This is starting in a bit; I’ll be doing a livetweet thread starting here. @EmergeAmerica/1420451522467540993
I have made a list of the accounts of featured speakers here: twitter.com/i/lists/1420469606762913797?s=20
good grief this @Hopin site requires a lot of javascript in order to run
yeah @AbdulElSayed is always good to hear from!
nice to get a chance to meet @derekkitchen at this! Onto the breakout sessions; I’m choosing the “green buildings” one with @c_r_spears of @Climate_AF, @AlexRamel of @standearth, and @RepDuerr
Dang it must be nice to live in a blue state like Washington State where you can actually pass progressive policy (New Hampshire is occasionally blue, but in a more volatile fashion, with a bunch of moderates)
Seismic retrofitting! Glad we don’t really have to worry about that in NH… although, then again, if it’s an excuse to rebuild buildings in a manner that improves them in other ways, too, maybe it’s actually good that they have to worry about that?
there’s hashtags for this event apparently: #StatehouseSummit #StatehouseFutures
(oops, just the latter apparently, not the former)
right, speaking of local planning, I just remembered I was going to try to get appointed to my local planning board… hey @jpbmayor I hear there’s a vacancy?
So yeah I know incrementalism can be controversial but I actually agree with @RepDuerr that it can be good; the key is that you have to just never let up with it rather than letting yourself get satisfied with the increments you’ve achieved.
I think one of the reasons a lot of people distrust incrementalism is that many politicians use it as cover for refusing to push for more. It doesn’t have to be used that way, though, you can use incrementalism as a pathway to actually get to your bigger/bolder goals eventually
ok so I’m back from a break and onto the “Social Housing” session with @taraghuveer of @KCTenants, @DelegateStewart, @saoirsegowan of @mdc_dsa, and @alex_lee
I’ve wanted to do a tenant organizing bill of my own here in NH to give tenants’ unions some official protections; hopefully there are some ideas I can steal here!
A #HomesGuarantee would be good!
sounds like people are attempting to draw a distinction between #SocialHousing and currently-existing public housing… as I already live in public housing, I’m ok w/it as it is… like, yeah, I have my complaints with my apartment, but those just require some tweaks, not a rebrand
but, then again, if doing an entire rebrand would work better and help get those tweaks enacted, then fine, let’s do the entire rebrand. #SocialHousing it is then!
Next is the “Public Banks” session with @AmaraEnyia of the @Mvmnt4BlkLives, @zhanglider, and @rch371
so… does JP Morgan Chase not actually have a Twitter account? Guess they must want to avoid everyone on this site yelling at them all the time, lol (JP Morgan Chase sucks)
Paul Hodes had a proposal for public banking in his campaign last year; I hope @BeckyWhitleyNH picks it up for him…
.@rontkim is a panelist in this segment, too, but he’s experiencing technical difficulties, and so is joining by phone
yeah @rch371 brought up North Dakota’s bank; that’s the same one Paul Hodes was basing his proposal on
States CAN create public banks, so let’s do it!
Next session is the “Progressive Caucuses and Political Coops” with @Cynthia_Mendes_ a.k.a. @RISenMendes, @WillGuzzardi, and @Fiedler4Philly… will be listening for lessons for the @ProgressivesNH!
Political cooperatives are nonprofit corporations that… ok she’s going kinda fast here; I’ll have to rewatch this part (the part about how they’re legally structured)
so yeah the Progressive Caucus in Illinois sounds a lot more organized than the one we have here in NH’s legislature; I blame the pandemic for killing our organizing…
sounds like there’s some differences between how some of the featured states (RI/IL/PA) do things… and that’s ok! Different states have different needs.
Next session is “Building Economic Liberation, Yes, in a Generation” with @TaifaButler of @Demos_Org and @SolanaRice of @LiberationIn (Generation).
“Liberation” is in contrast to our current oppression-based and exploitation-based economy
“Liberation” = power + participation for people who have traditionally been excluded/marginalized
I wish New Hampshire were more diverse
anyways we’re closing up now
hey wait I think I just heard @tonylabranche’s name mentioned
ok it’s over; time to go lie down
oh wait, before I do, I'd just like to take a moment to appreciate the sheer number of fonts that the @NCSLorg managed to squeeze onto the cover of their magazine that came for me today