Users Marcelo Is Following
DLX-Junior D-Warrior
~ D-Player ~ ¤Playing on Nintendo Switch Hello, I'm an ordinary player who likes videogames, chat, draw, and help. *The 'DLX' is for [D-E-L-U-X-E] in honor to the Nintendo Switch Join Miiverse: December 2012 Favorite Series: The Legend of Zelda Playing now: Super Mario Odyssey Arms Puyo Puyo Tetris The Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Happy to help, Greetings! _^o^/
Nene nenejuice
ψTaylor mariosonicrules
I'm Taylor, i'm 23 years old, and I love to draw! And I'm Friends with everyone! No Wii U Chats please. :) If I not comment to you, it's because My 30 comment limits are up for today. So I'll comment you back when I can. And I don't accept friend requestes, if I know you well, I only accept requests from my Friends. I don't take drawing requests either. And please no spam "First" comments
Lau jedbag93
♪☆Karkki☆♪ Dontmebro
I only Wii U chat with those I know. Learning German ----------------------------------------------- Ich nur Wii U chat mit den menschen ich kenne. Ich lerne deutsch. Wishlist/Wunschzettel: √ Super Smash Bros √ Hyrule Warriors √ Splatoon √ Mario Kart 8 √ New Super Mario Bros U √ New Super Luigi U √ Deus Ex √ Xenoblade √ Twilight Princess HD [] Bayonetta
Nene cool-beans7
гзď GermanSenpai
Ladies & Gentleman Hello and welcome to my account My name is Turner i like games im a fun guy NO WII U CHAT!!!! yeah but thus I love you guys! Online ¬˛¬▲ offline▼ im currently online for now
K4OS_Ender Mr.enderman
ronald triplededge
age: 19 Salutations everyone, I'm a longtime cartoon/game fan crash, spyro, megaman, and sonic are my fav characters ever. Drawing is my hobby. I also enjoy watching cartoons and playing platformers, 3d and 2d. dream for the future: majoring in game designing, I'll be soon working with double fine when I graduate. (No Friend Requests!)
T-man Guuppp
いぬまる norainu-hakase
Sorry everybody. I don't use this Mii. I will deleat my posts someday. I use こりんく(umbreon-shinx). Thank you.
kjrte12 keisy0104
hi ppl im a big fan of mario kart my sister and brother are two fan mario kart to need a bf
aikam aikammand
What's going on Y'all? I'm Jayson I'm 17 :P Nerd/Gamer ? Comedian ? Writer ✏️ Basketball Player ? DJ Soon To Be Independent Hip-Hop Artist/Actor Personality: Kind, Caring, Helpful, & At Times I Could Be Quiet & Shy I Tend To Think About Random Things That Normal People Don't Think About. Feel Free To Talk, Follow Or Friend Me Best Friends: Briana, Erick, Aaliyah
Mia Bugrug
Welcome to my gross cringe land. This account mainly has post that are old n gr0ss. I advise you ignore all of it.
Devon Bondedrobin
Don't you dare call me a sjw.
Martijn mreuvers
Official Two Tribes account. Codemonkey and co-founder of Two Tribes
Kyogoku NintendoKyogoku
任天堂の京極あや(きょうごく あや)です。 『どうぶつの森 ハッピーホームデザイナー』プロデューサー、『とびだせ どうぶつの森』『どうぶつの森 こもれび広場』のディレクターです。 Hi, I'm Aya Kyogoku from Nintendo, producer of Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer and director of Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Animal Crossing Plaza.
Aonuma NintendoAonuma
任天堂の青沼 英二(あおぬま えいじ)です。 「ゼルダの伝説」シリーズのプロデューサーです。 Eiji Aonuma, Producer of The Legend of Zelda games, Nintendo
Tezuka NintendoTezukaA
I'm Takashi Tezuka from Nintendo, producer for the New Super Mario Bros. series.
Tom NintendoTom
Hi I'm Tom from Nintendo! Whenever there's anything new happening to Miiverse, I'll be posting about it on Miiverse Announcements. I'll also be sharing tips and other Nintendo news that (hopefully) matters to you. I'll occasionally be popping up in other communities, so keep an eye out for me!
Sakurai SakuraiMasahiroA
Hi, I'm the director of Super Smash Bros., Masahiro Sakurai of Sora. I'm working on the latest Super Smash Bros. game for the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS. *Our staff is translating my posts.
Bri BriProv
мσяяιġαη SkuIl.Candy.Blop
☆■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■☆ ■■■■☆☆☆■■■☆☆☆■■■■ ■■■■☆■☆■■■☆■☆■■■■ ■■■■☆☆☆■■■☆☆☆■■■■ ■■■■■■■■☆■■■■■■■■ ■■■☆■■■■■■■■■☆■■■ ■■■☆☆■☆☆■☆☆■☆☆■■■ ☆■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■☆ ■☆☆■☆■■■☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆☆☆■■■■ ■☆☆■☆■☆☆☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆■ ■■■■☆■■☆☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆■ ■☆☆■☆■☆☆☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆■ ■☆☆■☆■■■☆■■■■☆■■■■☆■■■■ ■■■■☆■■■■☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆■☆■■■ ■☆☆☆☆■☆☆■☆■☆☆☆☆■■☆☆☆■☆☆ ■■■☆☆■☆☆■☆■☆☆☆☆■■☆☆☆■■■ ■☆☆☆☆■☆☆■☆■☆☆☆☆■☆■☆☆☆☆■ ■☆☆☆☆■■■■☆■■■■☆■☆☆■☆■■■
Sarena poptarts01
Sarena.♀ Anime, Legend of zelda, Vocaloid
Orion fatrosie
Hello.I am Orion.I am named after the Orion from Greek myth. My favorite game is Pikmin 3 and Earthbound. I also play Nintendoland,Wii Party U,ect. Every month I try to do Nintend Quiz on the SSB4 Community. Please follow me and my friends! I'm on my Wii U often. I will also give out tips on games I play to my followers. Thx for reading, have a nice day/night! :D P.S. Don't question my NNID Name
Jose josezuniga555555
Spica TrishMia
[loud cackling] Hei, I'm Pitte'. Currently I'm on of my Miis, Spica. I named him after the star. Look it up. I know he looks female, but nah. Maybe I'll change him later. Note: My gender is FEMALE. However, Most of my Miis are male, and I roleplay both genders. Also, send me a friend request with "Smash with me?" and I'll surely reply! Danke~!
Megan Zelda190199
Hey, the name's Megan! I am absolutaly obsessed with Zelda! I have my own Twilight Princess Zelda cosplay and I've been playing ever since my mom first showed me these amazing games. Ocarina of Time is the game I grew up playing and have beat it over 17 times. I luv to draw many pictures of my favorite Zelda Characters, and love the HD remake of Wind waker. Zelda is my favorite vg franchise!!!
Lexa ponymon123
I love Anime˛Kpop˛and of course Gaming. My favorite color is pink I main Dark Pit. met GOT7 July 1st & saw them live january 27 :')) Saw SHINee July 31st »fav kpop groups - SHINee, GOT7, BTS , EXO, Astro, seventeen«
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§ħαďε Shade-Mii
мσяяιġαη Skull.Candy.BIop
☆■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■☆ ■■■■☆☆☆■■■☆☆☆■■■■ ■■■■☆■☆■■■☆■☆■■■■ ■■■■☆☆☆■■■☆☆☆■■■■ ■■■■■■■■☆■■■■■■■■ ■■■☆■■■■■■■■■☆■■■ ■■■☆☆■☆☆■☆☆■☆☆■■■ ☆■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■☆ ■☆☆■☆■■■☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆☆☆■■■■ ■☆☆■☆■☆☆☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆■ ■■■■☆■■☆☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆■ ■☆☆■☆■☆☆☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆■ ■☆☆■☆■■■☆■■■■☆■■■■☆■■■■ ■■■■☆■■■■☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆■☆■■■ ■☆☆☆☆■☆☆■☆■☆☆☆☆■■☆☆☆■☆☆ ■■■☆☆■☆☆■☆■☆☆☆☆■■☆☆☆■■■ ■☆☆☆☆■☆☆■☆■☆☆☆☆■☆■☆☆☆☆■ ■☆☆☆☆■■■■☆■■■■☆■☆☆■☆■■■
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Mel MelanieR
lemmy irule45
i hate milk... I love video games i wont be on miiverse alot because i already have an Xbox 360 i have xbox live. Message me and i will message you back.My name is lemmy koopa Gotta roll
Jools RenegadeJools
Creator of Mutant Mudds, Xeodrifter, and Chicken Wiggle. 🐣 Hi, my name is Jools. Nice to meet you!
Dylan DylanTG
Hi im Dylan and i have a Dog named Cole and i ♥ him. -Game info ● I have a 3DS ● I have a Wii U dυн ιει -Me! Like Pizza Like Games Like Soda Like More Pizza and Soda Redskins! My Dog! And my family! ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▓▒▒▓▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▓▒▒▓▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒ ▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
david p901903
Just your average gamer so dont expect me to have super high K/D ratios every game or do trick shots
Tim XGamer7777
Hello! I'm a big fan of Japanese games and anime. The first game I played was Super Mario World, back in 1999. In 2003 I got a Gamecube and I've been a Nintendo fan ever since. My favourite video game is Xenoblade. I speak English, Dutch, German, and a little bit of Japanese. I only use this username as my Nintendo Network ID, so if you see this username somewhere else it's not me.
Mike MikeMatei
Enjoy the drawings and thanks for following!
Miyamoto ShigeruMiyamoto
任天堂のゲームプロデューサー。 工業デザイナーとして1977年に任天堂に入社。 1980年にドンキーコングを作って以来、マリオやゼルダのシリーズ、ピクミンやWii Fitなどを制作してきた。 Game producer at Nintendo. Began his career at Nintendo in 1977 as an industrial designer. Ever since making Donkey Kong in 1980, he created making titles such as Mario and The Legend of Zelda series, Pikmin and Wii Fit.