cooljeanius’s avatarcooljeanius’s Twitter Archive—№ 14,847

  1. …in reply to @undefined
    @jk062687 @BarbL219 @kyledcheney If you remove the Russia-related stuff from this list there's still plenty left:
    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
      @jk062687 @BarbL219 @kyledcheney - insurance fraud with the valuation of his Queens golf course that AOC pointed out during the Cohen hearing - tax evasion - emoluments clause violations - international human rights law violations (concentration camps)
      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
        @jk062687 @BarbL219 @kyledcheney - aiding/abetting conspiracy to cover up Khashoggi's murder - Hatch Act violations - campaign finance violations - Presidential Records Act violations - violating the EEOC's antidiscrimination rules:
        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
          @jk062687 @BarbL219 @kyledcheney Adding the #ReasonsToImpeach hashtag so I can find my way back to this thread more easily later