All that heat being generated is being wasted, as it is just escaping out the open doors. Also they are still getting a speaker set up in here, so I can't hear any of the announcements yet. #nhpolitics
Oh, and I don't see any electrical outlets here, so if I stop tweeting, it's because I can't plug in a charger anywhere. #nhpolitics
Update: the speaker they've put in the bus appears to be working now. We're still waiting on members to finish arriving before we can actually start, though. #nhpolitics
Even though the speaker is now working, it's still kinda hard to hear it over the futilely blasting heaters... I'll have to get up and stand right by it... #nhpolitics
Some people are having trouble with their clickers, apparently; this is what they look like. The URL printed on it is meridiaars.com/ for reference. #nhpolitics
This choice of a rabbi to lead the opening prayer seems like a direct rebuke to Dawn Johnson's anti-semitism. #nhpolitics
Just cast my ballot for Renny Cushing for speaker! #nhpolitics
...and there's the "Low Power Mode" notification from my phone; looks like it's time to put it away... See you all on the other side! #nhpolitics
ok I made it home safely