With candidates dropping like flies, I'm reminded that I was going to do a thread on #CandidateSupporterDemonyms, you know, the cutesy nicknames campaigns make for themselves, like #BernieBros, #KHive, #LizLads, #YangGang, #Gravelanche, etc.
Anyways, since those previous ones are the only ones I can recall having seen previously, all the ones from here on out are "new" ones my family and I came up with ourselves (if someone else came up with them independently, well, that'd be without my knowledge)
New #CandidateSupporterDemonyms 2: The "Cory Corps" cc @CoryForNH #CoryCorps
New #CandidateSupporterDemonyms 3: "Amy's Army" cc @TeamAmyNH #AmysArmy