Inspired by @Safigirl17's recent poll, I'm doing a thread of squirrel pics for everything from family Sciuridae that has pictures on Wikipedia
Tribe Sciurini is up next; there's a lot of those so I'll save those for later
(Eastern gray squirrels are really common and are the type of squirrel that most people think of as "gray squirrels" so I'll skip them, since people can already see them easily elsewhere)
(Eurasian red squirrels are also really common and are the type of squirrel that most people think of as "red squirrels" so I'll skip them for the same reason as I skipped gray squirrels)
Japanese squirrel (ニホンリス) (also @InokashiraZoo posts pictures of these pretty often so feel free to follow them for more)
(taking another break now)
I kinda wanna continue this thread now, but don't really want to distract from inauguration too much, tho...
ok I guess now should be an ok time; let's take a break from the genus Sciurus and move over to the tribe Xerini
Next up is the genus Funambulus
I'll be back to genus Sciurus after a break
(that's all for tonight)
…so, it looks like I accidentally skipped over the genus Tamiasciurus… I'm realizing that what I said above about Eurasian red squirrels was incorrect bc I hadn't seen where American red squirrels fell yet. Anyway I'm skipping American red squirrels, too, bc of their commonness
over to the sun squirrels now
(I think that that's all I'll do for tonight)
oh huh, looks like it's #SquirrelAppreciationDay today apparently; maybe I should do a few more after all...
never mind
(so, the Palawan flying squirrel prompts me to do this note: I'm only doing photos of squirrels that look clearly alive to me; ones that look taxidermied don't count)
(taking a break again)
next up are the marmots; there are a lot of them so I'll put them off until later
(groundhogs/woodchucks/whistlepigs/"Marmota monax" are really common and there are too many pictures of them to choose from, so I'll skip them)
(that's it for genus Marmota; next up is the Spermophilus genus of ground squirrels... after a break.)
Next up are the prairie dogs... which, for some reason, my Dad hates, despite liking other ground squirrels...
(the black-tailed prairie dog is really common and has too many pictures to choose from, so I'll skip them)
...and I think that'll be all for tonight.
Wish I could be continuing this thread for Groundhog Day, but as my computer is having issues due to the update to Big Sur, I might not be able to...
ok now that I got my Big Sur update issues worked out, I think I can continue this thread…
ok that’s it for the ground squirrels; onto the chipmunks next
ok that should be enough for now; I think I missed some squirrels from callosciurinae previously so I’ll be back to that later…
ok that’s probably enough for now; will do the more-speciated genera of the callosciurinae family later…
Next up is genus sundasciurus
…and… I think that’s it! Photo credits are all on Wikipedia / Wikimedia Commons.
(some of the pictures ended up mistakenly branched into sub-threads; this one is the actual end, though)
another mistaken branching of the thread; main branch of it continues here: @cooljeanius/1352407522888581121
I accidentally branched this thread; if you’re getting here and thinking it looks like the end, it actually isn’t; other branch continues here: @cooljeanius/1352135133101514752