It’s videoconference season; this one starts tonight and is also tomorrow: @Blaine_Volpe/1420846961188646916
unlike with last night’s event, I don’t think I’m going to bother compiling my own #TwitterList of people’s handles for this one…
.@layla_says greeting us now
OK so the #2021FutureSummit today and tomorrow is apparently a bipartisan one, whereas the #StatehouseFutures one yesterday was more progressives-specific
I might not make it through this one; if I have to be respectful to Republicans despite all the evil they do, oppression they’re responsible for, and harm that they cause, well, that’s a rule I’ll have a hard time following.
When the party lines are literally between good and evil as they currently are, engaging across those lines only serves to ruin people’s moral clarity by introducing the confusion of relativism. Both sides are NOT equivalent.
On the contrary, Democrats winning their policy proposals do in fact make the nation as a whole win, and Republicans winning their policy proposals do in fact make the nation as a whole lose. So yes, winning does actually matter.
The only place for this whole “better arguments” thing is for where the sides are like, 2 separate DSA caucuses, not our present parties
We’re not just throwing around ideas in the abstract here; ideas have consequences. As Carl von Clausewitz said, ”War is the continuation of politics by other means.” The state has a monopoly of violence, & by enacting state policy, we’re choosing who gets violence enacted on ‘em
So of COURSE arguments are going to be contentious. It’d be disconnected from reality if they weren’t, and we should stop trying to pretend otherwise.
ok so that’s it for today; I’ll do a new thread for tomorrow