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        1. I need to update my hypothetical #RCV ballot for the primaries...
      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
      Right, new one: Support: Tied for 1st (can't decide): Booker, Sanders, Warren, & Yang Oppose: 5. Buttigieg 6. Castro 7. Williamson 8. Gabbard 9. Harris 10. Bullock 11. Bennet 12. Messam 13. Patrick 14. Sestak 15. Klobuchar 16. Delaney 17. Biden 18. Bloomberg 19. Steyer
  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
    (higher up is better, lower down is worse)
    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
      Updated since Bloomberg & Messam didn't make the NH ballot: Support: Tied for 1st: Booker, Sanders, Warren, & Yang Oppose: 5. Buttigieg 6. Castro 7. Williamson 8. Gabbard 9. Harris 10. Bullock 11. Bennet 12. Patrick 13. Sestak 14. Klobuchar 15. Delaney 16. Biden 17. Steyer #RCV
      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
        Nov. debate #RCV ballot update: Support: Tied for 1st (can't decide): Booker, Buttigieg, Sanders, Warren, & Yang Oppose: 6. Castro 7. Harris 8. Klobuchar 9. Williamson 10. Bullock 11. Bennet 12. Gabbard 13. Patrick 14. Sestak 15. Delaney 16. Biden 17. Steyer
        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
          Fine, moving Pete back down again: Support: Tied for 1st (can't decide): Booker, Sanders, Warren, & Yang Oppose: 5. Castro 6. Harris 7. Buttigieg 8. Klobuchar 9. Williamson 10. Bullock 11. Bennet 12. Gabbard 13. Patrick 14. Sestak 15. Delaney 16. Biden 17. Steyer
          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
            Now that Bullock has dropped out: Support: Tied for 1st (can't decide): Booker, Sanders, Warren, & Yang Neutral: 5. Castro 6. Harris 7. Buttigieg 8. Klobuchar 9. Williamson Oppose: 10. Bennet 11. Gabbard 12. Patrick 13. Sestak 14. Delaney 15. Biden 16. Steyer #RCV
            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
              Apparently Sestak is out, too, so now it's: Support: Tied for 1st (can't decide): Booker, Sanders, Warren, & Yang Neutral: 5. Castro 6. Harris 7. Buttigieg 8. Klobuchar 9. Williamson Oppose: 10. Bennet 11. Gabbard 12. Patrick 13. Delaney 14. Biden 15. Steyer #RCV
              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                Dang, 3 drop-outs in 3 days; now that Kamala Harris is out, it's: Support: Tied for 1st (can't decide): Booker, Sanders, Warren, & Yang Neutral: 5. Castro 6. Buttigieg 7. Klobuchar 8. Williamson Oppose: 9. Bennet 10. Gabbard 11. Patrick 12. Delaney 13. Biden 14. Steyer #RCV
                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                  Actually, at least until Dec. 12th, let's make it the following: Support: Tied for 1st: Booker, Castro, & Yang Tied for 4th: Sanders & Warren Oppose: 6. Buttigieg 7. Klobuchar 8. Williamson 9. Bennet 10. Gabbard 11. Patrick 12. Delaney 13. Biden Strongly Oppose: 14. Steyer #RCV
                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                    Update to my hypothetical #RCV ballot now that Castro has dropped out: Support: Tied for 1st (can't decide): Booker, Sanders, Warren, & Yang Oppose: 5. Buttigieg 6. Klobuchar 7. Williamson 8. Bennet 9. Gabbard 10. Patrick 11. Delaney 12. Biden Strongly Oppose: 13. Steyer
                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                      Since M.W. laid off her staff today; looks like I need another #RCV ballot update to drop her several places: Support: Tied for 1st: Booker, Sanders, Warren, & Yang Oppose: 5. Buttigieg 6. Klobuchar 7. Bennet 8. Gabbard 9. Patrick 10. Delaney 11. Biden 12. Williamson 13. Steyer
                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                        Now that Marianne Williamson has dropped out completely: Support: Tied for 1st: Booker, Sanders, Warren, & Yang Oppose: 5. Klobuchar 6. Buttigieg 7. Bennet 8. Gabbard 9. Patrick 10. Biden 11. Delaney 12. Steyer #RCV
                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                          Well, Booker being out means I have less of a tie for 1st on my hypothetical #RCV ballot now: Support: Tied for 1st: Sanders, Warren, & Yang Oppose: 4. Bennet 5. Patrick 6. Gabbard 7. Buttigieg 8. Klobuchar 9. Biden 10. Delaney 11. Steyer
                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                            eh, fuck it, time to make a decision and stop leaving first place as a tie on my hypothetical #RCV ballot: Support: 1. Sanders 2. Warren 3. Yang Oppose: 4. Bennet 5. Patrick 6. Gabbard 7. Buttigieg 8. Klobuchar 9. Biden 10. Delaney 11. Steyer
                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                              Now that Delaney is out, new hypothetical #RCV ballot: Support: 1. Sanders 2. Warren 3. Yang Oppose: 4. Bennet 5. Patrick 6. Gabbard 7. Biden 8. Buttigieg 9. Klobuchar 10. Steyer
                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                Some post-debate reordering of my hypothetical #RCV ballot: Support: 1. Bernie Sanders 2. Liz Warren 3. Andrew Yang Oppose: 4. Deval Patrick 5. Tom Steyer 6. Amy Klobuchar 7. Joe Biden 8. Michael Bennet 9. Tulsi Gabbard 10. Pete Buttigieg #DemDebate #Democrats2020