milk's Friends
Juniper lispenalia
if im posting here, it means im bored no dont follow i only use this account once in a billion yrs
ユカベ(°ε°) ue_rrd
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Blooper SBGBlooper
aku shanghaibrute
heh im steve
Beanie ★ totalcrybaby
★ bean/usa/team marie ★ hi im bean and i rlly love earthbound, yugioh, sonic the hedgehog, and fire emblem plus like, every anime ever. send pics of yugi muto. my hobby is smelling the candles at stores. hmu sometime, im always down to play splatoon or something!!! :+) ★ my smash mains are lucas, ness, kirby, dedede, and peach!
Juno StrawberryPanda2
Spookykenz kenziedrawsstuf2
Kenziedrawsstuff Kenziedrawsstuff kenziedrawsstuff kenziedrawsstuff kenziedrawsstuff kenziedrawsstuff idk maybe kenziedrawsstuff
fattyghoul osmosisdrones
Line• Lilialex0209
¤ Line ¤ 15 y.o ¤ French / Vietnamese ¤ Geek / Otaku ¤ Can speak a bit english ♥ Drawing, gaming, japanese stuff, oreo ♥ Pokemon, Zelda, Splatoon, Undertale ♥ #A/E/E/A/W/M/T/C ♪ Nightcore / Dubstep × No request plz √ Accept oc art trades • I.n/st@ :line002009 • Dis.c/0rd :Line#8869
co sho428
Alan Pikamaster135
Lucille crystalcluster
active. please call me ¤ as i do not want to give out current info to escape my mind and problems. i wont be here much longer as im selling my wii u. add me if u wanna talk.
Dimitri dimitreeaboo
hey I'm Dimitri, 😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜
sayonara Petey-Chuu
Disclaimer: Don't use this thing anymore, or the wiiu. If you see me online, that's my lil brother. Lol, peace out~☆ Thanks for all the memorable memories, I guess. :') See ya.
Summer-Tea GirlyGamersrock
Hi there! I'm Taylor! I absolutely love drawing its more of hobby though. I also listen to music on my free time. Every ,"yeah" and "follow" is appreciated Also thank-you for visting! Note: I DON'T accept empty friend request { No Wii U chat } Bye-bye!! Remember life doesn't wait......
Brent shachou-san2
My name is Brent. I'm 19. Thank you for following me and yeahing my posts. English/Japanese is fine. ブレントと言います。 19歳です。 フォロー・共感してくれてありがとうございます。 タメ口でいいんです。 英語・日本語OKです。 よろしくお願いします!
X-Mas★wøιf ap2266
hola a todos¡
まこと gajyumaro426
Lii Liibra_Otaku
"much love, peace and chicken grease"
yo, avery, 16. i don't bite, just don't bite me first please. I draw (poorly) when i'm not busy... But i'm busy a lot. However, thanks so much for the kindness everyone ♡ I'm really into smash (Falco main, and Peach, Bowser, Mewtwo) If we're mutuals feel free to friend request me! have a nice day if you add me on miitomo be aware i'm super vulgar and have poor taste lmao
Alex_LX GreenPrinceRukio
Currently: Offline I try to come on Miiverse a lot, but I really don't have the time anymore. If you follow me and would like to see more of my work, then hit up the notifications. Miiverse is reaching the expiration date, so chat with me while you can. “I use tw and da!” - Alex_LX
Justïn Gecko321
Heyo, Justin here. I'm just a guy working hard to becoming a great artist at some point in my life. Hope you enjoy my drawings and whatnot~ WiiU get- 3/5/14 3DS get- 6/15/16 Thanks Miiverse, it's been a wild ride :) Find me tumbling around a place called Melonhut Goodbye, and thank you... -Justin
niknac layloo90
s. lee slobbo
Jacob MediocrityMogul
Waluigi Enthusiast. Me and my gf @yubeee share this profile our Favorite games are Smash Bros for Wii U, Splatoon, Nintendoland, and Mario Kart 8 My Smash Mains are Pac Man, ROB, and Rosalina
Gord MasterPineapples
~Kitten~ JennyGamerGirlX
~Thanks for checking out my page feel free to follow:)~ Im a young adult and ♀ I love RPG and Horror games: Zelda, Resident evil, Pokemon, Splatoon, Fallout, Final Fantasy, Mario the list goes on from there:T I love to draw:) Rules ~No Drama! ~I dont do Wii Chat ~I dont take blank friend request ~>\\w\\< Kitten~
milkshake milkshaken
you may call me misha/mistake/milkshake/milk/mikhail i was born in trinidad and tobago
Martin MartinIsAwesomeR
Hoi, everyone! I'm Martin, I'm from the UK, and I make T-Shirt designs based on video games! I love games of all different genres, but I especially love Zelda and anything by WayForward - especially Mighy Switch Force! Thanks for dropping by and I hope you enjoy my drawings! ~Martin (Sorry, but I don't accept Friend Requests from people I barely know.)
かき 1221_A
大乱闘が大好きです。 おきらく乱闘時代からよくこもって戦ってました。タイマンとかやらないので動きボロボロですがガンガン攻めていきます。
はひふへほ gingake
FΔΒΓΙΖΙΘ™ 2172012
Welcome to my profile <(^o^<) ⇒17 years old ⇒Lima City ⇒Gamer since i have memory ⇒Overwatch player ⇒I like rock and electro music ⇒My favorite sport is football ⇒I speak Spanish and some English ✓ I belong to a local clan called Hylian Koopas, a group that was created to have fun and play videogames with friends, if you are interested, write me in the comments ;)
jab justintime34
hi my name is demi, i'm 20 and from new mexico. I love to draw and one day I want to make a comic...
hi my name is demi, i'm 20 and from new mexico. I love to draw and one day I want to make a comic or cartoon! Some of my favorite games are mario galaxy, ocarina of time, mario sunshine, splatoon, and earthbound but my favorite is animal crossing. My smash main is villager.
Lets be friends!♪
t,tw,da: milk-ghoul
Let's talk before you friend request pls!