cooljeanius’s avatarcooljeanius’s Twitter Archive—№ 24,559

      1. …in reply to @BruceRex3
        @BruceRex3 @deeterking @ScottAdamsSays @blegge65 @tap_1_0 @WIRED The NH Legislature is huge, especially in proportion to our population. There are plenty of other weirdos with questionable mental health in it already, I'd just be being open about it. Often times people win their seats solely by being the only name on the ballot.
    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
      @BruceRex3 @deeterking @ScottAdamsSays @blegge65 @tap_1_0 @WIRED As for actually serving after being elected, the State House is right down the street from me, so travel wouldn't be an issue like it is for some other jobs that I can't get to.
  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
    @BruceRex3 @deeterking @ScottAdamsSays @blegge65 @tap_1_0 @WIRED And the legislature already has a huge attendance problem as it is, so even if I miss a few sessions due to mental health days, I'd still probably have a better attendance record than many other legislators.