cooljeanius’s avatarcooljeanius’s Twitter Archive—№ 28,623

          1. I'm heading out to my local #DemDebate watch party at @RedRiverMovies now; won't be tweeting until I get back... #FITN
        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
          k I'm back; time for a #DemDebate #democraticdebate reaction thread: 1. Amy Klobuchar : Pete Buttigieg :: Chris Christie : Marco Rubio (in terms of debate roles they took on) 2. Steyer said the word "reparations" so I'm moving him up several slots on my hypothetical #RCV ballot
      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
        3. The Bloomberg question from @AppleNews was irrelevant; he isn't even on the ballot here 4. @MonicaWMUR and @AdamSextonWMUR asked very good questions; they should've been given more time to ask things instead of just leaving everything to the national @ABC people #DemDebate
    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
      5. I was surprised to see so much talk about race at this NH debate given how white we are; not quite sure if it was more overcompensation (i.e. "See white people care about issues facing other races too!") or if it was people already looking ahead to South Carolina… #DemDebate
  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
    Anyways I thought it was a very good debate overall; the candidates did a good job displaying party unity when moderators were unnecessarily divisive, while still drawing the necessary contrasts between themselves to make it an actual debate. #DemDebate #DemocraticDebate #FITN