I'll be checking the @nhpr/@AP results page: nhprdigital.org/electionresults A thread of results for names of people I recognize who look like they're doing well starts here
.@TimJosephsonNH looks like he's doing well!
Congrats @ConnieLane4NH!!!
Time for a @KrisSchultzNH party!
.@katbeep on path to re-election:
.@frostnhstaterep stays a state rep!
.@SenDavidWatters is leading that guy who tried friending everyone on Facebook:
Looks like @SenCavanaugh is running ahead of what I remember his previous margins being, but then again it's still early:
.@LouDallesandro will probably get to keep his title of "State Senator For Life":
.@TeamRebeccaNH is ahead now! I think she was still behind before my last refresh:
Still room for fluctuation in @TomShermanNH's race, but this lead is encouraging:
This multi-member district is very close, but it looks like @nhrepPorter could keep her seat:
Congrats @Iz_Piedra!
.@JackieCinMHT is winning!
I'm going to stop now because I'm hearing some very different results in some chats from what's showing here; don't want to jinx it