cooljeanius’s avatarcooljeanius’s Twitter Archive

75,119 tweets


  1. So @NHkaren will be at the Concord City Democrats meeting tomorrow evening! #NHPolitics
  2. This frivolous lawsuit should be thrown out with all due haste. Scraping public data is essential for preservation of web content; the Internet Archive relies upon it, as do alternate (and better) Twitter interfaces such as Nitter: @verge/1679591961009745921
  3. Impressive that @KeeneState_ was able to pull off this rankings achievement despite Republicans in state government chronically underfunding them!
  4. Updates on Concord City Dems events for the latter half of September:
  5. Oh hey my Mastodon instance has an option to generate invite links now:
  6. Someone remind me how long the "Download an archive of your data" tool in Settings usually takes to run for an account of my size? Wondering how soon before the 9/29 TOS change would be the optimal time to request mine again... (I last downloaded a copy previously last November)
  7. If Republicans are truly as concerned about decorum as they say they are, they should take this offer: @sahilkapur/1704517120548090363
  8. In not-so-related news, @AgricultureNH is making "Big E" tickets available to members of the NH House: @wbz/1704496911930061159
  9. I keep needing to remind myself that this is the attitude I'd decided I'd have about people learning how big the NH House is: @cooljeanius/1638708117327298560
  10. Reminder that I'm on BlueSky and Mastodon
  11. Hearing to reconsider Andy Sanborn’s approval to build a new casino in Concord postponed | by @jamiecostaCM for @ConMonitorNews #NHPolitics
  12. Merrimack County Delegation voting to approve a contract for workers at our county nursing home today #NHPolitics
  13. Update: I'm finally getting to the point in my backlog where I can start following the other legislators from here: @cooljeanius/1691952005571285466
  14. ...likewise with words appearing in the "What's happening" sidebar, too: @cooljeanius/1580068233155342337


  1. …in reply to @jonathanvswan
    @jonathanvswan I mean... Florida did have to put out a notice reminding people not to shoot a hurricane with their guns once, so he's just representing his voters
  2. If you are a Democrat running for NH State Rep, post your @actblue link in the replies and I will amplify! Since I’m running unopposed and not fundraising for myself this year, I’m focusing on helping other people’s races instead. #NHPolitics
  3. …in reply to @justinamash
    @justinamash Which is why we need to #ImpeachBarr besides just impeaching Trump
  4. This is 111.7 Fahrenheit, for fellow Americans: @spectatorindex/1144582857693650944
  5. Going to do a thread naming all the NH Legislators on this list, along with the number of far-right groups they’re listed as being in: #NHPolitics
  6. …in reply to @Styve1
    @Styve1 @peterdaou @LindseyBoylan Nadler is chair of the Judiciary Committee which oversees impeachments; he absolutely has the power to approve an impeachment inquiry himself, but he hasn't yet, despite the majority of Dems on his committee supporting one

I’ve retweeted other tweets 34,989 times (46.6%)

Most Retweeted

  1. cooljeanius 637 retweets
  2. cooljeaniusbot 221 retweets
  3. KlandriganUL 166 retweets
  4. HeerJeet 161 retweets
  5. WMUR9 149 retweets
  6. mcbyrne 122 retweets
  7. rosemarierung 103 retweets
  8. MattGrossmann 99 retweets
  9. RoKhanna 96 retweets
  10. JdmMeuse 92 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. cooljeanius 50 retweets
  2. sgwr1 13 retweets
  3. jdcmedlock 10 retweets
  4. brandonjlemay 10 retweets
  5. LauraTelerski 9 retweets
  6. SenDavidWatters 8 retweets
  7. KlandriganUL 8 retweets
  8. manamikiyota 7 retweets
  9. TimothyHorrigan 6 retweets
  10. cannafeminist 6 retweets

Replies and Mentions

42.7% of my tweets are replies (×32,106)

Most Replies To

  1. CJluvsMJ27 156 replies
  2. realDonaldTrump 138 replies
  3. MoreAndAgain 134 replies
  4. cooljeaniusbot 105 replies
  5. frostnhstaterep 93 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. JonDArsen 63 replies
  2. Mariotag1 40 replies
  3. CJluvsMJ27 21 replies
  4. MissingLynx 15 replies
  5. KlandriganUL 10 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 74 times (0.1%)

95.0% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (10,968 of 11,548)

98.6% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (886 of 899)

Top Domains

  1. 7202 tweets
  2. 342 tweets
  3. 237 tweets
  4. 107 tweets
  5. 106 tweets
  6. 93 tweets
  7. 86 tweets
  8. 80 tweets
  9. 78 tweets
  10. 72 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. 6331 tweets
  2. 866 tweets
  3. 258 tweets
  4. 235 tweets
  5. 106 tweets
  6. 93 tweets
  7. 86 tweets
  8. 85 tweets
  9. 79 tweets
  10. 74 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 3,706 retweets and ❤️ 51,328 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 🙄 used 17 times on 9 tweets
  2. 👀 used 9 times on 9 tweets
  3. ™ used 5 times on 5 tweets
  4. 💦 used 5 times on 1 tweets
  5. 🔥 used 3 times on 1 tweets

19 unique emoji on 40 tweets (0.1% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. nhpolitics used 1105 times
  2. nintendoswitch used 838 times
  3. fitn used 308 times on 306 tweets
  4. acnh used 250 times
  5. animalcrossing used 245 times

7,612 hashtags on 7,571 tweets (18.9% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. f_ck used 112 times on 89 tweets
  2. b_llshit used 46 times
  3. s_it used 42 times on 41 tweets
  4. d_ck used 26 times on 18 tweets
  5. f_cking used 22 times on 21 tweets

404 swear words on 366 tweets (0.9% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets