OK, so I overslept and missed the start of today’s #DSACon21 debate block; I’ve joined it now, though…
Under discussion is R30… I haven’t heard the entire debate here, so I’ll probably just abstain…
actually I guess I’ll vote YES
breaking already… I guess it’s only “already” because I was late, though
K we’re back; discussing R1, on defense of immigrants and refugees, now. I’m inclined to support it.
I just voted for R1. While results are tabulating we’re moving on to R29, on stipends for NPC Steering Committee members.
R29 seems reasonable enough; I’m leaning to support it.
R1 passed; good. Next up is R38, “A Socialist Horizon”. This is a “kick the Dems out” resolution that I strongly oppose. If this passes, I am quitting DSA.
oh actually wait, these are criteria for national endorsements only, so I guess I wouldn’t be forced out after all, since I only ever got the endorsement of my local chapter. I still oppose the resolution overall though.
Agreed with Sean Duffy about R38 tying hands too much
oh hey @cmkshama is a delegate here; I love her but I strongly disagree with her on this resolution
Bran A-B is making some good points!
While we’re voting on the amendment to R38, we got the results back for R29: it passed.
Amendment to R38 fails; back to debate on the base resolution. I still oppose it even without the amendment.
Yeah good points about @CoriBush by Mike Nachbar!
Vote NO on R38. #DSACon21
Next up is R18, making the International Committee an elected body. I’m open to this.
oh there’s an amendment to it
amendment passes by acclamation, back to debating the base R18
While we’re voting on R18, results for R38 came back: it failed. Good! I can stay in DSA, then.
Now discussing R26, which has a long title. Something something organizing…
R26 seems relatively inoffensive; I guess I’ll support it.
Voting against the amendment to it, though… (and it doesn’t look like we’ll have time to get to anything else)
ok so debate sessions are finally done… Phew!
switching over to a separate Zoom for the closing speech from Astra Taylor now
Actually it doesn’t seem to be starting, and I’m hungry, so I’m going to go get groceries instead. Guess this means I’m done with the convention now.