I have finally developed a steady hand for Art Academy: Sketchpad! I have saved incomplete artwork that I am continuously adding on to daily. I might post one of my drawings here on miiverse depending
Youtuber11's Post

Hello, everybody! I am just about to go to school for pictures and educational standards, but anyway, Next year, textbooks will cost a lot of money, and I will be the one who wont eat for a month. :U

The year of Luigi is almost over, so lets enjoy as much of it as we can! I am surely enjoying the last parts of the year of Luigi much because of this great Miiverse community! Good luck, everyone!

Hello, everybody! Today is picture day at my school, and I am excited for them, because l do not want to look like bigfoot again, like I did in my last picture, but I wasnt as hairy, only my hairpiece

Hello, everybody, thats all of me for tonight, but be sure to check out my posts! I work hard on them, also I will increase my posting rate tomorrow after school! Good night, everyone, and sleep tight

Hello everybody! I have to give an important announcement to the people who search on my posts: I will draw more pictures to entertain you more, instead of just informative posts that have five lines!

Hello! I will increase my posting rate by tomorrow after school. I will post on all of my free time and will be on the lookout for yeahs, comments, followers, and friend requests! I will see you later
Hello, Everyone! My name is Jesse Strobel, And I spend most of my time posting informational thou...
Hello, Everyone! My name is Jesse Strobel, And I spend most of my time posting informational thoughts and facts. I animate films, And I read the information in the Developers Room, which is the basic source of all of my posts. I wish that I will be healthy growing up, still being a child in all, but I have a certain maturity, and I will deal with problems with an appropriate action. Happy Day!