cooljeanius’s avatarcooljeanius’s Twitter Archive—№ 52,959

                                                                                                  1. Skipping the Corbyn/Roussef speeches this morning; I need the time to get ready for the debate blocks...
                                                                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                  ok back into Zoom again… #DSACon21
                                                                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                Voting to limit debate due to how behind schedule we are
                                                                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                              so yup motion to limit debate passes
                                                                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                            Sometimes these closed captions can be fun… “Megan swap it out”
                                                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                          Now considering: NPC4-R4, which there’s a motion to indefinitely postpone on…
                                                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                        NPC4-R4 is a recommendation on Chapter Affiliation Agreements
                                                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                      I’m so lost re: this debate
                                                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                    Was torn on this vote because on the 1 hand I don’t want to reward people making useless time-suck procedural motions, but OTOH I did actually want to indefinitely postpone, so…
                                                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                  Motion to indefinitely postpone fails; back to NPC4-R4 on its substance…
                                                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                I could be playing video games now, if it weren’t for this convention… actually maybe I’ll try multitasking…
                                                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                              FINALLY done with NPC4-R4; onto NPC5-R5, on grievance policy updates
                                                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                            I think I might need to fall back asleep; didn’t get enough sleep last night…
                                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                          …did I just hear that we’re done with NPC recommendations? Phew!
                                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                        Now being discussed: CB4, on candidate membership for the NPC
                                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                      lol someone just used the term “bikeshedding”
                                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                    oh wait this is actually CB3, not CB4
                                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                  onto CB6, which would create a national organizing committee
                                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                my chapter seems to be pretty strongly against this, so I guess I’ll join them in voting no…
                                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                              …although maybe the amendments to it improve it?
                                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                            ok so I guess it’s yes on the amendments, and then wait to see how those results turn out before deciding how to vote on CB6 as a whole…
                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                          Amendments to CB6 pass, now considering it as amended…
                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                        yeah there’s a good point about there not being enough people to fill this proposed new committee
                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                      CB6 fails; break time now
                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                    ok back from break; onto CB7, to make sure STV is always used as the election method for leadership elections
                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                  I like STV, but there’s some decent arguments about local control to be made against this change… Arrow’s Theorem shows how there’s no perfect RCV-counting method, so I can get how some chapters might want to choose different methods…
                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                yeah sorry to the questioner who asked for this to be explained in simpler terms; unfortunately it is in fact pretty complicated… there are multiple college-level semesters worth of info here that one can spend studying…
                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                              motion to divide fails… if it had succeeded, I could have had an easier decision by just splitting my vote and giving a “yes” to one and a “no” to the other, but now I have to actually decide… oh well, let’s just go with “yes”.
                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                            CB7 vote is over; onto considering the DSA Platform as a whole
                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                          Of course, there are amendments to it: first is Platform Amendment 2, on Green New Deal amendment text.
                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                        Next: Platform Amendment 1, on internationalism
                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                      good point about Rojava; that convinced me to vote “no” on this amendment
                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                    next: Platform Amendment 6, on amending the Economic Justice plank
                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                  Public Banking was brought up in one of the summits I was at the previous week, too; it’s good, so that has me feeling supportive of this amendment
                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                Time for debate on the platform as a whole now; we won’t be voting on it until later, though…
                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                              oh wait I guess we might be voting on it now after all?
                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                            ok I’m voting yes on the platform as a whole
                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                          onto general resolutions again… considering R5, on labor power, now. I’m leaning to support this.
                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                        unsure about this amendment to R5, though…
                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                      ok some good points have been made against this amendment to R5; I’m leaning to oppose it (the amendment) now (I still support R5 overall either way though)
                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                    Amendment 2 to R5 fails; good.
                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                  R5 passes on acclamation; yay!
              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                Next up is R8, “Towards a Mass Party in the United States”
            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
              Yeah, I’m opposing this; Dems could use some improvements, sure, but I don’t think we need an entirely new party to replace them.
          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
            …except this person speaking against it is ALSO being anti-Dems? Which way do I vote to be pro-Dems?
        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
          I guess, even if someone else is voting “no” for the opposite reason as me (i.e., they think it doesn’t go far enough, while I think it goes too far), the default position it falls back to if it fails wouldn’t necessarily be theirs, it’d just be the status quo, so I’m still “no”.
      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
        ok so after reading the actual resolution text, it doesn’t seem too bad after all, as it’d still allow me to run as a Dem; the two amendments would take that away, though, so I oppose them.
    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
      so I guess this means how I vote on this resolution will depend on whether the amendments pass or not, now.
  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
    ok back from break now
    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
      I disagree with this speaker who said the Democratic Party can’t be reformed
      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
        Bernie Sanders won MY state’s Dem primary twice, so you can’t say Dems here are opposed to him.
        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
          Vote NO on R8A5. #DSACon2021
          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
            OK good R8A5 failed; I still have a chance for voting for the resolution as a whole, then (only if R8A6 fails as well)
            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
              Vote NO on R8A6. #DSACon2021
              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                ok good R8A6 fails, too, I guess that means I can vote YES on R8 as a whole, after all, since both of the amendments failed.
                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                  taking another break now
                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                    Returning for the NPC elections now… I found the candidate info compendium too overwhelming and haven’t managed to read it; I might just abstain from this part if I still can’t decide after this hour.
                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                      First up is Karra Hall, who was removed from the ballot previously, but we voted to put back on the ballot
                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                        Kara Hall seems fine; if this were an approval ballot, she’d go in my “approve” column
                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                          Next is Sofia Guimarães Cutler of Newark, NJ and the Bread & Roses caucus.
                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                            These speeches are kinda quick; I won’t really have much time to say much about the candidates besides their names and where they’re from.
                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                              oh hey Jose Alejandro de La Luz, I think I heard of him from the Bernie campaign
                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                next is Austin Gonzalez of Virginia
                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                  oh this guy is a pro-Venezuela guy; I’m not ranking him
                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                    Next is Jen McKinney of Eugene, Oregon
                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                      ok I have no objections to her; so far my ballot is: 1. JAdLL 2. Kara Hall 3. Jen McKinney
                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                        Now speaking is Laura Gabby; she has a pretty good story of her union work that she’s giving now.
                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                          wait you can rank people as tied with one another? She just said to rank Sofia ahead of her?
                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                            Oh, Sofia already spoke and I forgot to rank her… oops.
                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                              Kevin Richardson speaking now
                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                Next is Gilma Bagga of Louisville, KY and the Bread & Roses caucus
                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                  he seems fine; I’ll rank him
                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                    now speaking is Joshua Rusinov, also of North New Jersey like someone else was…
                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                      oh hey @kksteffany is running; I recognize her
                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                        ok she gets my number 2 slot
                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                          Now speaking is Maikiko James; I think she spoke in a previous debate block, too…
                                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                            ok she seems fine; I’ll rank her
                                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                              Matt Miller of Boston is speaking now; he’s uncaucused. I might just rank him highly out of New England bias.
                                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                Now speaking is Desiree Joy Frias, running as an independent candidate.
                                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                  she gets points for mentioning working on disability stuff
                                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                    now speaking is Sabrina Chan of Chicago, running on the Socialist Majority slate
                                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                      Socialist Majority slate candidates seem good in general
                                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                        now speaking is Jennifer Bolen… and she’s done already
                                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                          Now speaking is Justin Charles, who has been chairing previous sessions. He’s done a good job so far; I’m fine with him.
                                                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                            Now speaking is Sydney Ghazarian, whose focus is ecosocialism and Green New Deal stuff.
                                                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                              Now speaking: Gustavo Gordillo of New York, running on the Green New Deal slate.
                                                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                Now speaking: Ashik Siddique
                                                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                  Now speaking: Aaron Warner
                                                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                    OK time to actually make the decisions now
                                                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                      This is how my ballot is looking so far; I generally liked the @DSASocMaj candidates. I’ll give it until this section closes at 10 before submitting. #DSACon2021
                                                                                      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
                                                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                        oops I meant until 9, not until 10 there… anyways, I’ve submitted now… one day left! I’ll do a new thread tomorrow.