bye!
as★bas bastiaan621970
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fox09090 trentonsmom2007
I am ultimate MLG moose milk god warrior minecraft pro
SlimeYoshi trf414
Friend NGです。ごめんなさい。 スライムヨッシーです! ピクミンとDQとFFとマリオとヨッシーが好きです! FF1~6を、2/26~4/25でクリア! <大学に受かった! > FF7を7/9~9/2でクリア! In English I am SlimeYoshi. Nice to meet you! <I'm university student!> I played FF1-6 2/26 ~ 4/25 FF7 7/9~9/2! I cleared them! I like Pikmin&Mario&Yoshi&DQ&FF very much! Please follow me!
peque juanjoseconbigot
no me gusta las vampiras :( pero en amigas si y amables :]. Ah por cierto *me gusta los trenes* R.I.P .Ok no
iBlali YT Schlappeseppl
Hallo ich heiße Max.Meine lieblings Spielarten sind Zelda,Mario,Pokemon und Mario Kart.Meine lieblings Spiele sind Ocarina of time und Mario Maker. Payback#forsundiego
CreeperG&K biquette45
JJ80 punkemon80
hello everyone! my favorite games are minecraft, pokemon xy, pokemon sun/moon, mario kart 8, gamecube mario kart, terraria, badge arcade, and more. i have 7 console's( wii u, wii, gamecube, ps3, 3ds, new 3ds, and a ds. i love video games and drawing/writing books. i only game chat with people that i know in real life - thank you followers for following me. - and thank you for liking my posts
[UT] BAFIA Bastiano13
Vive la team [UT] !!!! . Yo comment-vas tu moi ça va super . Je suis dans cette team depuis à peu près 8 mois et croyez-moi c'est la meilleur. Bref , mais meilleur(e)s sont : Alexis , et Tessa , ce sont de bons amis .Ma chaîne Youtube : SNX balfia 360 sans " l " pour pas me faire strike . Je vous laisse découvrir mais messages et peut-être je vous répondrez . Et l'amour de ma vie : Justine <3 .
Katy_cat ediberth
¡Hola!¿Has escrito ya algun mensaje sobre los juegos que has usado?Y no te olvides de seguir a otros usuarios.
δςήύόώфэжñ wrestlechamp3112
hi im derek aka tg★mario and all i want is someone to party squid with me also SKREW PEOPLE WHO KILL PARTY SQUIDS WHY DO THEY EVEN DO IT, THERE NOT KILLING YOU SO WHY SHOULD YOU KILL THEM!!!????btw im 11 but im nice friend request me if you are agenst people who kill party squids
passi p11p2l
Hi Leute ich bin der Pascal und komme aus Innsbruck möchte jemand mit mir Wii u freunde sein
leon leonwin9
Jøηαħ☆Ćςł JonahF2002
Hallo ich bin Jonah und bin 14 Jahre alt. Am liebsten mag ich Jump'n Run's aber auch RPG's und Shooter. Ich gucke viel YouTube (Domtendo ftw!) und immoment spiele ich Splatoon, Mario Maker und Mario Kart 8!
jade nikole2006
Hi if you need a new friend my name is Jade Ferguson P.S. Any friends are exepted unless not mature and appropriate. Thank you
hello its me sonic don't call me on wii u chat do not go further >o< STOP IT if u reading this GO AWAY u won't listen ok you asked for it go down and get your word prize for you : get dunked on
******* shahzebzelda1441
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♥Hey guys, nice to meet you! My real name is Max and I'm 14 years old; my favourite games are Sup...
♥Hey guys, nice to meet you! My real name is Max and I'm 14 years old; my favourite games are Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8; I'm happy about new friends but write a reason, why I should be your friend, otherwise the request won't be accept. I like playing levels from everyone; I hope you'll like my lvls. At least, have fun with my levels at Super Mario Maker!!!♥
See you, my friends, your ★...