.@thegameawards reaction thread starts here
apparently they've already handed out an award? They need to stop this whole "revealing awards during the pre-show" thing; some of us actually schedule our plans based on what the stated start times for things are
Remember "Lost in Shadow" for Wii? "Shady Part of Me" reminds me of that
First win for #ACNH of the night! Nice!
Myst remake! I wonder if it'll still be possible to skip straight to the end with the right combo of marker switches being flipped
"Last Surprise" live; nice
Put Nier on Switch you cowards
ok this virtual band premiering here is kinda cringe
blah, eSports awards, yawn... don't care...
TAke a look, y'all: IMG_4346.jpeg
Smash newcomer trailer... Sephiroth? Meh... if they HAD to give us another FF character, couldn't it at least been from an entry that wasn't already represented?
Oh well, cool CGI at least, tho
Oh hey a new Perfect Dark... I wish MS had let Rare put the original on Nintendo's N64 Virtual Console on Wii
Back4Blood... so this is a new Left4Dead? Meh, I'm not too much of a gory zombie game fan, but cool news for those that are
this "gameplay" stream is still a video; don't call it "gameplay" unless it's live
Enough with the über-violence type games; I just want to see cute animals chilling out and being buds
booooo BOTWII didn't get "Most Anticipated Game" like it should've
Put Disco Elysium on Switch you cowards
My brother might like this Overcooked! announcement.
Yay Mario music performance!
why is Vin Diesel fighting dinosaurs?
that looked like Gormott from Xenoblade 2 at the end of that Ark 2 trailer
Switch's battery is dying; time to switch which device I'm watching on
Congrats on #AmongUs on its "Best Multiplayer Game" win; there was some tough competition in that category this year!
New Ghosts & Goblins; oldschool retro gamers who like punishing difficulty should like this
I should get Hades
why are they going so quickly thru this set of categories?!
Someone needs to do a comparison showing how much time exactly is spent on trailers vs. how much time is spent on the actual awards
Don't present an award if you're not willing to let the winners do an acceptance speech for it
So... Genshin Impact is still coming to Switch, right? I didn't see its logo at the end of that trailer...
Congrats to TLOU2 on its Innovation in Accessibility award; glad to see this category exists.
new Monster Hunter Rise trailer; it looks cool
oh no they let the guy who stole Weird Al's girlfriend on stage
uh wtf was this last ad
I think that "Keanu doesn't age" meme has ended now
lol that transition to Animal Crossing in this music performance... they're still going with the "epic" feel of the other games despite it being Animal Crossing, lol...
congrats TLOU2; time for me to close up.